You are looking at $156. It’s $156 in the form of a metal Run Capacitor, which is smaller than a fist and controls the blower fan in Bossy’s heating system. Blower fans in general are something you take for granted until suddenly your family room sounds as bucolic as an Engine Room whenever the heat…
He Said/She Said. And Then She Said A Little Louder.
She: We need a new thermostat. He: Why? She: Because the old one is broken, and there’s something about elbowing you between the ribs every midnight to turn off
We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Bossy For More Jackhammers.
This is Bossy’s view from her living room windows as various trucks dig and scoop and press and mostly idle in front of Bossy’s house spewing diesel waste on Bossy’s lifeless Impatiens. Who knew replacing a water main would take as much manpower and ingenuity as constructing the Maya civilization? Just like who knew that…