This is Bossy’s daughter, and this photo was taken on her first day of first grade.
Today Bossy’s daughter will graduate from Elementary School—a milestone that, for the most part, has been eclipsed by her brother’s high school graduation.
Middle School is way different from Elementary School. For one thing, it has the word “middle” in it. For another thing, there are lockers. And there are designated periods, like first period and second period, and there are bells to signal where in the day you should be, and there are kids roving the hallways from class to class—and those kids aren’t carrying backpacks because Middle School tries to hedge against the concealment of weapons and suddenly Bossy is wondering if now would be a good time to double her daily dosage of Inderal.
Lucky for Bossy and all school-related unknowns, she recently made a new friend, and that new friend is
From preschool through high school, this website offers the parent a bevy of information in terms of the education experience—including what to expect academically, socially, and developmentally each step along the way.
You can browse by age or you can browse by grade.
There are also tons of extras, like age-appropriate gift guides and a comprehensive list of grade-appropriate extra-curricular activities.
And lucky for Bossy, likes Bossy right back, because they want to give three Bossy readers a gift.
The first gift is this:
It’s a magnet deal, and allows kids to create whacky sentences with a collection of phrases.
The second gift is this:
It’s a fort deal and allows kids to create whacky structures with a collection of pieces.
Bossy has two Story Makers to give away and one Cranium Super Fort. This will be a random drawing, so to enter the giveaway: please leave a comment and specify which of the two prizes you are trying to win.
Good luck!
WOuld love to win the fort thingy to give to my most favorite niece in the whole wide world.
Either that or let my wiener dogs play in it!
I feel odd entering since we’re unschoolers – radical unschoolers at that – but I won’t let that stop me!
My boys would love the fort.
Thanks for thinking of us!
i want that fort. my girls would love it and i would love that they would love it. feener44atgmaidotcom
i just saw this site on another blog, looks like a great site.
How fun! I’m totally into the fort, and I think my little guy would love it, too.
I would LOVE to have the fort. Then, my kid can hide from me and I can “pretend” to try and find him. For a few hours.
My Jordan would totally love that Story Maker!
OOOooh, my almost 1st grader would so love the magnet set. Plus how fun would it be to read her cute little sentences on the fridge!
I would love to win the Story Maker. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Ohhhh. Either of them would be fun. Poetry or fort? Pretty words or bright colors? Maybe since my girl is a long time from reading we would get more use out of a fort.
My daughter, the five year old brainiac, would love the magnet set!
I would love to win the fort! I have an in-home daycare and know of six preschoolers that would love Bossy until eternity if they won it! Thanks Bossy!
I’d love to win that fort! Great giveaway!
My son would ADORE the FORT. He’s into all that jazz.
I hope I win!! (fingers are crossed)
thanks and bossy!!
Me likey the story maker. Love, Annie and son
Oh, my brand new first-grader would LOVE the magnet set!!
I’m going for the magnet story maker. It looks pretty fun — and it will fit in my living room (unlike the fort).
Ohh the Magnetic story Maker please?! I have a 6 and a 4 year old. We would have a big time with that.
Thanks for doing this!
Love your blog Missy!
Are you kidding? The Magnetic “Story” Poetry – hands down. My daughters loved this stuff when they were younger, and now my grandsons are into reading, make-believe, stories, etc. They could make their own stories up while I eat Bon-bons and watch Oprah.
Ohhhhh the fort. I want the fort. It would be great to set up and read with my daughter in.
Please with sugar on top…
Magnets. They stick to metal. Like Magic. Magnets are magic. I want the magnets.
Ooo! Story magnets! My almost-9 yo would love that. He makes up some amazing stories… some of them are even supposed to be fiction.

while the fort is really cool, I’d like one of the story makers for my 6 year old daughter. We would have lots of fun during the summer months getting her ready for 1st grade and practicing sentences, learning new words, and making silly stories. She loves reading, so I know she’d like this. Thanks for having such a nice giveaway! Your daughter is a cutie, it is amazing how they seem to grow up so fast! Loved seeing the pic of her in First Grade, and now as a young lady graduating elementary school! Congratulations to her and her very proud mom on her graduation day!
Agent M is all over the magnetic story maker. She knows that they’ll stick really well to Petman’s old cars, the ones that aren’t fiberglass or Bondo-ed up.
My son played with the fort at a friend’s house. He hasn’t stopped talking about it since!
One fort for me please!
The fort deal! The fort deal!
Um, is there an age limit to the fort because I don’t have kids, but I totally want that for myself! Who cares if the neighbors get worried I sit in a fort in my living room.
Too weird? Fine, the magnets please!
I have three sons that I would love to make forts with real fort materials. Really, cuz now… they make forts with our towels and my beach stuff. Gack.
I would love either prize. And so would my kids!
Do I need to comment one time for each one?
Bossy’s daughter is so cute. Elementary School graduation is a big deal!
Oh, if I were to win a prize, I’d like the Story Maker magnets. (One of my little friends has discovered wirting and would just love it! Ok, I want to play with it too when I’m over there…)
either one!
Thanks Bossy and for the chance!
I’m thinking I’d like the fort. You know, for me!
THE MAGNETS! Do you know how much fun we could have with those things? Even if I don’t win I think I’ll go buy some. is awesome. I’d love the fort!
I sure would love to win that fort!
Ooh! I would totally play in that Super Fort.
Oh, the magnets, the magnets. “Kids”. Pshaw. That sounds like a drinking game to me.
the wacky word magnets would be fun
I’m into words. Magnets and that sort of thing. But I’m also into unschooling as Dharmamomma…and magnets are waaaaaay about education. And so is old Wild Wild West reruns. Which we are learning about as I type.
Where was I? Oh, yes. Middle School. I remember the lockers and changing classes and all that stuff. It was a HUGE dealio. Best wishes to bossy’s daughter. Who is as adorable now, as in first grade. She is a professional poser, no? Poser in a good way. Not like poser/poseur/fakey/barbie…but poser as in she does a “stance” for photo ops. As everyone should. She’s got a Gap Ad future.
I’m with Ellie! I want the magnets, and they may or may not make their way to my godsons unopened (They both got straight As this year, WOOT!!!) (Grades 1 & 2)
I would love the story magnets – we are ALL about stories here.
Thanks for the link, too.
Oooh, the fort thing! My 3 girls would go crazy and my kitchen stools/chairs would thank me!
My kids are past the age for the magnetic words, but I’m thinking my future classroom would be just the place for wacky words!
Oh lordy, the kidlets would just die if they had a fort to play in. They keep trying to make one in the living room but there’s not enough “tuck it in there to hold that side up!” places.
BTW, I found my Kindergarten graduation photo last night and my senior photo was next it. I cried.
Bossy’s daughter is indeed very sunny!
I would love to win the fort and the storymaker! Thanks for the giveaway, Bossy!
The fort is nice, but no room for it here.
I’d love the magnet stories!
fort thing.
Fort thingy-deal, please!!
Sunny lil Bossy! Congrats and here’s hoping Middle School rocks!!!
I think the story maker may be helpful for new blog entries, I mean the education of my children.
Magnet set please! Thanks Bossy and congrats to DD of Bossy
We would love the magnet set – we are all into the magnets around here!
Totally going to now.
Bossy’s friend martha’s son would love to play in a cute new fort while bossy’s daughter babysits. She is a middle schooler now after all.
Bossys daughter has had more life experiences that most elem graduates! Me thoght she was already a mid-schooler! I would love a magnet set for my 2 aspiring National Merit Scholars.
Oh Bossy,
I’m such a big fan of yours and the chance to tell great stories together with my four-year old would be so great. The “Stories inspired by Bossy and her daughter” story hour would take place on our fridge…sooo…We’re putting our names in the Bossy hat for the magnets.
Thank you and thank you to!
We’d love the super fort!
I would love that Storymaker! Thanks for doing a giveaway – my oldest is graduating First Grade today and entering into the Gifted Program for Second. I’m SO nervous. I’m not smart enough to do homework with a gifted student!
WRH likey the fort.
Also, WRH would like to be the person who answers the “ask a teacher” questions that come to that website. heh heh heh….I could change the WOOORRRRLLLD!
My son would like either – although he would be more liable to make interesting patterns with the magnets than sentences – but I think I have him interested in MadLibs so maybe I can get him interested in these magnets.
But he would also have an awesome time wiht that fort – I’ve been eyeballing these forts for a while…
Way to go Bossy’s Daughter!!
Our magnets mysteriously end up in the cat’s water bowl. (If “mysteriously” means “by the grubby hands of three-year-old twin boys”) So I’m thinking the fort would be better. (If “fort” means “cage”.) (Oh, CPS, I jest!)
Yay, the magnets!
Awesome site! Thanks for posting it. My two little monsters would love the fort!
I’d love either, but the girls would like the fort more. They were just playing and “building” forts the other day.
fort please…so my son will stop using ALL clean sheets to create one. xo!
While *I love the fort, and I think my kids would love it, I’m not sure my 12 and 15 yo boys would use it for its intended use. But my 9 year old daughter would love the magnet strips. Well, the boys probably would too, if not just to leave bizarro sentences for us to decipher!
Congrats to the two grads!
This is a tricky one for me.
The magnetic deal is cool and would be a fun learning tool, but undoubtedly, within the week, I would find those words in every nook and cranny of the house, compliments of my “almost” 2 year old.
The fort, well…Pooper actually just did a print job for a company that makes similar forts, and he was in hog heaven, he loves those things! However, having the large contraption in my house would drive me nutty, the kids could use it outside, but my kids are not good at putting things away when they are done, so it might get ruined quickly.
If I had to pick, Id pick the fort….because my kids would go bonzo over it..but I would have to badger them into making sure it got put away..hmmmm…I think I will give them a chance…they have moved up to a new grade now, 2nd and Kindergarten, so, maybe responsibility set in during their “last day of school” party, ya think?
so, the fort it is!
And….I need your help. Im trying to put up a little feature on my blog…like how you click on a picture….(immitation is the best form of flattery
)…can you tell me how to do that?
My two year old NEEDS that fort.
Where I will put it? I have NO IDEA but that is another story.
Bossy'[s daughter is adorable. FYI I think she’s wearing my favorite addidas phantoms in the first picture. Yes, I am obsessed with those shoes…
anyway I would love the super fort. And by me, I mean me not my kids.
I would TOTALLY take you with us to Vermont if I win the magnets.
I mean, you’d have to transport yourself there and bring a tent but dude – I’d share my coffee with you when you got there!
Oh, Bossy, my 4 kids would sure love that fort maker! What a fun way to start the weekend.
Definitely the magnet set! Bossy is ‘da bomb.
Or the fort – that would be cool, too, but #1 is the magnets.
Congratulations, beautiful Bossy’s Daughter!
My kids would love the magnet set!
The Fort. My son would love you forever and ever.
Hey now, thanks for the link. I am a parent educator, and we always try to get our clients more involved in their children’s school and learning experience, so I think I will find much to use both personally and professionally.
And, I have a child about to start first grade, too, that would love the magnet set. Thank you.
Many congratulations to both of Bossy’s graduates.
I don’t have any kids, but I would love the Story Maker for the niece and nephew (twins). They love the big magnetic letters on the fridge and spell stuff with them, so I think they’d dig the Story Maker.
Story Maker. Dude, the fun we would have with that.
Bossy makes decision-making hard. I will choose the fort.
Judy M.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the fort deal!
Many congratulations to both of Bossy’s graduates.
I don’t have any kids, but I would love the Story Maker for the niece and nephew (twins). They love the big magnetic letters on the fridge and spell stuff with them, so I think they’d dig the Story Maker.
Thank you for the opportunity–my kids would love either, but since my youngest isn’t reading quite yet my vote is for the fort. Hours of basement entertainment out of earshot of mom…
Bossy is too generous! My grandchildren would be in heaven if they had a fort to play in such as the one Bossy is so generously giving away. Bossy is loved.
Story Maker, por favor. Thanks for the site info.
Congrats to BOTH of bossy’s offspring for their scholastic accomplishments!! Not to alarm Bossy but middle school also has wait for it…introductions to french kissing!! I had my first harrowing encounter in the 8th grade…Aack!
Anyhoodle, would love either of the prizes but I think I am leaning towards the fort.
OMG, if I win the fort I will be so happy.
I would love magnetic poetry.
I’d love to win the fort! P.S. Your daughter is adorable! I wish I had that much style in the first grade. =)
Can I pretty pretty please have the story maker? I love Bossy!
I would be happy with either the fort – for both of my girls to play with – or the poetry set for the one just learning how to read. Our daughter completed kindergarten on Tuesday and her one front tooth promptly fell out on Wednesday, making her an official first grader.
Magnet story maker, pls! Thanks!
The magnetic poetry, how cool is that!?!
Your kids are AWESOME, congrats to them both!
At first I thought BOSSY’S Daughter was the give away.
We would put the sentence maker through its paces at this house.
As much as I know they would love the fort, my girls would really benefit more from the magnets. Don’t tell them said so, though. It’s our secret.
Ooh they are both cool prizes, but I’d really like the magnets! Thanks for having a site I can’t wait to browse each day!
Wait, the prize that I’m want to win isn’t listed here … It’s the one where I get put on Bossy’s reader collage without actually having to REMEMBER to type an EMAIL and attach a PHOTO and send it to BOSSY.
Congrats on the Elementary School graduation. I think my girls would just die if they were still in school right now, not that they haven’t been out for less than a week, but still its the principal.
Giggles will be embarking on her 2nd year of junior high, although next year it will be a middle school and she is so bummed about it because their school colors are changing and there will be stinky sixth graders at her school. Chicken will graduate next year since they cut the grade six out of our elementary school.
If I win I would like the magnets, we have a set of knitting ones a friend sent me and the girls love them and make wacky knitting sentences, now with real normal words we can have less scary statements….well maybe more scary is really depends on which girls are over.
P.S. I clicked to enlarge the fresh baked photo of Bossy’s son, very cool! Congrats to him as well!
I would love to win the storymaker. Very cool.
And I love!
and congrats to bossy’s daughter!! middle school will be great.
We would use, abuse, love forever the story maker magnets.
Our favorite story right now? Let me tell you it.
Once upon a time there was a squirrel. The squirrels name was “Squirrel.” He lived with his mommy and daddy in a tall tree and he was very happy except he wanted more. One day he decided he would find a new friend.
So he climbed ALLLLL the way down his tree and ALLLL the way up the next tree until he found a ladybug.
Squirrel said, “Hi!” and Ladybug said, “Hi” and Squirrel said, “Will you be my friend?”
Ladybug said, “Sure!” and Squirrel said, “YAY! We”l run and jump and play and be friends forever and ever!”
Ladybug said, “No! You’ll squish me!” and she flew away and Squirrel was very sad. But he didn’t give up.
OK, it goes on like this for awhile, he keeps climbing up and down trees and getting rejected by animals everywhere until he finds another squirrel who is conveniently named “Squirrel” and they become BFFs.
The End (With a whole lot of detail left out.)
See how much we NEED these magnets?
Da fort, da fort! My preschooler is a little young for the story magnets.
My kids are out of school, so I don’t want either item. Could I have something from your basement instead?
I’d love the poetry kit. My boys have many, many sets of the fort kit and, let me tell ya, it is a well loved toy. I can barely get into my basement right now, there’s a spaceship down there.
Ooh, we’d love the magnet kit. Thanks!
I am allover that magnet story game. Because my kids make up stories all the time, but they mostly revolve around SpongeBob and farting, and that is getting a little old, clearly they need some new material.
oh i would love the magnetic letter thingys…or should it be thingies. hm…anyhoot…i would love one! for the pure joy of putting together sentences that don’t have the word thingy in them!
Whoa, loads of comments!
I would go for the magnetic poetry, but thanks for the link to the website. Never heard of it before!
From deep within my cranium
this prediction I will make
If you EAT Uranium
You’ll have ATOMIC ache.
magnet set for sure!!
I want the fort for my granddaughter. While she has finally quit trying to eat her books, she has tons of them. She would love to play in the fort at Papaw’s and Granma’s house. Please, for her. Thanks.
Ever wonder just how many kids can fit into a Cranium Super Fort? Send it my way and the neighborhood hoodlums will have a blast finding out for you!
That fort thing rocks.
And THANK YOU for the link. My own little Girl Child is STARTING first grade in the fall.
Fort dealy. Definitely.
I would love to win the fort! My boys would have a blast!
I found it really neat that the photo of your son getting off the school bus,,, while he is a bit far away, you can still see the man he was set to become, and here with the two pictures of your daughter, its way cool to see that growth!
I should start taking photos om my boys going off to school. although. that happens int he morning, and I am not all there.. so maybe pictures of them coming home from school. In the afternoon?
Cranium Super Fort– looks fun! Can I be a kid again?
Fort please!
Congratulations Bossy’s Daughter!!! Mazel Tov!! I hope you guys have a great summer.
Sign us, and by us I mean my daughters ages 12 and 8, up for the Cranium fort! If we end up not winning I can see us making something similar from rip-stop nylon and swimming pool noodles.
ps, it is cool that I’m not the only unschooling mom who reads your blog.
The superfort looks awesome! My little guy is a bit too young for the storymaker yet, otherwise I’d have wanted that one too
Story maker for my remedial reading needs niece, please please purty please. Or my niece with remedial reading needs (as I have demonstrated, the kid needs all the help she can get, right).
Oh, my niece would grow up to be the next Bossy if she had the Story Maker magnet set to get her started! And that’s a GOOD thing, as Martha would say. I’m in for the magnet set.
Storymaker, please! That fort makes me feel a little claustrophobic… and whatever happened to using the couch cushions and the dining room table for fort making??
My son would love the fort. I, personally, would like the magnets! looks like lots of fun.
woo hoo! Story maker, paaaaalease
woo hoo! Story maker, paaaaalease
Magnets are cool. Stories are cool. I wanna be cool!
Fort me BOSSY, fort me!
I have three boys 5 and under so I’d be grateful for either. Both are awesome and require imagination and not an outlet, so I’m already really excited.
Those are both great prizes, which to choose? My kids prefer toys and games that have lots of pieces to misplace and destroy. Both of these qualify – the first in a get-stuck-in-the-vaccuum and between the couch cusions sort of way, the other in a very appealing to a soon-to-be-ours puppy.
I think we’ll go for the fort, it just looks really FUN!
Thanks, Bossy!
May the fort be with me!
me me me – i want magnetic sentence making! And thanks for the link to that site. Bossy rules.
My son would love the fort. Love your blog. Keep it coming!
I do not want either one, as I’d not have a use/kid/reason for them, although they both have serious “COOL” value – I will let those who need “roll” on them.
However, I wanted to say that Lil Bossy looks LOVELY in her white dress, and Congratulations on moving on up to the MIDDLE school world!
Both are great prizes! My little ones would love the fort though!
I would love to win either! What a nice giveaway!
Love Love bossy! Would LOVE the fort for my two little boys!
Wow, tough choice! I would rather have the story maker, but I’m sure my boys would rather have the fort…..
If I win, we would love the FORT please!
ooh, ooh, ooh, FORT!
Although we may be buying one today (not that elaborate), the J-man’s therapists have suggested that he have one to go into and get away from all the sensory overload.
The fort. I have nieces who visit a lot and they would LOVE to play with that. And of course, I would LOVE to play with it too.
My kids would love the Story Maker!
O.K. That is a lie, they would love the fort, but I’m in charge here.
Middle school is fun! I’m a middle school teacher (6th grade even) So, if you need advice/help or anything just hit me up!
I don’t care about winning a prize but I do know that the magnetic thingy would go to good use in my classroom!
OMG I WOULD HAVE SO MUCH FU….er….Super B would have SO MUCH FUN in the fort…thing-a-ma-jig!
I’ll take the fort please. The Boy and The Girl would like it I think.
Mmmmkay? Thanks.
Wow! My six Ducklings would have a blast with the fort thingy. Bossy Rocks!
Fort deal, please!
Fort please for my 3 y.o. and 1 y.o.
LOVE your site. I just read all the archives in a week and love love it.
That magnetic book looks cool! My daughter will have tons of fun using it
If I won the fort, then maybe my 3 kidlums would stop hauling every towel and blanket we own into the living room to make their own forts….maybe?
Fort, please!
I’m not entering the drawing I just wanted to tell BOSSY that we both have a child entering junior high this fall and we should share the prescription medication.
I would like the child, please.
Bossy’s daughter has Angelina Jolie arms.
thank you for thinking of us Bossy!
please throw our name in the hat.
my girls would be delighted if either of those items arrived on their doorstep.
The fort…only so I can play with it myself.
I would love to win the fort!! My four year old would go CRAZY!!!!
My kids would love the Cranium Super Fort!
And I would love to have something else in my arsenal to keep them entertained!
Ms. Bossy’s Daughter has flair. Love those shots.
The storymaker! Oooh!
And my kids go to a teeny – under 90 kids – school that has pre-k to grade 8. There’s no graduating until you head off to the big highschool!
Cranium Super Fort, please. The kids in my home child care would love it!
My kids would love the Cranium Super Fort!
And I would love to have something else in my arsenal to keep them entertained!
My pixie can’t read yet, but she would like to hide in a fort!
Girl would love the Poetry Kit and Boy would love the fort! Anything would be awesome!!
Oh the story maker would be perfect for my just learning to read girl!
I’m in for the magnets! I’d love the fort, and so would the kid, but it would just become another repository for guinea pig poop and cat pee.
Ask me how I know….
The story maker would be awesome to have at home with Lil Man. We have one here at the office and my co-workers and I have a blast with it.
Just came back to see that I LOVE thanks so much for sharing it!
You know, I don’t have any kids, but I’m wondering if I can win my way into the hearts of my niece and nephew with that super awesome fort.
I’m thinkin the only one of them that would be interested in the poetry magnets would only be interested in them because he could flush them down the toilet.
Kids… utterly adorable.
Would love the magnets! Thanks, Bossy.
Just came back to say that I LOVE thanks so much for sharing it!
oooh! the magnetic poetry!
ps. your daughter = ridiculously cute!
Magnets! Even though The Monster is not in first grade anymore (going to be sixth!), she is still a creative genius when it comes to writing. She would positively love them. Oh, and she loves you and Bossy, Jr., too.
Story Maker!
Hard choice given my daughter’s intense interest in both forts and writing, but for my sanity, I’ll ask for the magnets!
I’m torn. The fort is hugemungous but the Storymaker has many pieces. My daughter loves both of these aspects in a toy, so I think they are both winners.
I guess if I had to chose I would go with the fort, as it is just simply awesome.
Ohhhh, the Story Maker magnetic poetry would be so great! We play this fun game in our family where we all sit in a circle (grownups and kids alike) and contribute a single sentence to a “story”. We tape record the story as it goes around until the giggle fits take over. Then I transcribe the recording (with the help of my 8 year old who is well versed in 2 year old speak). We print out copies and put them into binders along with various and assorted photos and drawings. The Story Maker would add a really fun twist to the game!
My kids would love the Fort!!
I would like the fort.
I like the magnets. Thanks for this Bossy. You rock!
Magnets please! The more things on my fridge the better!
My son would adore the magnet story maker! Please pick me! I never win anything! Nobody from Nebraska ever wins anything! Except maybe the Cornhuskers.
The magnets would be awesome!
I think the Story Maker Magnets would work for me. The Cranuim Super Fort is beyond my capacity to crawl around without someone calling the folks at the looney bin to come take me away.
Story Maker!!! Story Maker!!! Thanks for the link, too. I’m a homeschooling mom and a curriculum whore…Amazon calls me by my first name and the UPS man kinda throws my boxes on the front porch and runs because of the time I burst out the door without a bra under my shirt and scared him due to my not so flattering, jiggly excitement.
The fort would be great fun for my 3.5 year old. Thank you!
Tough one. My kids would probably prefer the fort, I’d prefer the magnets. Hmmm. Oh, I’ll say…………….
(the suspense is killing you, I just know it)
I also did an giveaway and my children are becoming very, very tired of me giving away cool thing while they get nothing. PLEASE, WON’T SOMETHING THINK OF MY, er, THE CHILDREN!
We would like the super fort, please.
I would love the fort to have when my 4 grandkids come to visit. I can see us all crawling around in it. It would be great fun.
The story maker for sure!
Bossy’s blog reader-Kelly S. would love to win the Magnet thingy, because I have twins who won’t be quiet, and this might help them express themselves.
Kelly S.
My girls would LOVE the story maker.
Loving the fort !!
Oh Bossy the 3 kids could play in the fort for hours while I clean, i mean read blogs, can you help a sister out!
LOL! Thanks for the chance!
Unfortunately, my refrigerator doesn’t hold magnets, and I usually don’t mind my kids building their forts out of the couch cushions…
I just wanted to offer my hearty congratulations to Bossy’s daughter! A milestone indeed!
Also, looove the dress.
Bossy, we would love to win either of the giveaways. You see, we live in AZ and it’s terribly HOT here. All activities are indoor activities for now. I think she would love the fort. But then I think she would love the magnets!
p.s. im a new reader. Bossy is funny!
story magnets would be a treasure!
My almost 2yo daughter would have a blast in the fort all year round.
Congrats to Bossy’s daughter. She’s a cute girl!
We’d love to win either prize, but I guess we’ll go with the fort as #1.
i’m assuming that you aren’t going to make it down to comment number 7492, which is me – hi! here i am! but i will say that bossy’s kids have STYLE.
oh and fortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfort.
because it’s only one letter away from monkey’s favorite word. perhaps i would be better off asking for the magnets, but NO.
I think my nieces and nephew would get a lot of use out of that very cool fort. And OMG THANK you for this website! It turns out I will be nannying for two teenage boys and I will need all the help I can get!
Sign me up!!
My little girl can barely do a cartwheel, but I bet she’d do a back flip over that Cranium Super Fort!!! Fingers crossed and all that rot!
Bossy, your girl hasn’t become any less adorable, so clearly her elementary school education hasn’t ruined her! Congratulations to both junior Bossy’s!
Oh, and the magnetic poetry thingy would be lovely, thanks.
I love, love, love the Story Maker magnetic poetry! I desperately want it!
I want the fort, so the boy and I can plot our takeover of the neighbor’s house. The grass is so green over there!
I enjoy reading your site.
I would like to win the fort one, i teach pre-k and this would be a great addition to my construction center:) the kids would LOVE it:)
My kids are in college and high school right now, but my husband’s nephews are reproducing like bunnies….either prize would be great when we have the whole heard over at our house!!
Bossy, nice blog posting transition–yesterday drain hair creature and today educational play toys!!! Way to keep things interesting!!!
i’m assuming that you aren’t going to make it down to comment number 7492, which is me – hi! here i am! but i will say that bossy’s kids have STYLE.
oh and fortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfortfort.
because it’s only one letter away from monkey’s favorite word. perhaps i would be better off asking for the magnets, but NO.
wierd – my comment posted under some chick named rebecca – well back off becky, it’s MINE! i alone am number 7492.
and then my lonely little post right below the phantom rebecca is empty. sigh.
ha. compooters are not my friend.
I know the odds are stacked against me, but I would love to win the fort. rocks. When I was a school secretary we used it and I recommended it to parents as well.
My youngest is granduating high school next week, but I would love the sentence maker for my nephew, he is already smarter than me and he hasn’t started kinder yet.
I know of another sunny 1st grader who would love the magnet story set … and I’m sure she would share it with her older sister and mom!
Would love to win the Cranium Super Fort. My kids would love it!
I was a middle school art teacher before I had babies. Middle school is scary, but the kids with involved parents need not fear. Middle school is this wonderful time of self-discovery. Parents play a pivotal role in helping kids figure out who they are. Bossy will be GREAT at this. Look at how wonderful Bossy’s son is! Mini is sure that Bossy’s daughter will do GREAT in middle school! (But she will probably do even better if Bossy fixes it so that Mini wins a prize. Mini likes the idea of words on her ‘fridge.)
Oooooh, I would love to have the fort for my little guy!
Dude! the fort please- I need a place to run away and drink my wine. xo
Oh Bossy, We’d love to put that fort in our back yard, we could use it as a tent from the rain or a boat for the coming floods.
You are really starting to freak me out about school! Why, why WHY do they have to grow up?
we love ya out here at the cold wet rainy dreary, and did I say WET-
coastal nest
Your daughter’s dress is way cute!
Fort, please. It would be great to use outside during the summer.
I’d love to win the storymaker–my 6 year old loves reading!
In our school district, they’ve done away with lockers and all kids have to carry everything all day.
My kids are too old for this giveaway, but maybe will give me suggestions for dealing with a 13 1/2 year old boy.
either—but my 4yo would probably love the fort thingy.
and your daughter looks adorable in both pictures!
I want that fort- we would be playdate central over here with that thing!
I would take the magnets too, if you wanted to give me both:)~
Just kidding, don’t hate me if I seem greedy.
My daughter has such a magnetic personality that I think she NEEDS the story maker set.
Congratulations Bossy’s daughter!
Bossy’s daughter has the most wonderful ATTITUDE in that “today” photo. Congratulations to her on reaching this big milestone!
Now I’m off to check out and figure out what I need to worry about for Kindergarten. Isn’t it freaky how people now WORRY about Kindergarten? -sigh-
(btw, If my number comes out of the hat, I would love the magnetic poetry.)
congratulations, bossy’s daughter!
keep your sassy attitude and explore all the possibilities life has to offer you!
Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!! I would love to win the fort for my great-niece.
would love love love the fort!
So you are saying that your daughter’s cute sassy attitude is NOT one of the prize options? Fine. I’m in for the fort. And then I’m off to go worry about middle school.
Lordy, girl, you sure are popular! That, or people just love free stuff (myself included). Or, most likely, both. So, my kids would love the wacky story maker.
Oooh!!! I would LOVE to win the fort; how cool is that?!?
Bossy’s reader Shania would like the magnet set for her Piglet, who is learning to read.
The fort looks so cool. Love your blog. The thought of my little ones graduating from high school makes me giddy and teary at the same time. you are holding up remarkably well!
Love the story maker!!!!! My daughter, too, is entering middle school! Tell your daughter congrats! Thanks for your daily blog…love it!
I don’t want/need any prize, either. I just wanted to congratulate little Bossy on graduating to middle school. She’s a doll! (Does middle school mean grade 6,7 and 8?)
Cranium fort, please! My daughter is also entering middle school!
I want the story maker. I may even let my daughter play with it after I am done. Maybe.
wait. do I have to choose just one? if so I choose the story magnets..but I really love them both..not for me of course. I would never be caught playing fort with my children (do you have an extra flashlight? its dark in there) or making up stories…not me.
Story maker please!!
I’m a beggin….
for my classroom (yes, it’s title 1) I’d love the fort…I just got a room with a window and I am thinking this would make a wonderful center…
I would love the magnet thingy for my kids. No room for the cool fort.
People come out of the woodwork for the free stuff, don’t they…
Uh, me too, I guess.
The fort looks awesome.
fun! Entering for the fort – b/c I need an addition to the house. Maybe one of the kids could sleep in it – come think of it Matt’s wants a “designated space for his art.”
Congrats to Bossy’s daughter!!!
The magnetic story maker would be sweet for my nephew! Put me down for one.
PS Lil Bossy is super adorable in that photo.
Thanks for the giveaway! I think the Story Maker would be our choice.
WOW! Looks like A LOT of people love some Bossy give-aways. Yeehaw.
The fort thing would just end up with bird poop on it around here, so we’ll go for the word magnet deal.
Thanks, BossLady!
ummmmmm, I want so badly to say FORT!!!!! But there’s no room for it here. So magnets! Also wonderful. Thank you bossy!
Oh and also…
I told ya the 12th year was a doozy! All that middle school stuff. Little Miss Sunshine will take it in stride though, I’m sure!
OOH OOH! Pick me, Pick me!! I would love love love the Cranium Fort thingy for my baby boy Wyatt and his friends!
I would LOVE the Story Maker to write racy messages on the Fridge, but being and “Gam” to 3 Grand kiddies under the age of 2……….the Fort would probably be more for for them!
Magnetic Story Maker please.
That way, we can plaster our fridge with all sorts of lewd sentences.
To wit:
“Please fill me roughly with cheese!”
Happy graduation, Bossy’s daughter! You ARE quite sunny!
Story Maker! I love random sentences.
Oooh! My son is a little young for both things but he would grow to love the Magnetic Poetry, I just know it. Yay!
Ooooh – I have a niece that would LOVE the fort!
Little Charlie would love the fort. He’d be pretty happy with the magnetic words as well, but as he can’t yet read, he’d mostly be adding to his ginormous magnet collection on the fridge…
Story reader thingy, please. I need a freebie regift for my nephew. =)
Fort deal, please.
I like the story maker!
I am going to check out the site.
i must have the fort!!!!
Definately the story magnet. My daughter, who is 9, would love this. She makes up stories all the time, keeps a journal of them infact. Thanks Bossy!!!
Congrats to Bossy’s Daughter!
Please enter me for the story maker.
The StoryMaker would be ideal for my granddaughter. After almost flunking(!) k-garten because of her inability to read, her mom sent her on to 1st grade. Sure enough, Hailey snapped out of it and now that she’ll be in 4th grade next fall she is a READER! Yeah!
Wow! What style she had even in the first grade….makes me feel especially frumpy on this rain sodden day :o) I’m not picky about prizes but I think the fort would be more age appropriate for my just turned 3 year old.
One StoryMaker, please. Because my children need more help coming up with ridiculous phrases and then falling all over themselves laughing.
Bossy’s daughter is lovely, as always. Congratulations to both the graduates.
Please may I win the fort? For my 3 year old niece who told her mom the other day “I want to text her” And I got a text that said “Hi”. And I replied back “Auntie sends kisses.”
And then she turned to her mom, who read her the message, and asked:
“Through the phone?!”
too cute.
The fort thing looks cool!
Oo, I would love it if you picked me for either one!!! That fort thing looks like fun.
Thanks for the link…my daughter’s starting kindergarten next year and my head is spinning off my shoulders, so good information is, well…good!
DD would love the fort, but I would not (she already has an indoor play tent that I’m always grumbling about talking up half the room), so the vote goes for magents!
Very cool giveaway. But I’d expect nothing less from you, Bossy.
I’m just so glad I kept reading. For a moment I thought you giving away the cute child, and that would be just wrong.
Really…I would love either one, but my rockstar nephew would probably love the fort more.
AG wants the fort!
Man, you give stuff away and we all come by.
Big hug to Bossy Daughter on this milestone.
P.S. I love that you have the same stance as your mom.
We’d love the magnetic Story Maker! What a fun giveaway!
Middle school was scary. Probably more so in hindsight.
Hopefully Bossy’s daughter will have a much better time than I did!
Wow, I would take either, but the fort would go over better with my boys! Congrats on the graduations!
Ooooh, I know an 8-year-old that would LOVE the magnetic poetry kit! Great giveaway, Bossy! I found your site through Pioneer Woman some time ago and have been lurking ever since. Your posts crack me up and I LOVE your ‘family tree’ entries!
I’d love to win the Story Maker, as I loved Magnetic Poetry when I was in college. This would be fun for my son. Thanks!
Bossy is so awesome. I would love to win the magnetic story writer! Thanks for the chance to win. I’m making your tres leches cake for Father’s Day for my hubby. He’s VERY excited!
Your daughter is sooo cute in both pics! How exciting and scary for her to be moving up to MIDDLE school. I will definetely check out the link, thanks for the info.
My kids would have fun with either! Is that lame, do I have to pic, I’m not good at that.
How to choose… I’d love both of them, but I guess the first pick would be the Story Maker!
Oh those magnets are cool. They would be fun to use like madlibs in the car.
Ya know? Like “the white seagull…swam under…the loud truck.”
So here’s the dealio at my house: I am the meanest mom ever and my 5 year old girl child is never going to speak to me again. I understand that this may possibly work to my advantage, however I have two little boys who worship the ground I walk upon. And I know that the three of them, non-speaking-to-me-daughter included, would lovelovelovelove the fort. And the magnets. They would just love that I won something and gave it to them. So send me either of those fun guys. We will be praising Bossy forever.
And by the way, I don’t mean to rat him out, but The Mister wet his pants reading the drinking gin out of the bowl post the other day. Not saturated, but just enough so’s he knew it. And he feels sorry about Bossy’s tomatoes. Sad, be-fungused things.
Congrats on the graduation!! That fort looks amazing, thanks!
Magnetic Poetry Story Maker!
I am a 5th grade teacher and if I win, my students would LOVE this! Great idea!
We would love either prize! Both of my girls would use the fort…my soon to be 1st grader would LOVE the magnet set! THANKS!!
Oooh, that fort’s looks really neat. I’d love it!
Congratulations Bossy’s Daughter…and by the way, your dress is really cute.
What a wonderful picture of your daughter! I was looking for any sign of her accident and could find none. I am so happy for her and for you that she healed so well. Congratulations on this milestone for her!
Congratulations to the graduates & thanks for the link. I would like to win the fort deal thingy.
The fort! My 2 & 3 year-olds would dig it. But Bossy has to promise not to “throw in” anything from her basement. Our house is FULL.
congratulations to Bossy’s very photogenic daughter! My daughter poses like this sometimes too. Where do they get it???
My son would love the fort!
Congrats on the milestones – graduations from high school and elementary school! Time flies SO fast.
My two boys would love the fort!
I don’t want anything except to say how fabulous Miss Sunshine is!! She is gorgeous AND talented and will show all of those Middle Schoolers how it’s done!
Oh – I love both of those giveaways. If I had to pick – I guess I’d pick the fort. But, we’d get plenty of use out of the magnet story teller thing too!
How fun!
Bossy hosts a giveaway!
I’m hoping to win the fort b/c my kids are always trying to build forts, find secret hideaways etc…so this would be great fun for them.
Oh my little Wowzilla would love the story maker. She is 4 and has a wonderful imagination already!
I would love the fort for my nephews in Oregon. Or the story maker would be good
The Story Maker because my first grade graduate is having a hard time expressing her ideas when she writes.
I am shooting for the fort… my niece would LOVE that!
My little Peanut would love the fort, and it would save me many headaches by not having to drag couch cushions and blankets to and from every room in the house. Thanks for thinking of us!
pick me, pick me! ooo oooo pick me!
We’d love to win the fort; maybe my husband and I could hide from the children in it. Thanks!
A scarf in first grade?! I didn’t catch on to that until college. Ok, just a tad past. She’s adorable.
Oh, I’m thinking toddler Q and preschooler G would love the fort. And who am I kidding? It looks perfect for an adult, too…perhaps the mama.
As a school teacher myself, either one of those items would be great in a classroom. Or I could become the coolest aunt if I gave a fort to my nephews and nieces. That’s fun stuff.
she’s such a cutie-patootie! i love how she mimics the 1st grade pose. me thinks the kindergarten geniuses in my house would like the magnets.
fort thingo pleaso!
Long time lurker, first time commenter here. I am stuck in a duplex with my four kids, his two kids (ages 16, 15, 10, 9, 8 & 5,) and I am pregnant with a new baby, whom we all refer to as ‘Seven,’ for obvious reasons. Either prize would rock my world and provide a few stress-free moments per day for moi.
Long time lurker, first time commenter here. I am stuck in a duplex with my four kids, his two kids (ages 16, 15, 10, 9, 8 & 5,) and I am pregnant with a new baby, whom we all refer to as ‘Seven,’ for obvious reasons. Either prize would rock my world and provide a few stress-free moments per day for moi.
I would LOVE to win a Story Maker….
Oooh, my girls would love that fort.
Congrats on your promotion, Bossy’s Daughter. You have The Best Smile!
I would love to win either! They both seem super fun, and my husband would enjoy commandeering either from our daughter for his own enjoyment.
Bossy’s daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!!
She certainly is “sunny”, isn’t she? Bossy must be very proud.
I’m in for the Story Maker!
but but but BOSSSSSYYYYYY!
what if i want BOTH!?
jake would love the fort thingy, but my grandmother would kill me. so i guess i should enter the story thingy…
Oh….I’d love the memory magnet thingy!
Congrats to Little Bossy….middle school is very cool.
The fort!
Would love to win the fort!
You rock Bossy!
Thank you for website info… I will be very interested in seeing it.
I love love love the contrast of the two pics of your sunbeam !! She looks like a confident, sassy young lady, looking forward to growing up already!
P.S. I would love a Story Maker for my fridge~ if I am so lucky.
We have the fort and love it, so I would like the story maker. Please randomly choose me Bossy.
PS: Your daughter is cuter than cute!
The site great! Thanks for the tip.
That fort is way cool two. My 4 yo and 18 month kiddos would LOVE it!:)
ooh tough decision! My almost first grade daughter would love the magnets, but the younger boys would love the fort..they could all play with the fort- but eventually all play with the story maker…oooh I cant decide…
uh lets go with the fort.
No. wait.
story maker.
fort. story maker.
ok story maker. final answer
I would be thrilled to win the fort!
Hi There! I’m in for the magnet book, looks like fun for my son!
My daughter Elisabeth (4 3/4 yrs old) loves to build forts with my couch and coffee tables. She would very much like the fort which would be put in the basement with her other toys and my living would look like a living room and not Fort Apache. Thank you Bossy and her new friend!!!!
I like both…but the fort would get a lot of use. We have tons of kids in the neighborhood. So Fort!
MUST have that fort. If not the fort, then the magnet book.
Oooh my kids would love the magnets!!
I would love that fort. I have 3 kids under 3 so if I could put them in the fort and have a few moments to myself then that would be great!
Middle school + girls= not much fun and lots of tears
We’re on our last year. I’d love to win the story maker magnets!
Down maker put for story maker the me!
I would love either one. But if I had to pick I am going to say the Fort thing. I am a future teacher (only 1 semester left before I get my own class!) and the fort would be an awesome addition to my classroom.
congratulations Daisy!
i really liked middle school.
high school……yeah, not so much.
but anyway, good luck!
and i’m entering to win the magnet deal. =]
i have some random words on my fridge already
so those would def be a nice addition.
Oops! That was one ‘maker’ too many.
The story maker would be fun for my gang.
The fort deal would be great.
The magnet deal would be great.
I think I will go with the fort. Yup. I think. Ok the fort. maybe the magnets. Oh I can’t choose.
The fort! The fort! My kingdom for the fort!
SuperFort, SuperFort, it’s SuperForty!
We have a budding writer in our house….she would love the story maker!
We are a year ahead of Bossy with our kids! It will be okay.. I promise!
We have one more still in elementary school and have told her she is not allowed to grow up.
I would really like to win the fort. Maybe it will give these three monkies something to do besides ruin all my possessions.
My son would love the magnetic story gift. Thanks, Bossy.
Congrats! My lil bro just graduated from elementary school. It was so nice.
And since I’m trying for something… will say prize #2 since I thinik my nephew will love it and my SIL will hate it.
Throwing my hat in the ring for the fort. If I gave that to my BFF’s little one for her 3rd b-day it would make me the coolest ‘Aunt’ EVER.
P.S. That is one sweetheart of a daughter you have, Bossy.
P.P.S. That last comment is in no way any kind of butt kissing maneuver to ensure my winning of that awesome fort.
P.P.P.S. Well. Maybe it is, just a little. Kiss. Kiss kiss kissy.
I would really like to win the fort. Maybe it will give these three monkies something to do besides ruin all my possessions.
The magnetics would be greta fun and can only be scattered annoyingly through the house. As opposed to the fort which could take over the house. So I’m calling the magnets. The kids would be happy either way so best make it about me LOL
omg, i am totally in love with that fort. i will trade you for it — how does two vitamin waters, a very luvable cat, and my husband sound? not enough? um, i can also throw in (checks wallet) 68¢. deal?
Ooooh! Fort! Fort! And I’m going to go check out right now. (What does a 7-year-boy I’ve never met want for his birthday?)
Great link – thanks. I am about to enter the world of public education, so I can use the info (and the prize, of course).
I would love either one.
But I can’t even begin to imagine the depth of the love my 4 kids would have for that fort.
Thanks for offering this.
xo ~K
Okay, I’m busted! I found you via PW, but there’s nothing like a Give-Away to bring me out from lurkin’! The fort will be a great way to for me and my DH to play with my toddler granddaughter! I just read your Tampax Review and laughed/howled so hard that I scared the beejeezus out of my chocolate lab!
I’d take either one, but would prefer the magnetic sentence maker. I homeschool and think that would be totally fun for my lil’ ones.
Oh Madness SO WANTS that fort tent thingie! Oh heck yes.
What a fun giveway…since we already have the fort…and some new readers at our house the story magnets would be awesome. Thank you so much. Off to check out
My son would absolutely LOVE that fort!
Poetry maker! I’d love to give my kids an opportunity to make poems that aren’t about bodily functions.
Story Maker all the way. The fort would have to be for Grandma and Grandpa’s house!
that story maker is such a cool idea. my son is a new reader, and he’s having a blast discovering new words. i would love to win one!
I’d like the story maker! I’ve got a rising 2nd grader and kindergardener, so I need it!
My son would love the story maker. OK, he’d probably like the fort better, but I’m not entering for that because it takes up floor space – something we don’t have any more of.
Seriously, I have to hover above the floor to get from one room to another, and every time I defy the law of gravity that way, the Universe writes me a ticket. Pretty soon, the Universe is going to bust my sorry butt and send me to some kind of quantum prison, I just know it!
Thanks for thinkin’ of us!!
Shade and Sweetwater,
Magical metal sticking magnets for the story loving six year old in my kitchen while I am trying to cook.
Magnets don’t stick to stainless refrigerators. If I’d known that before we bought the house, I not sure that I’d be here today. Refrigerator magnets are…were my life.
I would love to win the Story Maker magnets.
The Story Maker for my 4-year-old nephew who has a vocabulary way beyond his years.
oh. i have a collection of magnetic poetry, it’s really good. i have that one already. so i’m in for the fort thing. unless there are fewer entrants for the other one, because then the odds are with me.
bossy’s daughter is beautiful and stunning and it doesn’t seem possible that anything on earth (or in space) could eclipse that smile.
Either one will work in my household.I’ve got too many kids from 4 yrs. old to my now high school graduate whos leaves for college in 7 days.
Since I’m an equal opportunity parent; I choose the fort, which should suit all 3 of my boys age wise.
magnet set!!! my munchkin is reading and she’s just getting to the fun part of putting stuff together.
congrats to bossy’s daughter!!
Would love to win the fort! Thank you for the giveaway!
Dude, I need this fort for my sanity on rainy summer days!
I want the story maker! I work in middle school special ed and this would come in handy. Though my boys would enjoy the tent/fort, they are too big and would probably destroy it in a day. The story maker would help some of my autistic kids come up with sentences.
Tell Bossy’s-beautiful-daughter she will adore middle school. So much more than just locker issues – just stay confident in who she is and she will enjoy the ride! And there are lots more opportunities for acting in middle school!
Oh,I’d love to have the magnet story maker for my great nephew, I’m sure he’d have fun with the fort too! Great giveaway and you have a beautiful daughter!
Just have to say that Bossy’s daughter exudes such confidence and charisma.
I want to win the letter thingy. We have the superfort at home already and let me tell you it is SUPER! As in instead of building my boys use their imaginations and turn the poles into swords, sticks, hockey sticks, javelins, and so on.
First let me say that Bossy’s daughter is sassy! I love her outfit on her first day of 1st grade!
I would like my boys to have the magnetic wacky sentence maker but my boys would prefer the fort most definitely. So…I guess the fort!
being as how my daughter can’t read, i’m going for the FORT! WHOO!
Totally can go for that story maker. I have one that will be a junior (doesn’t need it, he went to preschool); I have one that will be a 4th grader (she doesn’t need it, she went to preschool); and I have my baby, going into Kindergarten…..and never attended preschool (My Mother was dying from cancer and I didn’t have time for chemo and ABC learning)… he could kinda use it.
I think my kid would really like the magnet story maker. The fort is cool but I don’t think I’m willing to give up the real estate inside my house…
My boys would LOVE the fort!
And I would love not having to drag out all the blankets in the house to make a fort.
The fort!
Actually, I doubt that I would win – I usually don’t!
But if I should be so lucky then I would like you to choose and donate the gift to a local school or daycare. My son just graduated from high school last Saturday and neither of these would help us but I know they would help others. thanks.
I want to win the Cranium Super Fort!
Long-time lurker and Bossy-lover would like to put in a plea for the story-maker… and I will check out that website, thanks!
I taught middle school for a couple years, and I think Bossy’s daughter is going to do very well. There will be bumps in the road, but her attitude and self-confidence will get her through it better than most.
Fort, please.
Oh my lawd, Chicky would love that fort. I might get a few seconds of peace if she had that thing. No wait, I went and had another baby. No peace for me.
And is your daughter wearing Samba’s in that first picture? I love her even more now.
The fort please, I have a little grandson that would love to play in that.
The magnet story maker! This would be a fun way for the family to leave messages for each other on the fridge.
We don’t need either one, but from one parent of a “graduating today from elementary school” parent to another: congrats!
I would love the STORY MAKER (better odds. ha ha)
I would love to win the Cranium Super Fort to use at our unschooling conferences. :o)
Ooh! I love the Story Maker!
Bossy Jr. is so very lovely. Your entire family blooms in front of a lens.
My daughters would love magnetic poetry, Miss Bossy.
Would love the story maker for my son. Thanks bossy!
Oooh, the fort is awesome and is my first choice. But since I live in Hawaii and shipping it could cost more than the item’s MSRP, I like the poetry kit second best.
Nothing like a giveaway to get the lurkers out of hiding!
I’d like the poetry thing for my niece.
I’d go with the fort deal. Looks like fun
Boo would adore either. But being in Australia would probably negate my entry. Damn ocean.
The fort would be awesome to put him in and tell him that there is an invisible force surrounding it preventing him from escaping.
The magnets I could put on the fridge, make random sentences and tell Moo that the ghost is doing it.
Oh the merriment!
My daughters would love either but would probably get more mileage out of the magnets. So would I
Count me in for the story maker – how cool and how generous!
Oh the Cranium Super Fort looks like ssoooo much fun!!!
P.S. I thought our daughters were the same age – does middle school up there start with 6th or 7th grade? I remember my anxiety over the BIG transition – I seriously contemplated homeschooling… I mean SERIOUSLY (I bought all the books!), but we had a great year filled with the steadying influence of good friends and fantastic teachers. I’ll keep my fingers crossed in August that you fare the same.
My first choice would be the magnet story thing, but I would lurve to give the fort to my most lovely and adorable (except when they miss the potty) nieces
Hallo Bossy! I would love the faboo fort for my faboo little nieces, Bella and Zoe!
I would just about die of happiness to win that fort thingie. My two favorite little boys in the world would get a huge kick out of it
Ooooo, my just became a 2nd grader is an aspiring writer/illustrator so I think she would love the magnets. How fun!
I don’t think Bossy’s daughter could ever be outshown by anyone. Cutie pictures from then and now. I’m taking notes, Bossy!
Totally the poetry maker because if my children went to bed really early someday, which will never happen, my husband and I could use it to make all sorts of inappropriate stories to amuse each other.
Story maker please! We have the Superfort and it’s GREAT. Although you always need more pieces to make a really huge spaceship that takes over the whole living room..
It has got to be the fort. (I already have the magnets and they are a lot of fun!)
OK…. I can’t resist the thing that is an “educational” (aka boring to kids….but it makes parents feel better to get them) game!!
Hook me up Bossy!!
Fort …
My little Bugaboo would love the story magnets!
That fort would look great in that weird, unusable space outside my son’s room!
I really want the Story Maker thing, cause, you know a 4 year old would have LOADS of fun scattering those all over the kitchen floor!! (I’m serious! I want it!!!)
It’s summer and I have 3 kids at home in need of something to do. A fort would be good…does it have a door? a lock? air conditioning? when could I move in!? It’s my pick with or without amenities!
The fort- my kids love them!
Hi Bossy. Up until recently finding your site, I thought I was the bossy one! LOL
We’d love to win the fort. My son and his cat, spot would have a blast!
Oh fort please. That way I can maybe put all the couch cushions back on the couch and the blankets back on the beds instead of having them constructed in the middle of my living room floor.
I’m a third grade teacher and also a mom. Although my son would love to play with the fort, I don’t have anymore room for more enormous toys in my house. So, the teacher part of me wins. I would love to have the magnetic poetry to see what creative things my students can come up with. Our first writing unit in the fall is poetry.
I would love the story makers for my 2 girls (4 and 8). While the young one is already using words like apropos and buttcrack in the same sentence, the older one writes these amazing stories and even won a national essay contest for her school.
I could see the two of them putting together these elaborate stories on the fridge and dishwasher.
Pick me!! Pick me!!
We want the fort!
We’d love the cranium super fort!
WE LAUGH out LOUD at your GREAT blog
The Fort. Definitely. My oldest has been asking for his own room…
Congrats to Little Bossy.
I think my son would wet himself if he woke up and found that fort set up in our living room. I’ll take the fort, if my number is lucky today! Thanks for the giveaway.
Am I too late? My kids would love the fort. Thanks Bossy!
I love the fort!
Hmm, that’s a tough choice! Looks like a good site, in fact I already found something helpful on it (well, calming, anyway) for my teacher problem. And I’m playing for the magnet set! Thanks!
Bossy’s sunny daughter must be a joy to have around!
Both prizes are very cool but since you are making me choose, I choose STORY MAKER because it won’t take up my entire living room.
My eldest just finished his first year of middle school and it was quite an adjustment for ALL of us. Fasten your seat belt, Bossy! At least you’ve been through it once with Bossy’s Son…
Look how cute she is!! Love the matching skirt & scarf……… Bossy’s daughter!!
The fort the fort the fort the fort. The last thing I won was a free bubblegum ball in 1985, so isn’t it my turn now?
Oooh, pick me! Pick me!
I know it’s random but still.
I heart the poetry.
I heart the fort.
I heart bossy.
and I heart any word that rhymes with fort.
I like the fort thing. I want to live in it.
Thanks for the giveaway. I’d love, or rather my son would love either one.
The fort please!!! Maybe I can regain my kitchen table to eat on instead of being a tent support. Awesome giveaway & web site!
I want them both, ok i’ll just take the game. Thanks
I’m all about the fort. And my kids will be, too! All five of them…do you think they will all fit???
The fort!!! The fort!!! PLEASE, PLEASE the fort!!!
Oh I love the story time thing! All three of my kids would have fun with that.

Congrats to bossy’s daughter btw.
I’m afraid my husband would take over the magnet set and write naughty stories…
My kids would totally rock that fort. They’re way super duper cute, too, so you should totally pick us.
P.S. You rawk.
I’d love to enter this drawing, but I’m not actually willing to risk winning one of those things….
Throw us in for either, if the sponsors will let you. Mom wants the magnets but I’ll bet boys would love the fort more.
My son would have fun with the fort. I would have fun with the story maker.
Bossy rocks!
I’d love the fort – but I’m not sure what you’d make of the UK postage. So Story Maker for me please.
Would be happy with either, but would prefer the fort. My boys would go crazy with that!
I can’t wait to check out that website. My daughter just finished her first year of middle school and is pretty much the same girl I sent there last fall. I was so nervous about it, but she really loved it.
Delurking to enter your contest! I’m a mom of two sons (3 & 5) and they LOVE building forts.
Thank you so much for the link to, my 5 yr old will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. It looks like a helpful site for guidance and information, for the “new” journey we’ll be embarking on in the school years ahead.
We love the fort please!!!
We love magnetic poetry….
Oh the Story Maker is awesome… I want to enter and if I don’t win I am soooo ordering it!
Heehee… my kids would love the fort
Love the photos of Bossy’s Middle schooler!
Would also love the story teller kit. My boys (middle schoolers) could certainly benefit from it. Boys = Can’t spell ____.
My son is going into kindergarten. Can’t believe it’s been almost five years! I’m entering the drawing for the fort thingy; he and his friends would LOVE IT!!
As always, love reading your blog.
Magnetic deal please…
I’d love the magnetic story maker, we don’t have room for the tent!
Let the sun shine in! Your daughter doesn’t appear too upset by being upstaged by your son!
Speaking of sons, mine would love the fort!
I would love to win the cranium super fort. I think it would be great!
They both look so great, but I’d have to pick the magnetic story thingy. It’s the perfect thing right now for my boys while they’re both really getting into reading!
Awwww… my oldest daughter just finished first grade on Friday, and my youngest will enter kindergarten next year. I am a weepy mess. How in the world will I cope with future milestones?
Oh, and we’re not picky, my girls would love either gift.
Love you Bossy! I’m not just trying to win, I really mean it.
~ Windy
We’re ready to make stories over here! Story Maker, please.
The fort would be so much fun! Thanks!
Fort–totally. We’ll call it a guest room.
Whoa. That is a lot of comments! I will throw my hat into the ring for the fort!
Linda C.
Oh, God! Not the fort. But the words are so cool and HRH is READING now, which thrills me!
Since we’re insane, Sean is building a massive fort in our backyard…”Should the roof be multi-pitched” he asked. “Multi-wha?”
Stories on the other hand, I’d love to magnetically glean just how it is that when I “crack the glass of her body” that “the guys made” her with I’ll “find chickens inside.”
Ooh, the fort! My kids would love the fort and I would love not having to drag out all my blankets to build tents all over the house.
We would love the story maker
Holy mother o’ God, you have a lot of comments. Well, if you get to reading this, your daughter is cutie. My daughter graduated from eighth grade a week ago, and is featured on my blog. Come take a ride on my slide over at the playground.
Oh, and if by some miracle I should win, I’d like the fort for my crazy boys.
We would love the storymaker, so fun AND educational!
Thanks for the chance!@
I’m not sure our refrigerator door can handle any more magnets… but I would toss all the old ones for that story set! And I might even let my daughter use it once in a while.
My boys would go nuts for the fort!
Bossy! How cool! My kids would love the fort thingie. BTW – I also have a giveaway and YOU could enter (and I’ll bet totally win) – come visit before tomorrow night
I would love the story maker!!!
How do I decide??? My students would SO benefit from the story magnets, but my kids would so love the fort builder. Aack!!!
Okay, because I have so come up with room for a lovely prize (since I’ll win, right???), I’ll go for the story magnets. Because they should be much easier to store.
Phew! I broke into a sweat making that decision.
I’m trying to win the story maker. Thanks for asking!
Lovin’ the fort! Thanks for sharing the website. My oldest is heading the Kindergarten in the fall…yikes!
I would love to win the Cranium Super Fort.
My little guy would love it!
It’s gotta be the fort – how cool is that?
Hey there… I don’t want/or need anything… (freebies….) Just wanted to tell you I think you are F A B! Saw your videos on Youtube & it cracked me up… FUNNY FUNNY Lady!
Who in the world has room for the fort. I want the magnet thing. First of all my three year old and 6 year old could fight over decorating the fridge then my 3 year old could swallow one, I could rush her to the er, and we could be paying for xrays to see what fun word she swallowed. Yep definitely the magnet words. Thanks Patty
PattySquirell at
I’m going for the fort!!!
My two little girls and my Bossy (Boston terrier) would LOVE the fort!
I want the story maker! My daughter would have endless hours of fun with that. She has been writing books since she was 3. OK, dictating books.
The fort thingy, por favor Beautiful, Fashionable, Hyper-Intelligent Bossy. Please!
The Story Maker would be way fun for my 6 y.o. daughter who is learning to read (and just mastered riding her two-wheeler–woo-hoo!)and who is, at this moment, on the floor at my feet, giving me a lecture on why her bff should spend the night tonight. I just heard her say, “because you’re not the boss of me because I am my own body.” Huh?
I love bossy’s daughter who is certainly sunny, but also conveys a dose of something I like even better — sassy! Hmmm – maybe she gets it from her Mama. Congrats bossy’s daughter. I hope you are more excited than petrified. I was petrified.
Fort! Fort! Fort!
Oh – my 6yr old niece loves to play with my magnetic poetry – i would love to give her a set of her own!
Hi, Bossy! Wow, two graduations in one year?!
I love the story maker…all three boys could enjoy that!
I want the school that does not need gun control. If that one’s already taken, I want the magnet thingy. Oh, and, perhaps, since this is an EDUCATIONAL KIDS prize, I should ASK NICELY, as I would ask my children to do. May I please have the MAGNET THINGY?
The Story Maker(s) sounds cool.A few amazing drinking games come to mind that could use better dialog,before and after the booze…MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Words. Totally.
Where you gonna be in 32 days?
Both look awesome. I have to say the story book with magnets though for educational
purposes, of course.
The fort! The fort! Please??? Though, on second thought, the poetry thingy sounds pretty good, too and would take up less space…. Changed my mind: The poetry thingy, the poetry thingy!
My couch cushions would thank you if we could win that fort… not to mention my 5 year old.
Holy crap – over 475 entries! Well, you can’t win if you don’t play – so I might as well give it a shot! I’d like the story maker magnets for my classroom. When my students go on to be prolific and famous storytellers and follow that success with heartfelt thanks to their 5th grade teacher, I will surely pass the credit on to you and (cool site BTW)
ooo, oooo, the story maker please.
I should like to have the Story Maker. Thank you!
Your daughter looks like every teacher’s dream, by the way!
Been viewing you since you came to visit Kelly in Richmond. I could totally get into winning the fort. I have a little girl in mind that I’m not the parent or uncle of, unless you count by non-legalized adoption, that would love it. It would fit wonderfully in her back yard. Pick ME!
This isn’t another entry… did this turn into a Friday, Saturday, Sunday giveaway? And I forgot to say your daughter is *divine*, and very, very Sunny. Congratulations to her!
I can’t comprehend the greed of 483 comments. But, if you can’t beat em’ … the fort rocks.