Bossy does not want to talk about Jon Gosselin, star of reality TV show Jon and Kate Plus Eight. In fact Bossy has no idea how that photo of Jon and his new girlfriend found its way on this blog — Bossy will have to talk to management about that.
And when Bossy does talk to management, she will whisper to management that Jon Gosselin’s new girlfriend is not only 22-years-old but is the daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed the tummy tuck on Jon’s wife Kate because Kate ushered Jon’s eight babies into the world in a belly that swelled to the size of a basketball that was pregnant with six basketballs. At once.
But what Bossy does want to talk about are the relationship professionals who are weighing in on Jon and Kate’s divorce, and specifically the brief time that passed before Jon Gosselin was seen out and about with someone new.
“You need to take a little time off from dating, because there is this rebound period,” said dating coach Patti Feinstein. “He’s probably feeling that he wasn’t getting enough attention from his wife, so he’s all lonely, and he needs to be stroked up.”
Stroked up really, professional Patti Feinstein?
And there are other opinions. Wait one year before introducing a new relationship to the children, says psychotherapist M. Gary Neuman — even though Bossy is pretty sure M. Gary Neuman is this guy.
Meanwhile relationship expert Nancy Slotnick finds fault with both Jon and Kate. “Their whole TV show is based on them being parents and caring for all of these kids… and both of them seem totally wrapped up in themselves,” Slotnick said.
Bossy isn’t sure what to think, and if she knew what to think she sure wouldn’t say it here on a blog that would never stoop to mention Jon and his 22-year-old girlfriend, just like Bossy wouldn’t write a post asking for her council’s opinion of Jon and Kate Plus Eight Minus Two.
Relationships are complicated and Bossy doesn’t profess to know what is going on inside one of them. And Bossy certainly wouldn’t want a relationship professional weighing in on her own marriage without all the details.
But supposing a relationship expert did take interest in Bossy’s marriage. Bossy thinks maybe she could sum up their findings in this way: Gene Rayburn? Rhoda’s Joe? Bossy’s real husband: please stand up.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy and her council what a relationship expert might say about your relationship?
And be sure to check back later today for the most relationshipy comments on the web.
If you missed last week, push this link to see the creative way Bossy’s council listed the games they associate with summer.
If you need an additional giggle, go here to see what it might look like if Jon Gosselin made a profile video.
Also, Bossy would like to announce the winner of yesterday’s Whynatte Latte giveaway. Congratulations, Ashley! Bossy sent you an email. And thanks to everyone for playing along. You rock Bossy’s world.
In 10 words…………..GET ONE!
He provokes her, she gets all Irish on his arse.
They’d say, “Strange and wonderful, he’s strange and she’s wonderful.”
They’d say, “Glad you came to your senses! Now stop feeling guilty.”
BossysMom: you go girl!
They’d say, “A ‘back massager’ does not equal boyfriend.”
–>They’d say, “Thank God prohibition ended before they got married.”
Blank stares. Hard to comment on that which doesn’t exist.
Please don’t write about worthless people. I want to barf.
If still waters run deep, what about yelling wives? Huh?
Misplaced anger? Nah, Bossy knows right where she left it.
John Cusack? All this plus more yelling could be yours.
They’d say. “He’s kind, patient to fault, she’s affectionate enough for two”
He makes her laugh. She makes him crazy. It works.
He makes her laugh. She makes him crazy. It works.
Is it possible to remember to close the toilet lid.
B plus G since kindergarten x 32 years = long
Jon who? Advice would be:
Synchronise routines – him bed @9, her @12. Ships. Night. Hopeless.
Horses and burros make for a very happy, stable relationship.
Good friends first, relationship later, makes for great life together.
Who are you, and what did you do with Husband?
They’d say:
“Nine year honeymoon? Marry your best friend. And drink hard.”
Him Republican, Her Democrat. He voted Obama. Love conquers all .
“Six years without one? Girl, you need to get out!!”
At some point it just became comfortable. I miss passion.
She needs to be right. He needs to be needed.
You Need Help Beyond My Professional Scope. Good Luck.
“you’re so happy, why are you keeping it a secret?”
also? is it just me or does that chick look a lot like mariah carey?
best friends + great sex = terrific kids (wonderful life)
oh, and I was thinking that his new girls looks a LOT like his old girl probably looked at 22.
She thought quiet=mysteriously interesting..but it means Q-U-I-E-T … *oh, sadness* !
This pic of Jon looks like he’s dating Mariah Carey.
26 years, 3 kids, he walks out = non-entity
Friends first, then relationship equals co-parents…lovers, not so much.
I’m not sure why I thought webpage was my name
I didn’t know Jon Gosslin was dating Mariah Carey. Ewwww.
Red flags when you’re dating don’t disappear after the wedding.
They’re the same kind of crazy, so it works.
He’s a grown up, she’s flaky. Dishes still get done.
16 years & 3 kids later, foodies hold hands in public.
pushes each other’s buttons in the most perfect of ways
Both need to have the last word = lots of “talking”.
…Dysfunctional yet loving funny yet sad drunk yet sober typical :o)
Black Hockey Jesus. Say you were wrong and you’re sorry.
33 years,
by now
they are both crazy
as bedbugs.
You indulge one another’s quirks and you both need therapy.
Sometimes there is turmoil; always they manage compromise. Love abounds.
she’s selfish, he’s pig-headed, both miles apart, let go.
If he’s single, why does he act like he’s married?
He sooooooo lucky;Wish my girfriend was HOT like her !!!!!!!!!!
Nineteen years of marriage today. How have they survived it?
25 years, still melt when he spoons me at night.
4 young kids, tired, him workaholic, love still exsists, bff’s.
Austin to Abu Dhabi-too far,far,far,far away.
She married a sleeping drunken child fifteen years her elder.
Southern chick + yankee boy = battlement, introspection and make up sex !
His brand of Crazy matches her brand of Crazy. Soulmates!
She’s a bullet dodger – Ex just learned he’s a dad.
And thanks for indulging in my guilty obsession!
reconnected after 25 years. picked up where we left off.
Thanks for the belly laugh of the day with videos.
Kick his butt out already. Gave him chances. Deserve better.
neither of you hates the other one yet. nice work!
30 years…still kooky..still in love
His policy = happy wife makes happy husband. Seems to work!
Great Gretzby, yours cracked me up! Who are you describing?
Got really lucky — it’s been a wonderful forty one years!
Only two weeks long, still in the delightfully giddy phase.
Recurring monthly charges of $19.95. Oh, you meant with a person?
Well, I don’t have one, so they’d say. . . uh. . . nothing!
He cooks. He cleans. What the hell does she do?
Stop ignoring the problems. Fix this relationship you butt heads.
night owl and early bird… our only big issue… A+.
i make him laugh…he makes me laugh more…we’re both lucky!
Get out more without the baby. Six words.
Exhusband was alcoholic; exboyfriend was gay. Expert advice? Stay single.
Not everything is a joke, you idiots. But it works.
Mature oldest child + sensitive youngest child = marriage made in heaven.
Taking his name in 2 months – hopefully this good forever!
How about you get a relationship THEN I’ll dissect it
If she’d followed her instincts, infidelity would’ve been discovered earlier.
Such a shame; he could of had it all forever.
19 years is one hell of a long time –
Seems so happy alone. Hey, that’s because I am. Deliriously!
The expert would say, “When are you going to learn?”
Or, “If it feels too good to be true, RUN!”
You’re very lucky. Leave my office, go home to him.
And also, “Men. Can’t live with ’em; can’t shoot ’em.”
Lastly, “Kevin Bacon is really the only man for you.”
I think they would say “What is the point. Get a divorce” There did it in 7.
She enables him to be a child forever. No hope.
First rule, both cannot be crazy at the same time.
They would say: Their communication is crappy, somehow they make it work anyway.
oh man, totally unsupervised and screwed up, and otherwise, perfect.
Get out now. It’s still not too late. Save yourself.”
Taurus plus Capricorn: lock horns and bicker bicker bicker bicker.
First marriages wrong, kids grown, meet after 40, perfect match.
my brother just emailed me about the deployed sailor (my relationship partner). my brother celebrated his 24th wedding anniversary yesterday. that makes him a relationship expert in that holy hell, i can’t believe she’s put up with him that long. he summed up my relationship with the deployed sailor in less than ten words this way:
WHO the hell is this convicted sailor?
deployed=convicted for him i guess.
Marriage is a long conversation. Usually interesting. Usually fun. But sometimes….
Oh goodie someone who has same crazy mother as me
I wasn’t paying attention. What a relationship expert would say: “Considering their role models were wolverines they’ve created something grand.”
I will only need two words: battery operated. Amen Hallelujah!
Having the last word is my superpower. Nothing else matters.
“Have you taken your medicine today? and NOT with vodka?”
Don’t date AG while influenced by drugs alcohol, or sexism.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder and them both hornier.
Against all odds, finally thriving – crazy kids just might work!
She’s cut lots of slack because he thinks she’s funny.
Divorced June ’98, new marriage Aug 98. Couldn’t be happier.
He cooks, she eats, it’s all good in the hood.
“After decades with one, now possibilities abound in his life.”
“Every form of refuge has its price” – The Eagles
Both of you! Stop being so stubborn, Gah!
Not sure what to say. Am sad though…..those kids!
After 23 years thinking we’ll (soon) rock the empty nest.
Rebounding, twice, simultaneously. Like a car crash, but sexier.
Mamma Mia and Dixie Daddy: opposites attract and stay attracted.
Happy at home with newly adopted child after 10 yrs
Hoped to fix broken man. Married. Divorced. Much smarter now.
They’d say: “You are a very lucky man….tell her every day!”
A better response would have been, “Can I make you a margarita & run you a bath?”
Amazing. Wonderful. Complicated. Pattern breaking. Not sure I’ll be fixed…
it’s so over, we need a new word for over.