In the very near future, Bossy has the chance to slip away for a couple of nights in order to stay in a hotel room in a big city. By herself. Bossy refers to this upcoming trip, courtesy of her friends at Sheraton, as Girl Night Out.
Bossy knows what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: Lucky Bossy! Bossy also knows the other thing you’re thinking: Poor Bossy!
The fact is, many people find it unnerving to partake in activities such as dining out alone, and would rather go on vacation with some sort of companionship. Bossy is delighted to challenge herself in this way, but she needs your help.
What sort of things should Bossy try to do?
Of course a great meal or two should be on the list.
And maybe an art museum?
Or perhaps a show?
What do you think, council? What’s the first thing you would do if faced with a few days alone?
I live alone and one recent day I got sucked into a marathon of White Collar and only left the couch to walk the dog so he wouldn’t pee on me so I might not be the right person to answer this. I love a show. I think date night for yourself, cocktails, show, late dinner, luxurious hotel room. That’s fun, right? I would love that, with or without company.
Go see THE movie you’ve been wanting to see, but that no one will go with you to, eat your own popcorn, drink your own drink. Then, when the movie is over, sneak into another one. I’m boring like that.
If given the opportunity to be in a big city, alone, carefree, with nothing pressing to do … I would sleep!
A movie, a live show, a spa, a sidewalk cafe, park my ass on a blanket in a sunny park with a good book while simultaneously people watch, browse Tiffany’s and Pottery Barn, and then end the day with a fruity martini in a swank bar.
Walk, walk, walk. Then sleep. Have fun!
Depends on the purpose of the GNO
If it’s a therapeutic get-a-way … you know what to do.
If it’s a freebie just because … well have fun … how about:
Dress in “character” *your choice* and put your new character in different situations .. with photos of course …
i.e.up at the bar … out at the pool … lost on the street … in a boutique … you get it, lol
Oh the future blog fodder! It could be fun!
Ummm…I have two young kids, a cop hubby who works nights and am currently pursuing my Master’s and trying to find a job. I would SLEEP, take long hot baths, SLEEP, read a book that wasn’t school or child-related, SLEEP, eat lots of ice cream that I didn’t have to share or hide from the kids, oh, and SLEEP!
I would go to a museum alone. I’ve done it once before, and it’s nice to be able to go along at your own pace, and weave in and out of people with no difficulty (I went on the last day of a Mucha exhibit and it was crowded). Eating alone is always fine, tho I take a book, so maybe that’s cheating. Go. Do. Whatever you want to do without having to take other people into consideration!
Check into your hotel room and comb through the hotel provided brochures. I always jump at the chance to vacation by myself. Go to that lovely/weird/just looks kind of interesting spot to eat. Go get your culture and see that museum or production! Treat yourself to lovely drinks at a bar somewhere and play the phone number game (how many can I get). Half the fun is the loose plan you put together when you get there–the rest is wandering about adding to it and tossing things from it as you see fit. By yourself means your whims rule the day!
Have fun, Bossy!! You ARE damn lucky!
First you go to this FB page to see if there are any bizarre places near or in your Big City that should be seen. Obscure is awesome.!/roadsideamerica Aside from that, I like to find a local independent bookstore in new places, check out local authors. I also have no problem eating alone, and usually ask around for suggestions of great local not chain places.
I used to travel for business a lot, so I am an expert at travling alone. Bring a book to dinner to dine alone at a great restaurant. Go see all local attractions: museums, art galleries. Go for a walk in a park or along a river or rent a bike and bike on a local trail. It can be a lot of fun to travel alone. You can also do some spa time.
…I spend a lot of time alone, I’m an introvert. Yeah, I said it.:o) If just given time where something isn’t needing to be done and finances aren’t an issue, I like to tour historic homes, visit art museums, go for a drive in the country, hit the antique shops, see a movie; that sort of thing. I’m really rather boring…*sigh*giggle*shrug* ;o)
…Either way, do what you wanna do Miss Bossy. Whatever makes your skirt fly up or cranks your tractor…seriously. But whatever you do please take your camera so you can share your exploits with your Council. Peeps. Us. Thank you. ;o)
…Oh and btw, I’d list that abstract there of yours up there on Etsy…quite awesome! :o)
Sleep, sleep, sleep, bakery, sleep.
Rinse, repeat.
My husband was always going to conferences, so I’d have days in cities like San Francisco and Seattle. Shop, dine at cool places, museum afternoons and maybe some kind of quirky little tour that takes you off the beaten path. (PS always eat the the bar, all the fun people eat there and bartenders will usually throw in a cocktail or two on the house)
Bossy is such a social creature. Me, not so much. Dining out solo I like the eat at the bar advice for you as #14 says. I love hitting movies, shows, and museums alone. Concierge with hotel is usually good for ideas too.
I’m a read a book and watch a movie kind of gal. Spent a whole week mostly within confines of a Fairfield Inn during our horrendous ice storm/power outage a couple of winters ago. Had books, magazines, tv, and laptop with mediocre wifi. Days went by okay until I could dig my own car out and plan small escapes.
Enjoy yourself, Bossy, and report back to us.
Food, movie or play, antiquing, more food, nap. Big City? Go to a corner bistro where they are playing some finger snapping/toe tapping live music and dress interestingly.
Lots of great suggestions already. Is there a beach (take subway to Rockaway)? I would want to take the longest shower possible, if the hotel has a great shower. I would turn into a prune and drown in there. Then use up all the body lotion. Also explore ethnic neighborhoods & their grocery stores. And sleep, sweet sleep. Go out for a great breakfast. Have a great time! p.j.
Yep depending on the weather in my vacation spot I would find a cute local bar with a patio and spend a lot of time drinking, noshing and reading book after book after book. Then I would shop. THen I would nap, then eat again. And read more. ad infinitum
Take yourself on a photo safari. It’s a great way to explore a new place, and I know how you love to take pictures of nooks, crannies, and whatnot. I’d skip the tourist spots (which I assume are in every big city) and go to the neighborhoods and “ordinary” places.
I do this often (as often as I can get away with it). My getaway cities are Nashville and NYC (and I used to like to go to Chapel Hill).
My only tangible advice would be to do something that to not do something as passive as watch a movie (in public or in private). You can do that anywhere. I like to move around in places that are a little abuzz.
If I have friends in the area, I plan a couple meet-ups. But preserve plenty of alone time.
I like to sleep late, read the paper over coffee, and then face the day. Walk around, take in a museum or exhibit, have lunch in some insouciant cafe, and crash for a nap.
In the evening I load up on caffeine, and go hear music. If you’re going to NYC, you can hit the Lower East Side and drop in on Rockwood Music Hall, The Living Room or a couple other places in a few-block radius. You can hear live acts, changing every hour, from 6pm to 2am if you want.
(And if you’re in NYC on a Saturday night, I have a special recommendation for you…..)
Great suggestions all, but I vote with #4. Especially a good book at an outdoor establishment with something alcoholic and a good meal. (the book is just in case the people watching fails)
I would go see 2 movies, because that feels decadent.I love seeing movies by myself so I’m not forced to discuss them, which i feel ruins the romance. I would also go sit in a bookstore for hours with a coffee, and page through art books and expensive foreign magazines.
In February I took the opportunity to go to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame–me, myself and I had blast.
Yeah! All of these are good. How fun to have an alone adventure to look forward to. Just so you never forget it, you could also streak through the streets yelling, “Bossy’s #1!”
Get a mani/pedi, blow out, buy a whole new outfit in a whole new look – or at least some new accesories.
Also get a few candles, bubble bath/products. snacks and stuff like that to make the hotel room feel cozy. Then hit the town-for a late lunch/early dinner. Then take a long walk.
Since I had my first child, every six months or so I have a night alone at a hotel. This is very important to my sanity. I always leave the hotel wishing I had just 24 more hours. Is that selfish??
Room service and movies, or dinner out with a friend. Lots of wine.
A few hookers and some blow. That should do the trick.
Although the hookers and Blow sound tempting. I think I’d like to find a nice quiet “vegan” restaurant and taste their signature dish.
I’m in with the museum crowd. I like being able to see them at my own pace without worrying if anyone else is bored.
Outdoor cafe with a cool drink and a book also sounds good.
Check out this website to look up a running map in your GNO big city.
Other than that all the above suggestions look great. Just don’t do anything “touristy”. (unless you’ve never been to this big city)
Celebrate! Sounds like bliss. I love to travel and go places by myself. No one else to be considerate of or worry about–I can focus on me and what I want to do. What to do? Whatever the city offers that looks interesting. Avoid the stuff you can do at home–what’s the point of going somewhere new if you do the same old stuff? I always try to find the offbeat and unusual.
My few days alone would include coffee, sidewalks, books, cocktails, architecture, little restaurants, a camera, the local paper and plenty of unstructured time.
My first day alone in a long time was this Monday. And I spent it watching crappy TV. Don’t be like me. Go see a play or listen to live jazz in a small, unknown bar. Don’t waste it!
People watch.
(Where people = boyfriends.)
And report back to the council. With photos, please.
Thank you.
I would have an extremely hard time vacationing by myself but if I had to do it, I would love to do some local historical sightseeing and end it with a good restaurant.
Long walk, tall iced coffee, long hot bath, repeat.
Museums,a movie,eat at the bar of a great restaurant—-and,definitely,some jazz
Vegan schmegan, go with the hookers and blow.
I used to travel a lot – too damned much, actually – and while I didn’t have many days off on the road, I had enough to offer advice.
Sleep in, room service breakfast, museum, movie you haven’t been able to get to see, dinner at the bar or in a really nice restaurant, good book in the room with room service snacks.
Books…a shopping bag full, in a place that’s interesting & different, but no TOO interesting, so as not to distract. Think Thoreau’s cabin.
I get on my motorcycle and just ride, but I’m guessing that might not be an option for you.
The coolest part about being alone is not having to negotiate with another person where you go/what you see/how long you stay, so make the most of it! Go to the Museum of Curiously Tiny Dolls, or the store that sells nothing but Russian nesting dolls, or other weird, offbeat activity that you normally can’t get away with when in the company of others!
My daughter is traveling to Vegas, for a nursing contract. Driving from Fl. Stopping in New Orleans (she graduated from Tulane). On to Dallas. Next Santa Fe. She went on Priceline and booked fab hotels for dirt cheap. Never stayed in a hotel alone before. So loving it! The king sized beds with the pillow tops and great sheets. Room service and exploring.Boss, I say do whatever you feel like doing!
Sorry, dropped the Y, Bossy!
I spend depressingly large amounts of my time alone, so I’d recommend you do something you wouldn’t normally do with other people – visit something tacky that appeals to you but not your friends, go see a movie you want to see but your friends would hate, whatever floats your boat!
I spent a week in Amsterdam when I was in my 20s – I didn’t see the hookers or “coffee shops” (I’m so dull) but on one day I visited the Jewish flea market, Anne Frank’s house and saw “Schindler’s List” (it had just come out – this was a long time ago and I am old) in a fabulously over-the-top cinema (cired a lot that day), I also went to Indonesian restaurants, the Van Gogh museum and many other things. I had a blast! I thoroughly enjoyed my week alone in NYC too (Brighton Beach! The Cloisters! MOMA!), and Lisbon… Have fun!
depends on the destination really. near water – easy: book, sunscreen, bathing suit and ask a local where the best place to get seafood is. big city: museums, park bench, find a local and ask where the best place to hear some music is and find the best restaurant with a happening bar to eat dinner and people watch. so where are we going?
go nuts, get crazy, but first purchase a stun gun that could knock a sasquatch down. Then invite a stranger to accompany you to a place you would have no problem juicing the person up with 15,000 volts at high amperage. Antagonize him til he says something off color then zap him.
If you can, get a picture. I’ve heard the good stun guns will turn fingernails black and blue and I’ve always wanted to know whether or not it’s really true. With my plan, you won’t be alone, it will be safe for you to have company, some stranger who probably deserves the possible coronary for past wrongs will finally have his personal scales of justice balanced AND I’ll know if some idiot was just running his mouth talking a bunch of BS.
I like to get the feel of a city, to walk around with my camera and a notepad (yes, I use paper), capturing images, poems that drift thru my head, snippets of conversation. I also tend to go where the tourists are not. To eat where the locals eat. To avoid shopping districts. Which might be more interesting in Bangkok than in Paducah. If it’s a place with a good literary culture, I try to find at least one used book store and prowl thru it. New Orleans was great for all of the above BTW.
Or, Bossy could just say the hell with it and get a tattoo.
When left to my own devices, I sleep.
A lot.
Stay in the nicest place you can afford. Enjoy the bathroom with long baths/showers, whatever you fancy most. Sleeping in.. Googling all the sorts of activities/shops/attractions you enjoy most. Seeking them out.
Eating great food! No one to bicker with about what kind of place, you choose.
NOT cooking, cleaning, or worrying about ANYONE but yourself!
(Jealous as hell. Has only been 3 weeks but I wanna ‘nother solo vacation dammit!)
My husband once took the kids and left me alone for a week. I visited my home town, had a clean house for a week with NO effort, exercised whenever I wanted for as long as I wanted, hiked without anyone whining that they were tired, and ate reasonable sized meals and was not tempted while on a very effective diet. It was bliss. I lost 2 lbs that week.
Depending on the city, I would probably consider walking and walking and walking, until I found a nice place to eat, or shop, or browse. I would chat up baristas and give big tips. I would curl up in a coffee house and drink my beverage and read a book.
Can I come too?
Had this experience in Newport RI. Found that I had changed little since my prekids days. Toured the mansions, walked the beach, had a lovely meal, went back to hotel, had a massive bubble bath, watched a corny weepy movie with white wine.
Must do again.
Hard to give specific advice, since I don’t know where you’re going, but do something that YOU enjoy!!!! Have fun!!!
I like to find an usual tour. I did a ghost tour in New Orleans, a Vampire tour in San Francisco, etc. My favorite part of being alone is that I can stay in the tub until I’m all pruney and no one is talkingto me through th door. And at least one room service breakfast is a requirement.
People watch and window shop. Maybe buy some art.
Coffee and chocolate… or chocolate coffee… consumed over a good book in a swanky coffee house, before (and after) a show, a nap in the park, a museum and a very fine dinner at the bar with an expensive cocktail
Bring some bossy books — a few page-turners, but not too heavy. Also, take a journal or just a pad of paper to jot down some bossy observations. Pack you smile because if you use it, others will gravitate toward bossy and she will make some new b-pals. I would absolutely talk to bossy if she were sitting next to me on an airplane or in a restaurant. Go bossy, to. Watch bossy make new friends in interesting places!
Have a spa day!
Sleep late. Take as long as you want to get ready and/or lounge around in a bathrobe all morning. Use as many towels as possible for the shower/bath and enjoy the fact that you don’t have to pick them up or wash them. Room service breakfast or find a great local diner/cafe and have some pancakes as big as your head. Spa time. Book store. Great restaurants (I call this “taking myself out to eat”). Museums. Shopping. Walk around somewhere beautiful like a special park, public garden, beach, waterfront. Take lots of photos. Take lots of naps. Relax. Sounds like utter bliss. Enjoy yourself!