You are looking at Bossy’s view from a shady picnic bench which overlooks the camp office which overlooks Lake Champlain which overlooks a line of mountains whose job it is to interfere with Bossy’s internet service. Or at least that’s how it feels to Bossy, who has spent more time today knocked offline than on…
Here’s Something You Probably Didn’t Know! Bossy Has A Son! And He Just Went Off To College!
Hello one person left who still wants to hear all about Bossy’s son and his drop-off at Columbia University! Because—let’s face it—even Bossy is all, “Again? Hasn’t that kid graduated from fooking college already?” Well. Here’s the long and the short of it, where the short of it is also long. Bossy and her husband…
The Set-Up.
Once upon a time there was a family of three, and their names were Bossy, Bossy’s husband, and Bossy’s daughter. They were a family of three because the fourth person, a certain someone named Bossy’s son, decided he had only 96-hours of camping in him and therefore was lagging at home in order to girlfriend…