Bossy’s Favorite Things August 3, 2011 This photo Bossy’s son took of himself and the Delightful One on the car ferry from Vermont to New York state. Not the least of which because Bossy’s son used the stretched arm technique to capture it. Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Bossy’s Favorite ThingsNext Post: » Bossy’s Favorite Things
mandible says August 3, 2011 at 11:27 pm Awwww, my son is turning into a teenager in a month, and this is sweet forshadowing Reply
Scottsdale Girl says August 5, 2011 at 11:26 am That smile of hers looks like love wrapped in happy. Truly delightful Reply
The Rookery Clan says August 5, 2011 at 9:50 pm Turn that boat around and come to Maine..we miss you both and it is our turn! Reply
Birdbrain says August 6, 2011 at 2:32 pm Like mother like son, obviously there’s a genetic component to the stretched arm technique. Reply
Carroll says August 6, 2011 at 11:19 pm I’m sure I speak for all of Bossy’s Posse in saying how glad I am that The Delightful One is still in the picture (in this case, literally Seems like that’s a pretty durable relationship! Reply
Susan says August 9, 2011 at 10:43 pm I’m not a fan of the stretched arm photo, however this one’s OK. Reply
He learned from the best!
Awwww, my son is turning into a teenager in a month, and this is sweet forshadowing
I love them.
Matt looks so in love.
And so does Bridget.
Awww – love this!
So—-any plans???????????
Great picture. They are so adorable.
That smile of hers looks like love wrapped in happy. Truly delightful
Turn that boat around and come to Maine..we miss you both and it is our turn!
Like mother like son, obviously there’s a genetic component to the stretched arm technique.
I’m sure I speak for all of Bossy’s Posse in saying how glad I am that The Delightful One is still in the picture (in this case, literally
Seems like that’s a pretty durable relationship!
I’m not a fan of the stretched arm photo, however this one’s OK.