Bossy has written before about those little costs that add up, especially when those little costs are a 19-year-old college student and a sixth grader. Bossy’s daughter attends public school, where they are slightly more mindful about keeping extracurricular activities affordable to everyone, but it’s always something. Case in point: this Friday Bossy’s daughter is…
The Daily Poverty Post.
This Poverty Post is brought to you by the Misstep Department. Here’s the thing: Bossy often buys items she is unsure about; unsure before she’s even left the store. She calls this kind of purchase “securing” the item, meaning available to Bossy should she decide in the next three hours she actually likes the thing…
The Daily Poverty Post.
You are looking at a package of Trader Joe’ Swiss chard, and it is in the trash. It’s in the trash because it went bad before Bossy and her husband had the chance to cook with it, which leads Bossy to the subject of today’s Poverty post: ??!!!#@$$$&%$^&@#@!!!! Last year Bossy wrote about her surplus…