These boots. Bossy fell in love with them this past week during the family’s annual outing in Burlington Vermont.
They’re Vintage Shoe Company brand, and when you try them on, which Bossy did on two different occasions, they already feel as though you had them on your feet while you pioneered all of the Great Plains.
But Bossy didn’t buy them, which she takes as some sort of sign that she’s growing up. (Okay, maybe she did buy them. But she returned them the next morning!)
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe…….
Buy them again!
Buy them again for real.
I love those boots.
I’m not loving them (sorry #2 and #3) so I’m glad you returned them. They were probably hugely overpriced too! Good job Bossy.
I agree with heidig on the return. You still have those Frye boots from a couple of years ago, don’t you? Those I covet.
Do a realistic count of boots you have and make an informed decision based on your current circumstances at home(s).
Didn’t you need them for your visit with the Pioneer Woman?
Wait a minute… Aren’t those on your mom’s porch?