Bossy still has so many stories to share with you about her ten-day camping trip, like how Smokey The Bear suddenly appeared on her swimming beach one day, and how Bossy probably would have slept through the whole thing except Bossy’s son kept repeating, “Oh my gah, look, Smokey is a thug!”
Believe Bossy when she says she is committed to sharing each and every one of her camping stories with you, where committed equals Just as soon as she is released from the insane asylum, or can pry her puffy eyes open, whichever comes first.
Check it out — the little boy, AK-47 in hand, faces down Smokey the Bear who walks with a lee-ump and who is about to bust a cap in his ass. If the lake wasn’t in the background, this picture could have been taken in Compton.
Where’re NWA when you need them?
Dear Great Getzby: OK, fine, but your initial observation and the hilarity of your comment still doesn’t excuse you from rousing Bossy from a nice nap in the sun. If not for you, her extremely strange sunburn markings could have become even more pronounced and bizarre. Thanks for nuthin’.
Smokey the Bear is obviously packing something in the first photo.
Funniest. Title. Ever.
uh, looks like smokey is about to lose his pants – now that would be a bare bear!
I crack myself up sometimes…
Dear Great Gretzby, please clue me in. What’s it mean: “about to bust a cap in his ass?” Or do I not really want to know?
And who wants the Smokey gig for a summer job? Work’s work?…
Hey Smoky,
Are you excited to see me or is that a fire extinguisher in your pocket?
Reeb? I speak gangsta. “Bust a cap in his ass” means that the young boy is going to shoot Homey the Bear.
–>Best Bossy title so far.
So does a bear sh*t in the woods?
Smokey turned 65 on August 9. He’s lookin HOT.
I gotta’ tell you, his official name is Smokey Bear – the park service dropped the “The” ages ago.
I always say “smoke ’em if you’ve got them” and from what he’s carrying in his trousers he does.
Smokey has a Front Butt and a load in his pants. Nice.
that’s one ghetto bear!
If Smokey had a butt crack…I definitely would have seen it in those pictures.
Um, why is he even wearing pants? Shouldn’t he be wearing forest ranger green uniform pants if anything?
not to be picky but it’s just Smokey Bear…not Smokey The Bear. I live in the town he’s was found near and now buried here
It would be like saying Mickey The Mouse or Donald The Duck
Lizzy, thank you for the translation.
I learn so much from BossyLand.
Smokey. DUDE! Pull up your pants!
The picture of Bossy ‘the’ Sleepy having coffee at her friend’s reminded me that I had not sent THANKS for the coffee received. My staff who seems to think they need decaf in the afternoons thanks you. Their boss thinks if it was totally (or extra) caffeinated they might work harder/faster/more. Thanks again, M
Moving slightly off topic, do all beaches have lawns in Bossy’s world?
Smokey’s gotta shoe loose (the left) to go with his butt-bearing pants! I think he’s telling that kid “Only you can prevent forest fires with that water gun!”
let’s hope smokey has a five inch pants bunch there or he’s more than a thug. why he’s a thug looking for a hug.
I must be evil. When I saw that picture, I felt an overwhelming need to yank his pants down… kinda like I do when I see those teenagers with their pants down at their knees.
As an aside, I picked you as one of my five fabulous Blogs prize…. have a look at my website and check it out.
seriously? who doesn’t see how wrong those pants are?
Great Getzby,
At the risk of sounding old enough to be the older mom of one of your classmates, what is “NWA”?
And where is Compton? The Compton (AVE) I know goes through a couple of unsavory neighborhoods here in STL.
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Thanks, p.j.
Bossy, I am crushed. Crushed I tell you.
Can’t you see the bear has been working out? With all the exercise he has dropped at least 10-20 inches from his waist. Budget cuts preclude the buying of new pants.
Here’s a poor bear (Smokey is a black bear – species, not necessarily a color scheme) trying to take care of himself and what does he get? A one way ticket to palooka-ville! No sow would be interested in the guy now after this slanderous abuse. Oh, sow is the correct name for a female bear.
And janny226 – the jeans are for protection from ash and embers when he is fighting fires.
Smokey has the waistline of John Goodman.
Dear Bossy, I covet your hair. Even in your sleepy photos.
Smokey, looks like your happy to see Bossy, or is that a very LARGE jack knife in your pocket?