The Delightful One is a member of the high school marching band’s band front, and Bossy saw her perform Friday night. Oh, and there was a football game attached.
Whoa…. that photo brings me back to the high school football games of my yesteryears. Always a spectator, never a participant! Me and the other rowdies were too busy sneaking liquor into the bleachers. Yikes!
I see a little bit of Kate Winslett there, methinks. Of course the Poms don’t have this kind of pre-footy marching band stuff, do they? But Kate can do a sweet flounce…
Unlike me. I am a flounce-free zone. I jiggle. But no flounce. *sigh*
I want those boots. Well, I want *all* the boots, but still.
I want her waist.
Every time I look at this picture, I can’t help but think the word, “FLOUNCE.” She’s very flouncy. And lovely.
the delightful one is a gorgeous girl; bossy’s son is so lucky!
Whoa…. that photo brings me back to the high school football games of my yesteryears. Always a spectator, never a participant! Me and the other rowdies were too busy sneaking liquor into the bleachers. Yikes!
The Delightful One also looks like a movie star. I just can’t put my finger on which one.
Also. What’s a Marching band band front?
Reason #24 I miss being Drumline Captain …
I see a little bit of Kate Winslett there, methinks. Of course the Poms don’t have this kind of pre-footy marching band stuff, do they? But Kate can do a sweet flounce…
Unlike me. I am a flounce-free zone. I jiggle. But no flounce. *sigh*