This was Bossy in 2012 BC, where BC = Before Canal. Root canal, that is, which Bossy had, oh, approximately one-thousand-one-hundred-and-seventy-six hours ago, but who’s counting?
Bossy is. That’s because now, seven weeks later, all that remains of Bossy is a pulsing jaw under a heap of frizz:
Bossy never even knew she had a jaw before her root canal procedure. Bossy just sort of thought she had a face with a smile sewn on by God. But now Bossy is nothing but the cartilaginous structure where the articular and the quadrate hinge.
Or become unhinged, as the case may be — especially if that case is Bossy, who began experiencing chronic jaw pain three weeks following what was otherwise considered successful root canal.
It all began with pain and moved to pain followed by pain. Strangely this pain gets worse at night, which is a coincidence, since this is the part of the day when Bossy’s jaw falls off her head.
But that’s okay, it’s not like Bossy has much to do at night, unless you consider sleep important. Instead Bossy lies in the dark and counts sheep. Sheep dressed as jaws collapsing into her windpipe.
So please excuse Bossy’s absence here on her blog, especially since she was getting on a roll again with frequent posts. Now Bossy isn’t so much on a roll as in one.
Care to share your own tooth or jaw or jaw story, Bossy’s esteemed council?
Or you could read about how this whole Bossy root canal thing began this past December.
I feel Bossy’s pain. Really. I wake up many mornings with a sore jaw from sleep teeth clenching. (Is that a real malady? At least I’m not sleep walking while clenching, but on the other hand, it keeps me from sleep eating, so I guess there’s an upside, right?)
Feel better, Bossy!
Bossy should go pronto to an oral surgeon for a consult and exam. Seriously. They’re The Jaw People.
Once I had to have a crown because I broke a molar on biscotti (because I didn’t dunk it in my coffee first, and it was too hard) (the biscotti, not the molar. Which was, obviously, not hard enough). There I was in the chair, my jaw propped open, my mouth all numb, the dentist yammering away. After prepping the tooth–cleaning it, shaving it down, whatever the hell else–the dentist gasped “Oh my god, I’ve never done that before!” where “that” was a reference to the fact that she had just prepped the WRONG TOOTH. She apologized profusely and said she wouldn’t charge me for that one. So generous!
Ugh. Sounds like hell. I’ve had lots of invasive dental procedures, including root canals, extractions, and (I believe) fracking. I an effort to comfort the lovely Bossy, here is my worst tooth experience…
I had a wisdom tooth go bad on me a couple of years ago. It chose to do so while my regular dentist (a genial guy and standout clinician) was away for an extended period (likely providing free dental care to Haitian orphans or somesuch). So I picked a dentist out of the phonebook (or whatever passes for a phonebook online). I should have run when I saw that the building looked like a hybrid between an auto body shop and an adult book store. But hell, it was in the area. Well, I got in there and he shot me full of Novocaine, and waited the customary 1o minutes for the shot to take hold. Then he came in with the pliers and shoe horn to extract the tooth. Immediately I knew something was wrong because before me I could see these feet kicking like those of a hanged man. Turns out, they were MY feet. He’d numbed the wrong area, missing the nerve entirely. I could feel EVERYthing. The assistant was no help at al. “You CAN’T kick like that while the doctor is working,” she said. I replied, “MwermewmNOTnumb!” So he tried again. Again the kicking feet, the flashing lights. Have you seen ‘Marathon Man’ with Dustin Hoffman? OK, that’s where we’re at. So he gave up and walked out. Boom. Just like that. The assistant continued to chide me for being a bad patient. “I’m not trying to be a dick,” I said, “I want the fucking tooth out more than he does. But he numbed the WRONG area.” She looked at me a second then said, “Well, he’s working on another patient now. You’ll just have to wait.” So I waited. Finally the Butcher of MacDade Boulevard returned, numbed the proper tooth, and bam, out it came. I bled like a bull for an hour afterward. I think he’s since gotten a job at Gitmo.
Hope this eases Bossy’s pain a bit.
Oh, Bossy, so sorry to hear that you’re under the weather.
Wish I could offer you some advice or percosets to go with those acidophilus, but alas I haven’t had a root canal ever, and my last percs are long gone. (From some tooth extractions, actually). Maybe that’s what you need – an extraction. That’s loads of fun; and that first percocet is really, really nice. Warms one up all over. But only the first one, unfortunately.
But maybe that’s what the acidophilus are for.
I have a trunkfull of unpleasant dental stories–which I will not share except to say that I eventually recovered from each event. Sorry you’re going through it.
I won’t share much other than that I am in the midst of dental-land. yeah.
Bossy, my heart has completely abandoned me, without notice, to join your heart since any dental issue that lasts weeks may well be the end of the entire earth.
(I pay extra for Nitrous Oxide when I get my teeth cleaned, never mind procedures that involve tools or machines that make noise. It has taken ten LONG years to grow confident with my current dentist who has consistently been Fabulous, it just takes me a while to relax.)
Olivia has had some hideous root canal experiences – the last one was a root-canal-gone-bad-ending-in-infected-jaw saga. When she finally recovered she was diagnosed with celiac disease – something she had obviously had all her life but kicked into overdrive by the infection.
Come to think of it, maybe the infection was a blessing in disguise . . . even tho’ Olivia hates disguised anything.
2 experiences. One was a prep for a crown that turned into an infection deep in my jaw. That one resulted in 6 weeks of pain and a month of antibiotics.
The next was a long procedure that caused the TMJ to flare up. It required heating pads and muscle relaxers. That one cleared up in about 4 days.
i hope you feel better soon.
My story may just take the cake, although it’s not an honor I’d go looking for. A few years ago I had jaw surgery, where they cut my jaw open in FIVE places (3 on top, 2 on bottom). The upside was that I got to stay in a nice hospital and get lots of pain medication. The downside was everything else, including the fact that I couldn’t eat solid food for an entire month. But it did get better, it always does get better, and now I have a beautiful smile to show for it.
I have to confess that I had to fast forward over all of the comments…….cause…the dental subject.
So far I have had a lucky mouth, but I’m afraid I might catch one of these comments.
Has Bossy seen a chiropractor for the TMJ? Could help. It helps me. Also a massage therapist. I know those won’t address all the issues (like infection — you have to take antibiotics when they’re necessary, and good for Bossy for taking acidophilus at the same time), but they could be helpful therapies in addition.
Oh, Bossy! You don’t even want to know the horror story of my jaw: But ok, fine. I’ll tell you.
It happened in grade school. There was a boy – a boy that was picked on by everyone, including me. And one day, while walking home from school, my mouth was running and I was being mean, and the boy turned around, walked up to me, and slapped me hard up against my mouth.
Really, it wasn’t so much a slap, as it was a serious push to the underside of my chin.
Enter a well-deserved, lifelong case of TMJ.
All i can say, however, to the Undivorced Bossy, is that it has been my experience (How embarrassing!) that performing any “oral duties” for the husband, can sometimes result in a locked jaw.
I’m sorry to be saying this on your blog – i know it’s risque – but I thought you should be warned.
The Grouchy Mom who doesn’t do the husband many favors due to an unfortunate life lesson.
Poor Bossy! Stay on top of this….we want you to keep that God-crafted smile intact.
I had a root canal three weeks ago. Now I am scared.
No stories, just thinking about you getting better. But yes, go back to a jaw person for more consult and help, that pain is lasting too long.
After starting with a jaw that would lock CLOSED when I was about 16… Until I started suffering from a jaw that would get stuck OPEN when I was about 33…. I was sent from one dentist to another doctor etc. until I finally started finding some relief. Mostly in the form of Motrin (and lots of it) and a bite guard a dentist made me to wear at night. I wasn’t a grinder, but I was a clencher, and my jaw and muscles don’t really work quite right. I am a joy to listen to when I eat, a symphony of pops and clicks, and when I am stressed the pain is worse. Warm compresses, and Motrin. Also a doctor. So sorry.
impacted wisdom teeth missed ten work days bloody cotton starvation
Sorry to hear about your pain. I know it too well. I broke my jaw bilaterally (both sides) in a fall three years ago. I still have pain to this day. If your pain persists, you might ask about getting some botox injections into the jaw. They help for a little while.
I broke my jaw when I was 16, (there may have been wine and a bike involved), now 37 yrs, 4 root canals, 6 caps and 2 teeth extractions later, I hide from the dentist.
I do feel your pain!
Have they put the permanent crown on? Sometimes the infection just won’t go away and then well, nothing fun comes after that!
oh…. I’m feeling a little queasy… and fai……
When I had my wisdom teeth out my face swelled so much that I couldn’t fit a shirt over my head. I also couldn’t close my lips-there wasn’t enough lip flesh. And whenever I brought my head below shoulder level I would lose my balance and fall over. I thought I was mostly healed when I went to a work dinner. Unable to maneuver my mouth adequately, my dinner repeatedly fell out of my mouth. It was super. Eventually my mouth healed. My pride has yet to recover.
Nice glamour shot, by the way.
Root canal. Just cannot get enough of them. Really. Last one I had – it seemed nothing was going right. The first mold did not work and had to be redone. The crown came and did not fit and had to be remade. The coloring did not match (????) and I had to drive across town to be matched, and it was then redone, again. Crown finally installed, and as dentist gives it a last little tweak to make sure it is fitted in properly, it cracks. Yep – cemented in at that point. Floss gets stuck on it every time I floss. She has to redo it – again. NOT paying for this one, though. I really, really do not like going to the dentist.
oh, boy, do i have a story about teeth.
starts here:
here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
it was rough.
I had a RC done. I don’t freeze well. (where not well means i have no freezing after 20 min). To be put under was an extra $1000. I’d just had a baby with back labour. My RC was worse.
After root canal failed when I was a pre-teen, I spent my early 20s in various chairs – that of a Chinese-born orthodontist (I will give his real name, because it is so apt – Dr Chin-Yap – no bs), a Palestinian-born prosthodontist and a US-born maxillo-facial surgeon. The second would spend the whole session bagging out the first, and the third was required to come in like the United Nations and get them all in accord.
When I moved town, my new orthodontist was called Paul Hogan. He had no sense of humour.
I once spent Christmas with inside-out lips.
Oh man – I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble. I can’t imagine dealing with that for so long, I’d be ready to go on a rampage!
I don’t have any horror stories, really. I did have a couple of alarming and icky experiences though. Before I got my braces, at the tender age of 12, my orthodontist had to remove two baby molars that stubbornly refused to fall out. After injecting Novocaine, he got the pliers and pulled and pulled. Finally he decided I needed a couple more shots of Novocaine on the roof of my mouth – and let me tell ya, those HURT. When he went back to pulling, at one point even putting a foot on the side of the chair for leverage, both teeth would only partially come out. He finally gave up and said that eventually the pieces still in my gum would “grow out.”
Because I had a gap between my two front teeth, my ortho decided to do a medical procedure where he removed a piece of something (not sure what) from inside the gum directly above my front teeth. I was awake, but had been properly numbed. I lay in the chair trying to focus on anything but his face, which was about 6″ away from mine. When I did venture a look I realized I could see in the reflection of his glasses everything he was doing. I guess I should have been horrified, but instead I was kind of fascinated. (I might be a little weird.)
Ah, jaw pain is a nightmare. 6 years ago, broken jaw, soft foods for two weeks only to be wired shut for four weeks. Never had problems before that. Disc in jaw got displaced while shut, got a lavished to work it back in place. Have to wear a mouth guard every night now due to clenching but get a bit of relief from a muscle relaxer on bad nights and a supportive dentist.