Bossy packed an entire suitcase when she went camping in Vermont earlier this summer, but the only thing she wore for ten days was her bathing suit top, her polka dot skirt, and an apron. To take a tour of Bossy’s campsite, press that link. To see the clothes Bossy packed for camping, click that…
Ten-Word Tuesday – The Hotel Edition
Bossy is becoming something of the travel expert, having spent more days away this summer than home. But when it comes to booking a hotel room online, Bossy is still thrown into a state of confusion. In Bossy’s childhood, when dinosaurs roamed the gaseous silica that would become the earth, there were only a couple…
Bossy’s Favorite Things
This photo. It’s Bossy’s son and the Delightful One in the screen house while camping in Vermont this past July. Of course they’re reading, because that’s what they do. But Bossy loves how Bossy’s son uses the Delightful One’s knees as a backrest. This photo speaks volumes about the balanced copacetic nature of their relationship.