These bracelets. Bossy always wears a bunch of stuff on her right wrist, but the other day she decided she would give her arm a rest for the summer, so she peeled her usual bracelets away. Approximately fifteen minutes later Bossy spied this grouping of bracelets in Claire’s for just a few bucks and, yeah, so much for giving the arm a rest from ornament!
Fun! My favorite daughter has had a similar set for a few years. I love the look, yet I can’t stand to wear more than my watch and a single silver bangle (is that term still used?) on my right arm. Even the bracelet sometimes has to go when I am at work. Enjoy the gorgeous weather and your beautiful companion, p.j.
Those are cute!
I thought the preview pic was cherry tomatoes.
Cute bracelets. I haven’t worn bracelets and years, but after seeing those I might start.
I thought this was going to be your daughters wrist. Cute braclettes, my 14 year ols would love them.
I so enjoy the disoriented misperceptions I have from these photos of favorite things! Like Tina above, I thought the beads were cherry tomates! On a camping skewer! or something.