If anyone would like to say anything about the breakup of Jon And Kate Gosselin two days after the fact, please feel free to do so in the comment section below because Bossy cannot get enough of these two even though when Bossy first heard the reports of Jon stepping out alone and driving that girl’s car all over creation Bossy was all psssht and didn’t want to waste her council’s time by even reporting it because clearly it was an erroneous news item that would quickly pass over with little notice and now you understand why Bossy does not have a career in news editing.
But if it’s good enough for The Huffington Post, sister mercy it’s quality enough for I Am Bossy.
I’ve never seen the show, but that pic of Kate beating her child – yes, beating, did you see how hard she grabbed her arm? – broke my heart.
Who cares? Not me, that’s who.
Oh. So. VeryManyThingsToSay.
But if I was to spill them all you would know that I’m really a reality tv junkie & I can’t stop myself from watching train wrecks. And I also buy into the “OMG YOU MUST WATCH THIS EPISODE” advertising hype.
But I can’t believe Kate spilled the details to People already. Ok, I can believe (and yes, vicariously glad she did – stupid move on her part, but fun for the rest of us) but really – ALREADY with the revelations?! She couldn’t have held out for a 20/20 interview?
Ditto Vuboq.
My husband can’t believe Jon lasted as long as he did; he also can’t believe that I even watched the show (and Housewives of NYC, and Real World and ….).
I hope they’ve saved some of their money for therapy for those poor kids.
gosselins = octomom = anyone else who thinks infertility should be parlayed into $$$ and 15 min of fame
poor kids
OooOOoh, that’s who. Thanks Google.
Leslie B: but they did the show FOR their kids. Uh-huh, and here’s a very nice bridge for sale, cheap.
If only there weren’t real kids at the heart of this tawdry made-for-TV drama…
I changed my outgoing message to say that I couldn’t get to the phone because I was too busy keeping up with Jon & Kate news.
But I did it ironically.
I particularly enjoyed the father’s douchebag make-over on the show where they shockingly (!) announced their split. Two pierced ears with giant ‘diamond’ studs? Check! Ed Hardy t-shirt? Check! Enough gel in your hair plugs to caulk a bathtub? Check! Designer jeans with more feathering than Farrah Faucet in the late 70s? Check check check!
I find the whole thing to be a trainwreck, and while I think that they are both awful misguided people (god knows what decisions I would have made had I been that age and havign that many children/financial options open to me). I wish someone would pull the plug.
I think it says a lot that they even decide to air their divorce issues on TV; gee, hope the kids don’t see THAT in reruns.
I’ve never liked her, and thought he was ridiculously meek and a little bit lazy.
If I hear her say one more time that her “unwanted fame and the media” brought this on, I’m going to drive a pen through my own ears.
And, again: the kids, who, by the time this whole train wreck is over, will not have a nickel to show for their fact that their parents pimped out their entire childhood.
Your painted photo there is missing the ginormous, I’m-acting-out earrings in both ears. Like he’s trying to be some inner city urban kid. Talk about an identity crisis.
If it’s all the kids, Jon, then why are you looking for apts in NYC when your brood lives in PA? That’s quite a commute to get to school events, Wed night dinners, and such.
The whole thing is a trainwreck that you knew was coming, shouldn’t be watching, but can’t help rubbernecking. These guys need some privacy to figure this out. I can’t imagine Kate insisting on that though.
I find your very cool graphic of these knuckleheads to be the most interesting part of the entire saga.
It was always Kate Plus 8 and That Guy She Treats Like a Servant.
Stuff like this goes on every day everywhere, minus the cameras. People are human and have foibles and treat each other poorly and act out and wish for things other than what they have. I mean, I love familial dysfunction as much as anyone, but I have learned not to judge people by what you see, Especially on TV. There’s always more to the story than we will ever know. They share responsibility and blame for the mess.
I feel so badly for the kids….
Every time I watch that show I feel like I just did something dirty and bad.
“Everything is for the kids! Blah blah blah…” I hardly think any of that is Jon and Kate is good for the kids at all. The whole thing is such a shame really.
–>The whole thing is a train wreck for sure. Even though it’s sad, I don’t think Jon and Kate would have made it this long without their bank accounts growing at the same rate as their kids. I watched the show sporadically when it was first on and I never felt “the love” between them.
Obviously, “the love” is present with the Duggars as they are going on 19 children. Lawwddddd……there is another topic for Bossy and her council. (http://www.duggarfamily.com/)
My two cents. http://www.WebSavyMom.com
I haven’t watched any of the episodes, so based on the news stories all I have to say is those poor kids.
I’m not taking sides because Kate is very beeeotchy, but paleeze John is 32 and wants to get his groove on. He doesn’t want to saddled in Nowhere, PA with 8 kids when there are girls to do and booze to be consumed and girls to do and did I mention the girls?
Don’t get me started about the Duggars. There is some serious mental illness going on there. Sorry but you cannot give your children the attention they need when there are over say 10 of them.
Watching the show makes me feel really uncomfortable now due to the tension between J and K. I think that Kate is a little self centered and Jon can not stand up for himself. They say their main concerns are for the kids. There is more to being a parent than feeding and clothing and taking kids to school. They also need to teach their kids relationship skills, but how the heck can they do that if they don’t have any idea how to do that. Why didn’t someone offer them help? Or they surely make enough money to go to therapy. What a shame, shame, shame.
I don’t know. Standard story, Ahmygoodness.
I think they need more sex. He needs more sex, he’s whining. She needs more sex, she’s uptight. Idunknow, that’s my answer to everything, more sex, well, that and wine. More sex and wine is what they need and good H’ors deurves. After all, that’s how they got here to begin with, right? Why stop now? See what I’m say’in?
Jon and Kate, knock it off, go in there and sex for the kids. We’ll babysit, and drink your wine and eat your H’ors deurves.
(Move over Dr. Phil, there’s a new sheriff in town).
Has anyone else noticed that Kate has morphed into Posh Spice?
It’s hard to say what you would have done if you were in their shoes. Ten mouths to feed is a lot. I’m sure the show seemed like a good idea in the beginning, a way to pay the bills. But now they need an intervention. It’s time for A&E to step in.
How does cranking out a ton of offspring make you interesting let alone famous? How does getting a divorce these days make you any different than most people out there?
I could not possibly care less.
The womb is not a circus clown car. But these two brain surgeons sure seemed to treat their family like a circus act. Now we have Posh Spice (that was funny) and hair-plug boy. Next up, a Harley for him and plastic surgery for her. Does the phrase “look at me” scream through loud and clear to anyone else? I am embarrassed to admit that I have watched this show, but my daughter really used to like the show because she thought all the kids were cute. Now she is scared to watch it because the parents are too strange for her. I’m glad to see that my 11-year-old daughter can recognize the difference between “reality” and “reality show”.
I just think it’s sad. I think people forget that J&K are just real people who had sextuplets because they had fertility problems and then got caught up in a tv show about it (probably to help defray expenses). Give them a break. They’re like 32 years old. I feel sorry for them and sorry for their kids. They’re just regular shmucks like all of us and whose to say anyone else would have handled the same situation any better. They committed to a tv show about life with 2 sets of multiples, not to a tv show that delves into every dirty detail about their lives. People watch it because they like seeing the kids and can feel happy that they don’t have sextuplets. “Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a hard battle.” Remember that.
No one would look good while living under 24/7 public scrutiny,
I’ll admit it: I’ve watched the show almost from the beginning. Those little kids were so cute! But the older twins always bugged me and Kate bugged me and Jon just seemed like a deer in headlights. I think the show “jumped the shark” when they started taking trips that were nothing but product placements. And Kate “has a job” now. Puhleese. Must be tough going on the road – selling your kids souls.
Kate reminds me of Martha Stewart: pretending to “do it all” while in reality there are scores of people behind the scenes.
TLC should pull the plug on this one.
Yet once again Vuboq and I are on the same page: (This may be due to the fact that we sat next to each other in high school band…oops… now I’ve just seriously geekified both of us – not that I wasn’t already there… and Vuboq has WAY surpassed those days, so he’s above any potential geekification) Who? And why do I care?
Don’t know why they got into the TV biz to start – probably to defray the cost of having 8 kids. But I actually know two families who have quints and one of them has repeatedly rejected TV/media offers even tho they could really use the $$ because they want their kids to have normal lives. These parents should terminate their contract with TLC right away for the sake of their children. Take the financial loss and save what’s left of your family.
Don’t be vexed with me, but mostly I am just disappointed in your drawing, Bossy. I feel like you didn’t quite capture the train wreck of asymmetry that is Victoria Beckham’s I mean Kate’s hair.
But while I’m here….
Jon needs to sack up and realize he is a 32 yr old father of 8 with hair plugs and not a 21 yr old stud with his ears pierced and an OCC chopper.
And Kate needs to address her OCD and control issues and stop being a betch.
The End.
I sorta feel a little sorry for them and fully realize that they agreed to this life in front of the camera. My problem is with the media and TLC, who did a bang up job of building them up only to have a higher perch to knock them off of.
Reality TV. The 21st century’s answer to the Victorian freak show.
I said all I plan to say about this topic right here–> http://thesubtlerudder.com/?p=717
Bossy is just discouraged that Jon and Kate are 32. Must everyone be younger than Bossy?
Rule 1) if you are going to bring 8 children into this overpopulated world, you’d better be damn sure that you are going to be in it for the long haul.
Rule 2) grabbing a kid’s arm isn’t beating the kid. Grabbing the kid’s arm might not be OK, especially if you are a self-centered bitch who had too many children that she can’t handle them all, but it’s not beating.
Rule 3) Nobody should that hair. What’s it called? What’s the opposite of a mullett? It’s the shlong – the short-long, but backwards, the Lort? the Lonrt? How about we just split the diff and call it the heinous weird ass hair style.
Rule 4) If thou pimpest thine children, thou wilt be smote. Even if thou doesn’t believest in smiting nor even an all powerful Smiter.
nobody should HAVE that hair.
except me, maybe, as punishment for not proofreading.
I second Jen H #26 !!!!
Normally, I consider not watching much television one of my virtues, but this whole Jon and Kate thing makes me wish I had seen at least one episode in order to be part of the conversation. Reality TV is so weird!
I’ll try to stay on the positive side.
A) At least the kids college education that is paid for, along with their other needs since they are millionaires thanks to the show. I wish my parents would have pimped us kids out for a year or two for no student loans. BTW their taping season is only 3 months (over the year- it’s not like it lasted literally everyday).
I thought it was neat to see quips into life with multiples but never thought they would be megastars like they became.
I have a feeling they figured the same thing and then once relized how “big” they were it was a little “too late”…
As a kid from a large family, I can say, Kate had to be organized because Jon was laaazzzyyyyy and acted like a 18year old- clothes and the way Kate dressed was more important to him than his kids ! Kate could have approached asking him to help out in a kinder manner though. Well not 100% positive, but I’m trying to empathize ….
I am older than Bossy.
Don’t worry BOSSY, you’re not older than me either. And maybe older does mean wiser in this case :-).
Don’t have cable, but have caught the latest tabloid screaming headlines at the store. Their business is their business, and as I have not directly experienced divorce in any capacity, I do not know if it is the best thing in this situation or not, but I think that due to the age of the children, it is probably a very misunderstood situation for them. That said, I would love to provide my art therapy should they need it. But not on TV.
PS, Bossy, do you think you could make me laugh really hard in the next week. Possibly by dusting off Barbie and headless Ken for some acting?
In the 4th grade my mom gave me a haircut very similar to Kate’s. As I walked into my classroom the next day at school, the boy I liked pointed at me and yelled “You look like a boy!”
I feel for Kate.
Hokie Deb scared me because she said something about the Duggars and 19, and I’m like, please don’t tell me those insane people are procreating once again. Although seriously, 18, 19, 20…who can tell the difference? Then I realized she might be talking about the imminent arrival of their first grandchild. Who will most likely have an aunt or uncle who is younger than he/she is. They seemed to have pimped out their family for money, why aren’t they being smited? Smote? Maybe it’s because they preach on their show.
I could only think of Kate as Posh Spice if she lost another 60 lbs (and I am in NO way saying that she needs to lose anything) and never, ever smiled again. Does it bother anyone else that the anorexic little thing that is Posh NEVER smiles? If I had a hot-as-hell husband, three adorable boys and a gazillion dollars, I probably wouldn’t ever smile either.
36/Franca — what a good observation! Victorian freak show indeed. The characters vary but the freakishness is there. Wake me up when the chicken-head-biting geek comes on.
Bossy (comment 38) — at least one of your gentle readers, make that posse/council, is more than 32. WAY more than.
I have just learned more about all this mess by reading the above comments than I’ve known about it up til now, aside from mystifying tabloid covers at the grocery. When did the show start? How long have the kids been under 24/7 scrutiny? Why’s there such hubbub about this?
PS. I second the Barbie/headless Ken idea.
The twins bug me.
The “little kids” are cute X 6.
Jon has been trying to run away for years.
Somebody has to be organized to cope with 10 people in the family, but Kate should have taken a chill pill as soon as the kids were born.
And here I thought Octo-mom was unstable. This Kate scares the crap outta me, I dont give her a year to a nervous break down. That woman has to snap soon. Shes wound a tat to tight! Maybe if she let the back of her hair grow out, she would feel a little better.
Sad fact: My 9 year old came up with the new title “Jon and Kate Separate” to replace my “Jon and Kate Plus Hate” created a few years back when she started openly despising him for all of America to see. Yes, I would sooo want that “documented” for my kids to see, also, Kate, good thinking!
Sadly, they are not only taped three months out of the year, more like 9 or so. Time to stop pimping out the kids. Adolescence is tough enough without all of America seeing footage of life in your house every week. Yuck. And if nothing else, can they get a hairstylist in for Kate, please. I’m catty, I know. I’ve been pushed to the brink with this one.
P.S. I’m still laughing out loud at comment #39. In Michigan, a shlong is something very different from a bad haircut.
Wow, I’m really suprised at all the hate coming from the comments. Where is all the tolerence that I thought Demorcrats were suppose to have- or is that just do as I say not as I do again ???
So many of you obviously watched if you can comment on it- so you helped perpetuate the pimping of the children…
Besides, like another commenter said , they do it for a few years and they are millionaires and their kids are set for lfe… Better than them living off the system isn’t it?
I watched the show once about a year ago.
John needs to strap on a PORT-A-SPINE and is completely mismatched to SPINE-OF-STEEL Kate.
Divorce was inevitable.
Re: #34 – “Sack up” are my two new favorite words.
This whole thread kicks ass.
And now, some math.
The equation began as this: Jon and Kate + 8 = 10
Then Life happened, as follows:
Jon and Kate + 8 -2 = 8
plus 1 back for part of the time = 9
plus another 1 the remainder of the time = 10
So, although it may be easier/simpler to just go with the first equation, sometimes Life throws stuff that causes us to add and subtract but hopefully arrive at the same end result , even though that way may be way more difficult and some of the steps seem unnecessary. Sometimes we have to work the best we can with what’s tossed our way and hope in the end the numbers add up.
Of course I can’t add or subract, failed accounting and hate math, so never mind.
She landed on my shit list when I read that she “fired” her good friend Beth and her kids’ Aunt Jodi because TLC thought they were on the show enough to be paid … (less $$$ for her.)
I think that she is one big B—-. He is such a wimp. They both make me want to throw up.
I did not even know who these people were till last week (or so) when Pioneer Woman twittered about them. And I googled. So wish I hadn’t. Are these people kidding? Why do people like this allow cameras into their homes? It’s a recipe for divorce… at what point do authorities say: let’s only provide fertility treatment to grown-ups.
Whole thing has distubed me almost as much as Ten Years Younger in Ten Days (Aussie quickie version of Extreme Makeover) – hideous.
Must go and balance my life with much caffeine and quietening some little bulls. Always puts things in perspective!!!

Watched the show to much, I admit it, but my daughters liked it & we watched together. I liked the show when it was simpler showing daily life at their not ginormous house, when John still had a day job. I enjoyed seeing how Kate organised things, how she focused on the kids & home, and found her control freak tendencies funny. I always find controls freaks funny, sorry. When John started staying home and the free trips, loot, & perks started rolling in that’s when everything got skewed from a somewhat “normal” reality. Kate started despising John, John started hating on Kate, they had too much time together & saw each other at their worst, they lost focus on their goals & what they loved about each other. & yes, they became greedy greedy greedy. It’s still sad though, this isn’t what either of them wanted in the beginning. & yes, John is having an identity crisis, but he didn’t know who he was when he met Kate, she molded him from the beginning, she liked the cute Asian guy, she said it!
I go back and forth on the kids aspect. I’ve never really understood my parents divorce or their relationship prior to it, so to me I would almost like to have footage to look back on & help me figure it out. But the selling out of the kids daily lives is a bit creepy. Wonder what they would say if asked how they feel about being filmed all the time?
As for the Duggars, man, there is something just not right there. The kids get a bigger shaft in that situation then the Gosselins. The Duggars don’t have any idea who their kids really are as individuals. They just make their mama feel good about having more kids for the Lord.
Go ahead. hate on me, make fun of me.
For anyone who is worried that their watching this show contributed to the break up of this super (insane) couple, we offer great news:
More sex needed? No more o’s with that dose of sex plese. We would be putty in their hands if we got O.O.O’s and you KNOW what I mean Bossy. PLus I think both of them need to put their big kid panties on and adjust to being parents. Dr. Laura sic ’em!
Um, Commenter #2? That’s not “beating” nor is it child abuse. Equating that kind of harsh discipline with child abuse is irresponsible. You may personally feel that it is abusive and that’s absolutely your prerogative, but when you allow your feelings on the matter to go so far as to warp the actual definition of child abuse, you’re doing more harm than good.
I am just here to say that I like BOSSY’s art.
Nobody should watch any Reality TV. Just Say No.
Jon says he’s excited about the next chapter of his life. It sure is a man’s world!
I liked her because she seemed so unlikeable; she was phobic and persnickety and couldn’t differentiate her husband from a toddler. I liked him because he hung in there with her.
Now I can’t like them anymore.
I watched this show a couple of years ago with my sister-in-law and I had two questions about it. 1) Why on earth would any one want to watch this? 2) Why are those two people married when it’s obvious that woman hates that man?
Honestly, i found it heartbreaking to watch. No matter what kind of bad decisions they have made, they’re just people, and their marriage broke down right in front of us. I remember marriage counseling sessions that sounded an awful lot like their couch talks.
I watched the show a few times when it was relatively new and I liked it. I am a mom of twins and a singleton son so it was rather interesting to see two parents wrestle their brains around raising EIGHT multiples.
Not being much for tv I only caught the show once in a blue moon in reruns. I started to notice what a BITCH that woman was to her husband. I mean if she is that bitchy while being filmed what on earth was she like in private?
I hope Jon continues to be a present dad for those kids but have no idea how he stayed with that woman as long as he did! I hope the show crashes and burns. Those kids have worked long and hard with cameras in their faces. ENOUGH!
I’m with Nellie Frittata who says Just Say No to Reality TV. Because American has become The Truman Show.
That having been said, I”m watching this vicariously thru blogs like Huff and Bossy. And as good Americans we should start socking away money for those children’s therapy. The nation that voyeurs together should pay together.
I’m sad because it’s yet another family breaking up. Sigh.
But if one harbors any hope of making things last, one must be respectful to his/her partner, Kate was not.
i read all the comments, watched the show on Monday/Tuesday night (i dont remember) and when i saw the earings i was like WTF? there is an economic crisis going on, you got 8 kids and you’re buying earrings? what’s going on with this people?
she was pretending to cry.
they didn’t talk how this would affect the kids… or if they would seek counseling or something. she was photographed still wearing her wedding band.
we pay attention coz we like to see people suffer. that’s the truth.
but i’m done talking,reading and watching stuff about them.
just hope the kids have a happy life.
I call her hair chicken butt hair. It’s so odd. I really don’t understand why she thinks it looks good. You know she has to have someone come in and do it that way everyday.
I’ve watched off and on since it started. I just feel bad for the kids. The twins are my daughters age and if she ever threw a fit like one of them does she wouldn’t have a thing left in her room.
My daughter and I watched Jon and Kate plus 8 and dubbed them “The Yelling Family.” Never were very interested in the show but couldn’t avoid it if you wanted to watch TLC.
In the beginning, the show was a docudrama of their lives and came on once a week during the season. For some reason, then I noticed that TLC was airing the new show and lots of reruns during the week. In fact, every time I turned to this channel, Jon and Kate plus 8 was on. Next, TLC claims that this is the most watched show on their station. Well, duh, this show seems to be on endlessly so I feel like the network inundated their viewers with a nauseating amount of air time for this show. (They did this with Trading Spaces as many of you might recall and didn’t stop that nonsense until they fired Paige Davis for some sort of alleged scandal).
Bottom line, I feel like TLC decides which show (like Jon and Kate plus 8) will be aggressively promoted and then proceeds to give the viewer only that selection. This TLC policy is very short-sighted and very annoying for the viewer.
I watch occassionally, they should have figured out how to be adults by now, 32 ain’t so young!
The Kids are bratty, her hair is stupid and Jon is the biggest Dope I have ever seen.
If you really want to see a ‘trainwreck crap show’ chk out The Real House Wives of New Jersey……….OMG!!!
And I swear to God if the OctoMom gets a show I am throwing my TV out the window!
Then I will just have to have more Sex!
1) Seriously…. forget that it was on Huffington, it was on friggin’ CNN.
2) Can’t wait to see the “Jon & Kate DATE” spin-off.
3) I have to thank J&K for the once a year “ice cream for dinner” idea. It went over well at our house. Thanks Jon & Kate!
Never saw the show, and yet I am so over it. Feel AWFUL for the kids. I got knocked up with twins the old-fashioned way 17 years ago. (By my husband while tipsy after a party.) Anyhooo…multiples are challenging in the first couple of years. and I only have two. So, I gather from reading the above comments, it went like this:
Jon & Kate Plus 8
Jon & Kate Plus Hate
Jon & Kate – Watch Him Mastur&$%#!
Jon & Kate Separate
Jon & Kate Date!
Jon & Kate – Scandal Bigger Than Watergate!
One thing I know for sure – Bossy is one talented graphic designer!! And WAY more interesting!
Sigh. Remember when TV stars had to, like, ACT and stuff? And when the parents were made of evil, you could comfort yourself in the knowledge that they were just acting?
I miss those days.
What I have to say is that I think Bossy did an amazing job w/the photo on this post! I could tell who these yay-hoos were immediately!
That is all
I do watch the reruns of that show in the afternoons but I’m not sure why. My husband would NEVER put up with being treated the way Kate treats Jon. I’d have left a long time ago if I were him. Must have stayed this long for the kids and the money! Although reports state she doesn’t give Jon any spending money! WTF?????
I got nothin’.
I learned more about this show here than I ever wanted to. Wait, this is what they’re running on the LEARNING Channel now? Who is learning what from this? I’m so glad I don’t have cable anymore.
Isn’t Kate’s hair missing the sticky-uppy parts in back? It’s a reverse mullet kind of thing – party in front and business in back. Who came up with THAT??
I liked Jon and Kate and liked watching the show. Wasn’t it fun to see what they were up to, and weren’t the kids cute? I mean- isn’t that why most people followed the show in the beginning? It wasn’t the voyeuristic fascination with their failing relationship that it is now. While she was sometimes harsh I was still sympathetic, I mean S*#t she has 8 kids! Harsh is sometimes a necessity (unfortunately maybe she lacked a little respect). Unlike some, I also believe that it really was all for the kids. It provided them enough income for her (and later him) to stay home and later buy a bigger and nicer home, it chronicled a life they’d have lived anyhow- isn’t that why most of us work (is it wrong that she enjoyed it too)? I think it got messed up in the end with publicity and other obligations and it makes me sad that those kids will be a product of divorce. But hey…I’ve seen more intelligent people with more altruistic intentions screw things up too.
#64 – Would have contacted you directly, but no link –
I did say “child abuse”, you did. I said “beating”, and yes, grabbing a very small child’s arm very hard then hitting them roughly is beating. It is. Find someone at *least* double your size, let them do that to you, and see if you don’t feel beaten. AND abused.
Why is it OK to hit a child like that, but a crime if one adult does that to another?
What’s irresponsible is letting hitting a child that hard and that roughly slide.
Freudian slip – I *didn’t* say child abuse.
Comment # 28 made me spew coke on my screen>>>>>
The womb is not a circus clown car
Two words,
Poor Children.
O.K., I’m not fond of Kate, either, but did anyone think she was such a “biatch” because of her frustration with him? She didn’t have 8 kids, she had 9!! He didn’t like his jobs, so he quit. (Wah!) He was only 23 when the twins were born (Wah!). His life and early responsibilities don’t give him reason to “screw around” on the family. She may have been/is a “biatch”, but get out, don’t betray the family. He was in it for the money, just like Kate. And I don’t believe the $5.00 a day allowance – sport cars cost more than that – so do big-ass studs.
I just have to say that your computer painting skillz are awesome. It totally looks like them.
I am with #24, Audubon Ron on this one!
I agree with Audubon Ron….only someone who is not getting enough, or maybe ANY, in Kate’s case, could think a haircut like the one she has, is stylish or even remotely attractive. Seriously Kate…get laid once in a while.
Did I just say that outloud? Yep, well I guess I did. Oiy vey!
PLEZZZZZZZ some one rescue those kids from Kate. She has issues and those poor kids are going to be just like her , a nervous wreck. She is so up tight and she makes her kids nervous .. At least Jon didn’t care if they got ice cream on their face.Some one needs to tell Kate about prozac or something. I mean really someone needs to step in and help those kids. I don’t know what she is going to do now that jJons not there to dress and bath and play with them., She is making a wreck of her kids. Shes to up tight to be a mom..
Jon didn’t cheat on Kate, we just thought that because we were all lied to about when they really split. To bad Kate can’t find a date.Kate was not a wife to him any way and I am sure she wanted him above the garage way before we heard about it..I guess he is just trying to prove now that he isn’t Kates B–ch any more . To bad she smacked all his self esteem out of him Ya know only in front of a million people .Now he feels like he has to prove something. Just call her smackin Kate.! Slap , slap , slap. Oh and by the way it was Kate that wanted him to get the hair plugs and lose weight and kiss her -a–. Oh yea and give the kids baths and dress em and take them out to play while she stayed in the house.