This is Bert’s sister Jenny with her new guy, Sam. He’s a boxer and a very smooth dancer. He lives in his parent’s row house on Danenhower Street—an alley made sooty and stinky from the adjacent Paper Mill. Which doesn’t stop the mostly Italian residents from transforming their small, raped backyards into prolific Mediterranean gardens….
The Family Album Straight Up With A Twist.
That’s Bossy’s grandmother Bert lying on the beach blanket, and her sister Jenny is sitting next to her facing the camera. They are both in their teens now, and that’s Atlantic City behind them. In a couple of hours—after Jenny is the color of a boiled lobster—they will climb back on the airless bus or…
The Family Album Straight Up With A Twist.
Meanwhile across town: Bossy’s grandmother, Bert. She was left on the doorstep during a rainstorm with a beautiful name pinned to her baby blanket, but the crazy old Native American woman wasn’t much for beauty and so she promptly rechristened her. In the photo Bert is perched on the shoulders of her only source of…