Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which will feature songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Bell X1, The Ribs of a Broken Umbrella. Bossy saw this Irish band at a free midday concert last Friday. Nice young Irish chaps, catchy sometimes moody tunes that lean on lots of techno…
Bossy Moments Throughout History – Celebrity Baby Names.
Maybe because Christina Aguilera and Nicole Richie delivered their babies this past weekend, Bossy woke up wondering what Jennifer Lopez is going to name her Bay-Bay-Lo when it is finally born in another twenty-seven-and-a-half months. Celebrities enjoy ample creative license when naming their children. The name can be delicious, like Bob Geldof’s Peaches, Gwyneth Paltrow’s…