When the neighbors gather at the far end of the street to participate in African Dance during the annual block party.
A pureness of desire and your best effort is what’s called for here. But in truth, unity and joy and reverence to things past is the desired outcome as the neighbors form large circles or line up under the direction of Bossy’s dear friend, the resident African Dance queen (in red.)
Bossy’s neighbors now how to have a good time.
What excellent fun! Can Bossy come to my neighborhood and light a fire under my neighbor’s butts? It’s all I can get them to do to wave from their car… and I’ve lived here 3 years. Sheesh.
May I come live in your neighborhood? It’s more diverse and fun than mine…. please..please..please. I sooo need something new in my life.
This is the exact opposite of my neighborhood. Maybe I need to move.
I’m impressed! No block parties here, I can’t even imagine something like that happening here, what a shame.
And now I know where that concept of flash mobs comes from …
Did you actually close the street for having good times on it? Wowsers once more.
Fabulous… but where are the photos of Bossy bustin’ a move or two… hand the camera over to the lady in red, I say!!!

Amity is afraid that girlfriend in the green skirt showed the neighbors a little more than they wished to see on their holiday weekend…
You live in an awesome neighborhood! Wish my neighbors could come and learn something from yours. Learning to be friendly would be a good place to start!!
I am feeling a little jealousy seeping in. You seem to live in utopia! Your pictures left me smiling!
Are there any houses for sale in Bossy’s neighborhood? Because I need to move there! I have yet to clap eyes on most of my neighbors. After TWO years of living here. Hate.
I’m moving! You’ve live in a very special place.
Is the block party from last year with that picture of the girl and the juice? It was a girl and some red juice and a crazed expression on her face for the juice. I’ve always thought that the juice made her crazy.
All this block party talk and neighborhoody goodness really makes me want to live in your neighborhood Bossy. That and all the beautiful trees. Bossy, you are a lucky lady.
Reeb’s neighborhood party will probably not have African Dance. In fact, I’m confident it won’t. Wine, yes. Food, yes. Diversity, no. Sigh.
Again I say, Bossy assembled all these people on a soundstage to photograph, as she is making this neighborhood up. Rather like I just read that NASA took the Apollo moonwalk photos on a soundstage. Was it like that, Bossy?
The more I read your blog, the more I want to live in your neighborhood. Gorgeous houses, beautiful green everywhere, vibrant community theatre, diverse neighborhoods… If I asked where you lived, would it be too weird? Because I love it, very much,
I want to be your neighbor – looks like fun!
Ohhhhhh, mercy. Can I bring my drums to your party next year? I can teach people to play in minutes!
Did you dance with wild abandon too, Bossy, and did anyone take your photo?
Methinks Bossy’s neighborhood could show the rest of the world a thing or two!
I think I saw the woman with the pregnant belly bustin’ a move or two and I said “OMGah! Preterm labor is immenent!” But then again, what a welcome committee for the baby!
I wanna move to Bossy’s block!
I want to live in Bossyland!! I’ve met exactly four of my neighbors and two just moved away. Sigh.
I agree with Carroll in #19.
What a great neighborhood you have! And to raise your kids in! If they don’t already know, they will realize upon moving away what a fantastic community they live in. I am jealous. =)
The pregnant lady is having fun !!! I went to an Indian wedding when I was pregnant with my first. I got to Bhangra dance with the best of them. It was awesome.:)
My ankles were huge the next day though:)
Bestest block party evah your neighbourhood is funtastic.