Yet Another Little Known Fact November 3, 2009 Bossy’s son has been home for a nice, long, extended weekend, which means sweet quality time with the Delightful One. He goes back to college today, and the chorus goes, “Awww…” Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Yet Another Little Known FactNext Post: » Yet Another Little Known Fact
anne marie in philly says November 3, 2009 at 12:18 pm reminds me of the studying scene in the movie “love story”… Reply
Reeb says November 3, 2009 at 3:44 pm Nice to see a report on the Bossy Son, after quite the absence. Welcome home, BS! (and TDO) Reply
sara says November 3, 2009 at 8:57 pm What’s going on with those walls? Can you zoom in and let me see the fabulous? Thanks! Reply
that’s just the coziest picture !!!
Aww that is so cute!
reminds me of the studying scene in the movie “love story”…
3 more weeks til Thanksgiving break!
Oy..the ballerina feet..
Together, yet separate. Just as it should be!
ahhh, feet of a ballet dancer.
Nice to see a report on the Bossy Son, after quite the absence. Welcome home, BS! (and TDO)
What’s going on with those walls?
Can you zoom in and let me see the fabulous?