Great Danes. What characters. Everything you ever saw or heard depicted in a Scooby Doo animation is correct; this breed is more human than animal, more horse than dog. Despite their size they are not aggressive in the least, although they may talk your ear off. But make no mistake, Great Danes are not for…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Waking up early. Some people who shall remain nameless have early morning ponds and wide open prairies, but Bossy has only this little snatch of sky that hangs over her wetlands backyard. Bossy likes to get up early because no one else is awake to make demands, and Bossy can plan her day’s naps in…
A Very Bossy Contest.
ear·ly ??r-l? de·ci·sion di-?si-zh?n 1 a: A common policy used in college admissions for admitting freshmen to undergraduate programs. 2 a: Indicates to the college that the candidate considers that institution to be his or her top choice. 3 a: Candidates applying early decision typically submit their applications by the end of October and receive…