Hello and welcome to Bossy’s favorite place and yours: her Kitchen Cabinet. You are just in time for the update.
For the last six months has it really been only nineteen days? Bossy has been leaning heavily on the things in her pantry when preparing dinner, where pantry equals one dark, jammed, corner cabinet.
The family has eaten pasta, pasta, and even pasta with some pasta on the side. Also on the menu: canned soup, black olives, and tuna fish–although thankfully not all in the same sitting.
Bossy can’t move her fingers due to the collective sodium content, but the family has drastically reduced this month’s food bill–and it’s not over yet.
This of course doesn’t count last night, when Bossy sent her husband on an emergency run to the grocery store for expensive salmon and avocado because ohmygah did you know they make you prettier?
The greatest sacrifices are for beauty!
Everything is better with avocado. I could cook dinner a month or two worth of dinner and not have to shop for a thing. Waste much?
P.S. I would love to know what sorts of dinners you have been cooking from your kitchen cabinets.
Unfortunately, as Bossy clears her pantry, mine seems to get more jammed packed and most of it is junk.
When you mentioned emptying your pantry the last time I took that to heart. We also have been eating the contents of our pantry/freezer before going to the market. Although we are coming close to having it bare again. And I am trying to start planning a weekly menu to help keep the market bill down when we do eventually go to the market. Thanks Bossy! This tip has helped us a lot!
Did Dr Oz pay for the salmon and avocado?
I must do this. I must. Because the cans! They’re taking over. And it’s driving me nuts. (I think they multiply in there – seriously. I don’t remember buying half of this stuff!)
Bossy’s husband is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Is that Mexican vanilla extract from our first trip to Mexico in 1979 or our last in 2006? Time to give it to Mama.
I have one of those ridiculous corner cabinets also. I finally found a large lazy susan and no longer throw away 25 year old stuff that migrated to the back corner. Sometimes you have to spend $ to save $.
I feel a pantry challenge post coming on! Contest! Contest!
But don’t clear the pantry too much. You will need an emergency supply for when the communists invade and we all go underground.
Bossy has inspired us to reduce grocery bills by using the stockpile known as our freezer & pantry, too. Some interesting meals have been served in our kitchen lately.
Since we’ve noticed it’s crappy banana season, I posted a recipe for Poverty Party Banana bread yesterday. No avocado. No Salmon. But, um … the oats offset the butter content?
Depending on what KIND of canned soup it was, you could have made a lovely dinner using that, black olives, and tuna fish. You could have made a sort of Niçoise salad with the olives and tuna (and maybe even some of that Swiss chard if you were a bit adventurous and it hadn’t also turned to mulch, and also you could have made croutons out of that old bread), and then served it with a nice cream-of-something soup, or maybe a white-bean-and-vegetable. (No, I don’t eat out of the pantry a lot, why do you ask?)
Of course, in my cupboard? We have mostly chicken and stars and Kraft macaroni and cheese, because we have a toddler. But we did clean out the freezer recently, and ate pretty much chicken for every meal for like 10 days. We even had chicken meatballs.
True, true.
We had leftover turkey tonight: it had been frozen since September, when it was a Rosh Hashanah feast. Now if I can only get my DH to use the garden produce that I froze last fall. I think I will have to tackle it. Everything tastes good in pasta sauce, right??