Bossy’s daughter and her many Aunts.
Bossy comes from a fairly small family where the parental units spit out generations consisting of two kids, usually a boy and a girl. Bossy only has one sibling, but gah did gah make it a good one.
But Bossy has a few extremely tight-knit girlfriends, and they have all adopted Bossy’s daughter as their own. Last weekend Bossy’s daughter accompanied Bossy to the beach, where Bossy’s friend Amy made her giggle until she was inside out, gave her advice, threatened her against tattoos, and let her eat sweets for breakfast.
Lovin’ the boardwalk… and Bossy’s daughters voluntary aunt system. I myself am aunt to 14 (soon to be 16) nieces and nephews by blood and marriage, and voluntary aunty to about 30 more. It’s a great gig – unsolicited advice is totally acceptable!!!
My aunt-advice would actually be the opposute of Amys – tasteful tats are fine, sweets for breakfast NEVER!!

FYI “Opposute” and “Opposite” are totally interchangable terms Down Under. Totally deliberate spelling there… just in case you were wondering!
Dutiful Aunt Amy!!! Yay!!!
Oh, the aunt-friends. I love them. They are the best.
No tats for little Bossy! I couldn’t stand it! (maybe tell her that little orphan Annie and Maria Von Trapp never inked).
My little one has several ‘aunts’ as well. They absolutely warm my heart and cheerfully babysit when mommy needs a break. Gah bless em!
I think tats are up to the wearer, and some I find beautiful, but it makes me laugh to think that this generation of 20-something’s children are going to think tattoos are sooooo old-fashioned and not something they would do because they’ll think of them as a parental thing. Not cool at all, ya know?
And honorary auntie-ship is awesome.
awww i know exactly how bossy’s daughter feels (although, i do have a HUGE family). i have lots of adopted grandparents
I’m up to being a voluntary grandmother-ish-sort-of-person and two of the little grandson-ish-sorts and their mom (whom I’ve known from childhood) are visiting two days from now! No boardwalks for us, we’re gonna be all about train rides and Boeing plant tours and … what do little boys like to do, anyway? That’s what we’ll be doing!
And Em/7 — I am thoroughly enjoying envisioning a world where tattoos aren’t bold and shocking but are all worn out, tedious, and “Your Mother’s Tattoo”ish, therefore to be avoided at all costs.
Had only gotten, in my own imagination, as far as tats being present in every boardroom of the nation.
Best job I will ever have. Being an auntie and *grumble* also a great-auntie. (damn neice getting pregnant at 17! grr!)
I get to spoil, to give unsolicited advice without eyerolls from the skillet lickers and also I can give them BACK. Whee!
I had a lot of non-related aunts and uncles growing up. NONE of them were cool look that.
There is nothing better than an auntie. Except multiple aunties. My kids have several real ones and several more volunteers — and they are all priceless. It’s nice to know Bossy’s daughter has them too.