Bossy’s Favorite Things December 30, 2009 This face. bossy’s friend martha, december 2009 Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Bossy’s Favorite ThingsNext Post: » Bossy’s Favorite Things
WebSavvyMom says December 30, 2009 at 11:23 am –>Martha’s pretty like her friend Bossy. Reply
Grammar Snob says December 30, 2009 at 12:30 pm Love her expression. AND her hair! Tell us, does she like it? Reply
Jean says December 30, 2009 at 12:37 pm Hey, isn’t that guy in the background the guy from a while back with the red socks???? The one who Martha tried to tell that she liked his socks…thru the window… mouthing “socks”?? Reply
bossy's friend martha says December 30, 2009 at 12:41 pm Awww…. And I do like my new hair color, though it has changed AGAIN since this photo. Reply
Ms. Cranky Pants says December 30, 2009 at 2:15 pm Martha’s expression right there, all sweetness and love, reminds me of my best grammer school friend, Heather. Reply
Lizzy says December 30, 2009 at 2:21 pm Bossy’s friend Martha, like Bossy, has beautiful skin like a baby’s. My skin looks more like a baby’s first walking shoe. Reply
Maria says December 30, 2009 at 3:38 pm Okay. Is it me? But when I looked at this REALLY fast on my reader…I immediately thought of PW’s sister “Wetsy”…there is some resemblance? Both as cute as buttons of course! I miss the pink hair? Where is the pink hair ? Not that Martha should pay ANY attention to me… Reply
dgm says December 30, 2009 at 4:04 pm Adorable! She looks like a fun friend, and I love that hair color on her. Reply
La Suzette says December 30, 2009 at 5:22 pm Jean, I don’t think that is socks guy. I believe he was described as “an older gentleman.” Reply
New Year Old Me says December 30, 2009 at 11:29 pm That is a particularly fetching picture of Martha. Reply
Jenn @ Juggling LIfe says December 31, 2009 at 1:10 am I am totally digging the grownup hair color. Gorgeous! Reply
I like that face too
–>Martha’s pretty like her friend Bossy.
LOVE her hair color!!!
Love her expression. AND her hair! Tell us, does she like it?
Hey, isn’t that guy in the background the guy from a while back with the red socks???? The one who Martha tried to tell that she liked his socks…thru the window… mouthing “socks”??
And I do like my new hair color, though it has changed AGAIN since this photo.
vuboq *hearts* bossy’s friend martha!
Martha’s expression right there, all sweetness and love, reminds me of my best grammer school friend, Heather.
She’s a keeper!
Bossy’s friend Martha, like Bossy, has beautiful skin like a baby’s. My skin looks more like a baby’s first walking shoe.
xoxoxoxox Martha!
Okay. Is it me? But when I looked at this REALLY fast on my reader…I immediately thought of PW’s sister “Wetsy”…there is some resemblance?
Both as cute as buttons of course! I miss the pink hair? Where is the pink hair ? Not that Martha should pay ANY attention to me…
Adorable! She looks like a fun friend, and I love that hair color on her.
Jean, I don’t think that is socks guy. I believe he was described as “an older gentleman.”
I LOVE her non pink non purple hair
Love her hair! What a beautiful photo!
That is a particularly fetching picture of Martha.
I am totally digging the grownup hair color. Gorgeous!