As some of you may have gleaned — because Bossy can’t stop writing about it in very specific terms — Bossy recently got a new job in the city. This allows her to commute to work by train! This is a tremendous advantage since Bossy also commutes home by train! Like other commuters, Bossy has…
The Night That Ate Bossy’s Blog Post
Dear Esteemed Council, Bossy knows she promised you a blog post every single weekday in March. And sure Bossy would love to write about Lindsay Lohan’s court drama or Obama’s disarmament plea to Iran, or the best remaining free agents in the NFL. Except. You see, Bossy’s day began early, on the train into the…
Bossy’s Favorite Things
30th Street Station in Philadelphia. It’s the jewel of the Auschwitz-like transit stations in the city.