Bossy’s dad’s recipe for sausage and peppers and onions. Sister mercy just the smell alone…
Yesterday Bossy and her brother and their families went to her father’s house for this feast, which was a lucky thing because it wasn’t as if the Bossy extended family hadn’t just returned from a brunch buffet containing every food represented in the food pyramid. Oh wait, yes they had.
Send a gurney.
–>Sniff, Sniff – – I wish I could smell that cooking right now.
Ahhhhh, I know that smell!
Good thing he knows CPR.
Audubon Ron loves your dad like a son. Audubon Ron doesn’t have a dad. Is there any hope for adoption? Audubon is potty trained, has his own car so no borrowing of dad’s is necessary. Audubon Ron can listen to old war stories like nobody’s business. Please, please, please!!!! Bossy, give your dad my resume – and put in a good word for me. Okay here’s $20.
P.S. As your almost new brother, would Bossy let me speak to bro-in-law about tripods as a gift? THAT tripod sucks!! I’m sorry.
With this photo in particular, the facial family resemblance is almost startling.
Although your beard is more subtle.