This is the reason Bossy hasn’t posted since the end of last week.
It’s the stack of clothes on Bossy’s son’s bed as he prepares for his departure later today.
You see, Bossy’s son has been living at home since Christmas, but now he is leaving for a semester abroad in Buenos Aires Argentina.
The school semester in Argentina is delayed until the end of February due to a little thing the Argentinians like to call their summer. And due to this delay of the semester, Bossy’s son won’t return until the end of July.
So things have been a little whacky at Bossy’s house, where things equal Bossy.
But Bossy has other things to blame for her lack of posting on her bog blog. Feel free to select among the following excuses, and let’s meet back here tomorrow, shall we?
Bring Kleenex!
- Those six inches
- That two-hour snow delay
- Three glasses of wine
- All that coffee
- Shopping for those wedge heels
- That Jill Clayburgh movie marathon
- More wine
- So many aisles in DSW so little time
- Internet research i.e. Gwen Stefani’s ridiculous Spring 2011 looks
- Did Bossy mention her baby son is leaving home?
–>Bossy needs a 2011 (no)book tour trip straight to Argentina soon. (Save travels for Bossy’s son too.)
Oh Bossy, this will be just as hard on you as the undivorce. And yes, Bossy needs some type of trip to keep her mind off things.
I feel for you, Bossy! Will you be able to Skype with your son? That’s helped us not miss my older son TOO much . . . of course, he’s only three hours away at college.
Oh Bossy, I know exactly how you feel. My 18 year-old daughter just left for boot camp at Fort Sill! I still haven’t stopped crying… who told these kids they were allowed to grow up and leave us?
Oh dear. I’d be all SNIFF SNIFF, too. Hugs, Bossy! And have a great time, Bossy’s son!
I can’t even imagine… but you’ve done your job, Mama, and your baby boy will be FINE in that other country for all those months! I have a better excuse than you for not blogging… my house almost burned down owing to wild brush fires in Maryland in February. I know, what are the ODDS??
It sucks that baby boys grow up. Waaaa.
Bon Voyage to Bossy’s son, or whatever the Argentinian equivalent of Bon Voyage is.
Farewell tango lessons at Bossy’s house tonight?
That said: Safe travels, Bossy’s Son!
July will be here before you know it! Have a great time, Bossy’s son!
you’ll be fine – he’ll be even better. what a great opportunity for both of you. safe travels mr. getz.
Tell him to bring some umbrellas and rubber boots… in case he gets flooded in!
Just kidding… he’ll have a great time in Buenos Aires- without a doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in the World.
(I’m coming back to the snow after 2 wonderful weeks in the Argentinean summer… )
I’m crying for you bossy. safe journey great getzby. we will all miss you.
My heart is with you! My babies are still in elementary school and I am already dreading the day they leave home.
Aw, so hard to watch the birds leave the nest. I sure like that retro pic of you two
Awww…I feel your pain, Bossy! My son studies in Turkey and honestly, Skype is Momma’s best friend! I can pretend he’s just at college. Trust me, the time will go faster than you think. And Argentina is awesome … My son went there for Boys Chorus travels in middle school and has had LOTS of friends go there to study.
Safe travels Bossy’s son! Bossy looks so ethereal and nun-like in that photo.
Aww, Bossy, my heart hurts for you. He’s still yours and he will be back. Better than ever! Safe travels and successful studies, Bossy’s Son!
My nephew studied for a year in Spain and it about killed us all, but technology helped. A. Lot.
How exciting for Bossy’s son! Hugs to the rest of the family as i am sure this is difficult. And as someone else said, July is merely a moment away…
G – A friend of mine from H.S. lives in B.A. – runs an American-ish cookie and coffee shop. I should make the connection…
See you soon,
He left a while back. NYC is a lot closer than Buenos Ares, but still.
You can pretend he is just in NYC, and use Skype, and major trip for Bossy to go visit. It always looks like dance party city down there.
When I saw the caps on the bed I thought Bossy was going to spring training
Hey sweetie. Take care. Be good to yourself. You raised a good kid. He is going to have the time of his life. That is something to celebrate. He’ll be back. He’ll be fine. Meanwhile, there is that creative and intelligent second sibling who I am sure will do a find job at keeping you company.
hugs to you.
My babyboy (now 36) is only 1,000 away from me (he’s in NYC) but he called last night and chatted for 30 minutes. I realize he was just killing time while walking from work to the subway, but HE CHOSE TO KILL TIME WITH ME! How will the Delightful One manage???
Vaya con dios, Son of Bossy! And *sniff* at that last photo. So very sweet. Tell him to go to La Estancia and have a steak and a toast to his very wonderful mama! Then, go there and join him.
I spent my senior year of high school in Finland as an exchangee. Before email and Skype. As the parent of a senior now, I can’t even imagine how my mother handled it.
But–Best. Year. Ever. You’ll both make it through okay.
Poor Bossy. I spent a semester in college in Zimbabwe. At the time I had no idea how hard it must’ve been for my parents. It’s hard not to worry, but I’m sure everything will be fine.
I visited Buenos Aires in April and it was wonderful. He will love it. Tell him to get geared up for the BEEF-fest. Ugh, never had so much red meat in my life, but all so yummy. And don’t get me started on the lovely Malbec wines!!!
Hang in there, Bossy. In our family’s case, I was the one who decamped to Europe, leaving behind two wonderful sons just a bit older than Bossy’s. The two things you need to deal with this situation are Skype and some form of chat – we use iChat. Skype will allow you to see where he is and that he looks like he’s eating enough and not drinking too much, and chat will allow you to touch base as often as you could while he was in NY. My son (in NY) and I often work with our chat programs on on opposite sides of the world, taking a short break to ‘talk’ a couple of times a day. It really helps you feel as close as ever!
Beef and Malbec (ala #28 Teresa) are both totally worth a trip to visit him while he’s there, in addition to Baby Boy himself. Must go to milongas and learn tango. HOT dance, hot weather. Mind the humidity, curly-haired Bossy … however, BA is the Paris of South America, truly. Such a rich culture, and so affordable. Sigh. Envy.
We give them roots and we give them wings…
Here’s hoping for more reports from the really-far-flung reporter! Bon voyage, Bossys Son!
Shoes? Wedge shoes? photo please.
Oh gosh….just saw him off…..
we’re all a mess. Bossy, me, bossys daughter….but we know he will have a tremendous time….
I love that…”We give them roots and we give them wings”
Oh honey, hang in there.
Bossy, chillax, as my kids say. Be so happy that you have raised a kid who wants to and CAN leap from the nest. This is a good thing for all parties.
Stay focused on the orange lady, my long as she is by your side (or in your gin and tonic) you will never be drinking alone… of course, you could just call me….sniff..we will miss him too…
Is there room for you in his suitcase?
My baby boy is never leaving me!!!
Olivia has two sons and one daughter who all left home through a revolving door. Can’t remember all the times they came back. One is still here.
Not really sure if that helps or . . . ?
Sending BOSSY an urgent package of hugs.
Have fun, kid!
Growing pains are only hard on the parents. Vaya con BOSSY, Great Getzby.
I have been reading your blog for a few years now and never commented. But now I have a reason> I live in Argentina!! (I happen to be Argentinean, not an expat btw). So if your son or you need any advice or anything at all, feel free to contact me.
There are a lot of places he can visit and I hope he has a great time!
Aw! But also yeah! What an awesomely wonderful opportunity for Bossy’s son.
I hope he has lots of fun.
Kathy (#22) is right–this blog originating from BA would be a hoot…if he doesn’t kill you for following him there.
If you can get ford to give you a car for a ride around this country, I have faith you can twist an arm or two at American Airlines.
Opportunity awaits…go get it.
Oh, and did I mention they have red wine there?
Six inches? is this an intentional double entende?
Can’t BOSSY get Ford to sponsor a trip down Argentina way?
He’ll have a blast and you’ll survive. That’s what happens here anyway.
Was Bossy 12 when she had the baby?
My heart is bursting achy love for Bossy’s sadness/dread/joy-ish thing happening right now. I feel the same way about many things but primarily I want to start a movement wherein we all protest change but I know it won’t succeed. Hang in there!!! You’re a good mom how you’re giving him a large life.
I hope he has the most wonderful time! I am afraid of my son growing up and leaving. It is hard to think of.
Brings back memories of when my son left for his semester abroad. The first thing I had him do when he landed was buy an international cell phone. With that and the internet, it was more bearable, but still tough. I can’t imagine how parents coped in the days before all this technology.
bossy, it’s the next day now, are you all right?
In maybe 2004 my niece spent a semester in New Zealand. My sister spent most of the time planning a family trip to NZ when the semester was over. They went for 2 weeks and had a wonderful time.
I have another niece who is a nurse in the army, stationed at Landstuhl Army Hospital in Germany. My brother added $10 to his monthly phone bill for unlimited calls to Germany. Carrie has a cell phone, they talk very often.
The time will fly, really.
That is a beautiful photo – love it! Have fun Bossy’s son in Argentina!
Argentina ranks as one of the most beautiful diverse landscape in this hemisphere; or so sayeth my niece who went and stayed for many months with her Argentinian husband. Pretty beaches, mountains, rivers, flowers, Beef, pretty people, good attitudes and sharing is one thing they do well. (according to the nearly 26 y/o) It will enrich Bossy’s Son beyond measure.
And hey, you have us for company…
km did not know Bossy was a sister wife.
Son going to Argentina? Another place to visit I say !
Bossy – the wine will help.
I bet there are lots of pretty Argentinian ladies (and men?) to look at down there in the warm sun. He will have the time of his life. Just don’t pop into his dorm space with a “surprise” visit. Make sure he knows Bossy’s flight plans…