The Oil of Olay regenerist products. And not just because they made Dr. Oz’s list of things that actually work, but because they are available in the drugstore and are cheaper than almost everything else.
Bossy has written about this stuff before and it was way funnier back then, but here’s the deal: last year Bossy researched the best Face Repair cream on the internet, and when Bossy says she researched it she means she made her husband do it.
And Bossy’s husband learned that all of the face creams–those that supposedly help wrinkles and those that help eye bags–are nearly all the same. The really, really, really pricey products contain the exact same stuff as the cheaper drugstore brands, and all of them are questionable when it comes to doing what they say they’ll do, except that applying moisture to the face as we age is always a good thing.
And then Bossy’s husband found Oil of Olay regenerist line at the top of several lists for both its effectiveness and because it’s a best buy.
Bossy bought the product pictured above first—the eye-lifting serum. Bossy applies only a wee dot of this stuff around the eyes and between the eyes every night before going to bed.
It’s silky and light and Bossy wishes she could bathe in it.
Bossy then purchased Oil of Olay’s Total Effects, and even though her friend Stella swears by it, the texture is a bit thicker than the serums, and when applied feels more like sunblock. Also Bossy didn’t like the slight perfumey smell because it made Bossy feel as though she was washing her mouth out with soap, which was when her friend Stella found her a Total Effects with no odor, and aren’t you glad you don’t have to chase down products for picky Bossy?
But due to this whole poverty thing, Bossy decided she needed to make do with only one Oil of Olay product at night, and so she is sticking with the eye lifting serum, even though there isn’t a whole lot of eye-lifting going on that Bossy can tell–except she doesn’t think her eyes have dropped any, so that’s a good thing.
Just be aware because it’s hard to know looking at the above photo: if you go to purchase this product, it’s not the size you may think. Here’s Bossy standing near hers:
I will definately try it. I am currently IN LOVE with
Olay total effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging daily UV moisturizer + touch of foundation ( Now THAT’s a mouthful).
I’m still stuck on the fact that your husband researched Face Repair Cream for you. Your husband researched Face Repair Cream for you? Your husband researched Face Repair Cream for you. (What a sweetie!)
I’m with you on drugstore vs. pricey for the most part, but if your face ever gets too dry from the winter weather (or dry from anything), you MUST try M.D. Forte Replenish Hydrating Cream. It’s pricey, but worth EVERY penny. My combination-to-oily skin gets quite dry with the change to cold weather, to the point of flaking. This cream is the only one that will hydrate it!
Does this eye lifting stuff work when you are trying to watch Charlie Rose at midnight, and your eyes know..closing?
I totally *heart* that last photo! BOSSY made me laugh. YAY!
That is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen! It will take thousands to fill my bath….
Olay, Olay..OlayOlayOlay! Isn’t that what they shout at soccer games? But I love their products too. I’ve just never bought one that had less than three ounces in the bottle.
And Bossy? Is that a bit of cellulite around your knees? Dab some Olay on the ASAP
I love Olay too, but was disappointed that they stuck their products in THICK containers giving the illusion that you are actually getting a decent amount of cream for your money. I have read recently that olive oil is the wonder oil for just about everything.
I like Olay stuff for the most part but stick to Aveno, and when I can afford it, Mary Kay. Their eye lift is ten kinds of awesome and doesn’t smell like anything.
I love the last photo too! Bossy has legs that go all the way up to … the little space between her fingers???
Crrabby LOVES Bossy.
I have tried them all and have not found one that didnt taste sour
Even Bossy’s fingers are tall!
I’ll have to try me some of that there stuff – my eyes are suddenly doing some heavy lifting and need all the support they can get.
BOSSY’s dog wears face cream?
Ha. This made me laugh and so did the comments. Bossy has some of the best commenters!
I used to work in the lab of one of those swanky beauty improvement factories. OK. Just letting everyone in on a secret here…….Many companies have multiple product lines that they send to different markets. Usually it is a Slick Department Store with commissioned sales reps and BIG advertising budgets vs. Corner Drug Store, with no advertising budget and no one but the cashier. Soooooo lets say you are a factory owner who wants EVERYONE to scoop up your goodies, but you don’t want to diminish the brand name (cause you spent so much money on the milky skinned model)…..What do you do? What do you do?
What you do is, adjust the fragrance and color,put it in different packaging, and give it a drug store price point.
My personal favorite wrinkle cream is Boots No. 7. I can’t say that my wrinkles are going bye-bye, but you can’t blame a girl for trying!
Just noticed: Drugstore dot com has a sale on Regenerist items right now. Buy one get one half off.
Sold. I’m getting it tomorrow. Also, my drugstore has a new Olay face cleaner, which I bought, and am loving. Almost no scent to it.
I use St. Ives super-cheapo face cream. A tub costs like $5 and lasts for months. And I look fabulous. And I’m 73.
Bossy has gorgeous gams!!!
But..where are you feet?
coastal nest
I have used Oil of Olay since I was 25 and my mother told me to wear sun screen every day and now, almost 20 years later, I don’t look a day over 44 and 11 months!
De-lurking to say that I LOVE the Oil of Olay Regenerist line. Ohmygah do I love it. I discovered it about 6 months ago when I treated myself to a facial as a surviving the school year treat and the esthetician recommended it. She said it was the best stuff out there. She was so right.
She also told me to save the money I spent on toner & to use plain old witch hazel instead (since it’s one of the main ingredients in most toners). My skin looooves the new regime.
I love the Regenerist line of products!
You AND Dr. Oz? That’s one hell of an endorsement. I want it.