The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and in this case it didn’t fall from a tree but instead was purchased at the local food co-op and what Bossy is really trying to say after only three hours sleep: Bossy’s son packs a lunch every day to take to his summer internship. We all…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Bossy’s lunch. Speaking of Bossy’s lunch, Christ on the cross, Bossy doesn’t know if there’s anyone with less of a gift for food photography than Bossy herself, but anyway: you are looking at an apple with peanut butter and flax seed, baby spinach leaves, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, and a handful of Bossy’s obsession. The central…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Yesterday was another temperate day, so Bossy stole away for lunch with her friend Martha. They sat in Martha’s garden under this trellis, eating salad, warm sun on their faces, listening to wind chimes.