Did you ever have one of those days when you and your husband needed to run a midday errand that was filled with the promise of fun, except the city parking lot that is normally three dollars suddenly costs way more but it doesn’t matter anyway because that parking lot is full due to a certain Flower Show, which suddenly makes you realize that any hope of being able to accomplish what you needed to accomplish without enormous Flower Show crowds is gone forever, but you still attempt to park in a different very expensive lot too many blocks away even though you didn’t wear the winter coat necessary to walk the many blocks back toward the chore, but still you twist up and up and up the Parking Garage arguing over whether it’s worth spending $15 to run the errand that would have normally cost $3 until wildly swinging your Honda toward the exit sign and twisting down down down into Hades and the exit gate while trying to explain to the Garage Attendant that you didn’t actually park at all but rather spent an eternity circling while arguing, and then you peel out of the garage spinning tires and get stuck in Flower Show traffic with the rest of suburbia, slowly crossing the length of the city, salvaging the afternoon the only way you know how, which means a glass of wine and a bowl of fish chowder in the back room of your favorite seafood market?
Because that was Bossy’s Thursday.
Beer looks refreshing and wine looks very warming.
Dude. That totally happened to me on Wednesday.
If I haven’t missed anything, Bossy’s readers have been waiting since December to see which frames Bossy’s husband chose…looks like he went with the Peoples’ Choice, the titianium ones? Looking good!
Wow! If “The Edge” of U2 and Bono’s shades had a baby together it would clearly grow up to be Bossy’s husband.
Damn those suburbanites and their love of flowers! If they had only knows Bossy was in town, Im sure things would have been different.
But hey, a nice lunch is a nice lunch. You managed to salvage the afternoon anyway. Yay for Bossy.
I’m sorry~ I would love to join you in the pity party parade but you ended up in a seafood restaurent (delicious), with a beautiful glass of deep red wine (delicious), with the man you love who looks delicious too!
It’s hard to offer pity for your sad story!
Yeah. I hate when that happens.
The silver fox, who usually looks all kinds of sexy, looks kinda tired.
That looks like fun… something my husband and I might do after an epic fail at chores, too.
Awesome selective coloring on the photo (AGAIN!). I still gotta figure out how to do that…
WHAT parking lot used to be $3?! And do you mean used to be $3 in 1988?
What a lame, but drinkable, Thursday.
The parking lot attendants were wise to the fact that suburbanites were going to pay WHATEVER the charge because most don’t know how to parallel park and are afraid of THE CITY. I’m sorry that made it difficult for Bossy to get her errands completed. Fish chowder sounds yummy – and so does that wine.
Still, it looks like you had fun in the end!
And the award for most eloquent utilization of a run-on sentence goes to…….Bossy!!
If I had a hubby like that, I don’t think anything short of an alien invasion could spoil my day.
I think your day turned out perfect in the end…keep the wine, I want the chowder!
Wow…Bossy has really mastered layer masks. Rancher-woman is very impressed.
yes, yes & yes.
That was one of Bossy’s days? That pretty much describes all of my days, except deduct the part about the flowers and having a wine or beer over lunch at a seafood market, but then to salvage things, toss the wine back in at night, huddled over a keyboard, doing anything but facing reality.
I feel better now.Thanks, Dr. Bossy.
but was bossy’s husband wearing CLOGS during all this???
You sure know how to have a fun errand day out.
My darling husband decided that a trip to ER and overnight in a hospital would be a fun way for us to spend some vacation time. Unclear on vacation fun, I’m thinking.
At least there’s a mild smile on BH’s face by this point.
Good salvage!
Minus the hunky hubby and plus 2 kids, that’s exactly how I always salvage errands-gone-wrong: drive someplace entirely different for lunch (for all of us) and a glass of wine (me)…and all is right with the world again! Great photo as always!
FINALLY we get to see the chosen glasses. Gawd that man is gawjus! And I’d take the nice restorative lunch over costly parking any day. Good decision, Bossy and Foxman
OMG!! That just happened to me yesterday, too!
I am avoiding the flower show area, but getting lunch out of it might be worth the trip. And I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a photoshop lesson today. I love this and would frame it for the simple fun of it!
Julianne and friends paid $20 to park at the same Flower show on Sunday. Yikes! Went for drinks after but didn’t have Frank as our server.
Love the colorizing. Way cool.
Bossy, when are you going to update your family tree? Donde is getting tired.
Thank you for entering my contest. You’re the best!
Ahh the joys of Philly. This is what happens in a city with no subway system at all. Of course, Georgetown doesn’t have Metro so you’re stuck driving anyway. But it sure helps with the rest of the city.
No, I never had that day because we never go to Atlanta (our city) because it is not really a city at all, but just a one huge suburban sprawl experiment.
I was dizzy just reading that! All that twisting up, up, up and then twisting down, down, down. I think I’m gonna be sick!
Stay infomriatve, San Diego, yeah boy!