Bossy’s Friend Geoff.
Ever have one of those friends who will pick you up at the airport in the middle of the night during one of the worst family emergencies of your life, or who you can ask to carry a concrete experiment up the basement steps, who always adds the funniest commentary when lying around the family room watching dumb TV together, and the best insights when talking politics on the porch in the wee hours?
That would be Bossy’s Geoff.
He’s one of my favorite things too.
I want a Geoff!
he’s one of my fave’s too.
Mine is Rick … dear gay friend who I wonder knows how much I love him? Am afraid it would scare him to death if he knew.
PS–Geoff is cute ….if single, not gay, living in Virginia, and so inclined, can you give him my number (web address)?
PPS–doesn’t have to live in Virginia ….I love to travel
I hereby nominate Bossy’s Circle of Friends and Family as being (by far!) the most *interesting*-looking people on the Web! Every single one of your peeps seem to have those wonderfully angular faces, most often found on college campuses among the academic elite. You know the ones I mean — the creative, enthusiastic, thoughtful, artistic, caring and communicative ones we all would like to gather ’round our very own dinner tables for a good glass of wine and some memorable conversation.
I tell ya, Bossy — just thinking about the kind of life you lead makes me happy inside. I mean, I’m sure it’s not *all* wine and roses and easy conviviality, but it looks darn good from the outside
yep…he’s all that and more….fav for sure.
For sure my sister Margie is that type of friend! So lucky to have her.
What a nice-looking man your friend is.
Talk about a favorite things table! Chocolate covered cranberries, wine and Geoff. Sigh.
Is it just me, or does he look a TEESY bit like the dentist dude off Desperate Housewives? (And I don’t mean that in a creepy, kleptomaniac kinda way!). Bush Babe has a friend like that too… and her name is Gill. She is just a TEENSY tiny bit like Bree. But less likely to kill.
Aren’t we lucky?

can you clone that hunka hunka friend? I would like one of those friends…
Geoff…. he is sweet…Hi Geoff!
Wine, chocolate covered cranberries, Geoff and BUTTER!
Ladies, I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to have to take your bi’ness elsewhere. This man is MY man. Thank you for appreciating him. I do, every hour of every day. Enjoy your chocolates, wine and butter.
yeah, but ask him about cuba. cuba’s mine.