That is one MIGHTY big P!! I think I would keep an eye on Bossy’s daughter – she has excellent taste, but she is much too young to be scoping out baseball players.
i am willing to give bossy’s daughter any and all right to mr. utley if she’s willing to give me sole custody of one shane victorino. it’s, um, for my daughter.
I loves me some Phillies; never got over liking them despite leaving that area in (19) 72. Red shoes rock !~!
And sorry, Bossy’s lovely and talented daughter, but I ain’t talkin’ about the cake.
love that man. manly man.
When I looked at the little “guess” photo, I guessed it was 3 hot dogs and one hot dog had his arm draped over another hot dog.
Would you believe I’m breaking in new bifocals?
Clearly I have no idea about baseball. I wondered who on earth ‘Putley’ was…

@LittleMiss – I thought the same thing and I’m wearing my cheater reader glasses AND close to the screen, so don’t feel bad!
I’m with Bush Babe … although I thought it said “Puhey”
He’s got a handsome swagger.
That is one MIGHTY big P!! I think I would keep an eye on Bossy’s daughter – she has excellent taste, but she is much too young to be scoping out baseball players.
that is one “ugly” cake!!!! sorry, says the grandmother.
Sorry Bossy’s daughter but I too thought it said Puhey. Then thought why is there giant ‘puhey’ coming out of tiny intestines???
i am willing to give bossy’s daughter any and all right to mr. utley if she’s willing to give me sole custody of one shane victorino. it’s, um, for my daughter.
LOL, I thought it said Phuey