Yesterday Bossy travelled to New York City to use a few public restrooms. And she swears this had nothing to do with the need to get her hair trimmed, where swears equals the curses lobbed at Bossy by her Poverty Party participants.
And while in New York City, Bossy fell in love with a new gay:
Bossy’s new gay with his smart suit jacket and shorts passed in front of Bossy as Bossy was exiting Macy’s, which had everything to do with Macy’s delightful restroom and absolutely nothing to do with Bossy’s new sunglasses.
Bossy’s new gay exuded fun and had a snarky optimistic air which instantly reminded Bossy of her friend Vuboq. So Bossy trailed her new gay for a few blocks, plotting ways to bring he and Vuboq together:
Next Bossy used a restroom on the fifth floor of a rehabilitated warehouse which coincidentally houses Bossy’s Italian boyfriend.
Next Bossy met up with her son and walked to a restroom. A restroom attached to a lovely outdoor cafe featuring Pinot Noir and a shared order of pâté.
And while sitting in the outdoor cafe attached to the lovely restroom, Bossy and her son saw a guy walking down the street with a cat perched upright on his head! Unlike the surrounding natives who ignored the sight, Bossy decided to scramble for her camera to capture this image for her readers!
And then Bossy and her son walked to the park where Bossy spied a girl with a hula hoop:
Bossy admits she became more than a little mesmerized by the girl’s ass and the possibility that hula hooping creates panty lines only Jennifer Lopez can get away with.
Next Bossy and her son walked to a restroom surrounded by thai food. And then the two stood outside of a bustling train station and said their goodbyes, Bossy shouting orders at her baby son’s back as he disappeared into the thick crowd, such as, “Look both ways before crossing the street!”
Couldn’t think of a better reason to scope out bathrooms than these!
P.S. The Boyfriend would be a better choice for Vuboq!
Wait! Finals are over. Why didn’t Bossy’s baby son return home with her?
I’m not manic about panty lines, but even those would annoy me.
bossy mom needed to be there because she needs Bossys sons celebration attached to a rest room, along with THE haircut attached….wine attached….thai attached…and THE park.
that purple collar… it is popped
vuboq is ok with being married off. as long as he is rich and cute.
I wish NY was closer so we could just pop into the city whenever the mood struck, and see very odd things and people.
Bossy should write a tourist guide to restrooms because she knows where the best facilities are, and what wine goes with them.
Looks like a wonderful day, with excellently planned bathroom breaks!
Are those panty lines or did she just paint her butt blue? Whichever, I am mesmerized too. (sorry Vuboq)
I can’t really tell… does the hula hoop girl have on pants? tights? a skirt? Saw a hula hoop girl at a Jerry Garcia Band concert the other night. She was very annoyed by the people who kept “walking by” and evidently disturbing her hooping!
I’ve seen the guy with the cat on his head before. He is all over the city.
Now I hope you’ll all pardon me as I lock myself in the bathroom and weep inconsolably because I was snubbed yet again during a Bossy visit to NYC.
Pretty disappointed that you didn’t get a photo of the cat-on-head guy. I know you have your priorities, as clearly exhibited, but you could have set down the glass for a moment to satisfy my curiosity. Since I don’t get to be all over the city like the recently snubbed David.
What was everyone looking at off-camera-right in the first hula hoop photo?
David obviously doesn’t have a restroom.
Did you get the gay guy’s name at least?
Where “baby son” equals person taller than BOSSY who is registered to vote and eats pate with pinot noir.
I’m sorry. I’ve been asking my friends to send me off to Stacy and Clinton for months and months! I want some new clothes, so I was only wearing those God awful leggings and granny panties in hopes that it would finally push them over the edge to start taping the secret footage. Stacy! Clinton! Save me from myself!
Seriously, is this really Bossy’s life? Because yesterday I toted my baby and toddler to a friend’s house to paint, came home, put them to bed for a nap, argued with my juvenile deliquent stepdaughter, made dinner, got boys up from naps, received emails from delinquent’s teacher about her future in prison, played wiht boys, and put all three children to bed. I want Bossy’s day instead.
So is it the Year of the Moccasin or WHAT?! Hello, 1974? Your shoes are here . . .
–>My eyes! My eyes! I can’t stand those crazy panty lines.
Why are we talking about panty lines? Shouldn’t we be talking about her pants?
Sounds like a delightful day but you must have been drinking pre-Macy’s godawful pink tile restroom because I’ve been there and it wasn’t pretty. Gah!
That James Dean with the cat on his head? He was in Virginia back in the 1980’s in Charlottesville… when I was in college.
Right before a Talking Heads concert I __________________ * and after that /right before the concert I saw him! Plain as day! Neither he nor that cat has aged one bit.
* Where ________equals things only a stupid teenager would do. These stupid things are really not advisable before attending a concert with a million other people who are all staring at you, pointing at you, whispering about you, conspiring against you and hogging all the 7-11 nachos and burritos.
That’s a nice ass underneath those bad blue pants.
Slack bladder?
Dood. The hair. Where’s that picture?
I’m suburb born and bred, but I sometimes dream of a day as full of random wackiness as what you captured in your precious city. That is just marvelous!
David, is there room in that bathroom for two? I’m in NYC as well and missed Bossy… and i was even in Macy’s yesterday!
So is it the Year of the Moccasin or WHAT?! Hello, 1974? Your shoes are here . . .
foolery- the moccasins seem to be very chi chi in NYC this year!
I must say this to Bossy’s Gays. Your websites are way too graphics intensive where”intensive” equals your photos have obviously not been “optimized for web” because they take FOREVER and a day to load even on a wireless connection. Also, when they eventually do load (and it will take a while), they require a disclaimer to those mousy housewives of us with little kids wandering thru the kitchen at any moment. Trying to help by clicking thru, but just sayin’,
I love how Bossy’s boyfriend gestures artistically over the magic markers he dyed your hair with.
Bossys son needs to flee the city in honor of swine flu and summer
excuse me, I’m going to dig my moccasins out of the trash!
Are you SURE Bossy’s New Gay is really gay? What gave it away?
He looks like he’s taking a picture of the female in front of him with a monkey bag on her butt.
Bossy would love my sister, who feels it is her civic duty to inspect and rate all restrooms attached to anywhere she goes.
No photos of the haircut or Son of Bossy?