<a title=”bossy-road-trip-photo by i am bossy, on Flickr” href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/8127276@N05/3380315941/”><img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3649/3380315941_f286de9491_o.jpg” alt=”bossy-road-trip-photo” width=”465″ height=”301″ /></a>
One year ago Bossy was packing up her <a href=”http://www.saturn.com/pages/open/default/family/hybrid.do”><u>Saturn</u></a> to embark on a <strong>35</strong>-day <strong>10,000</strong> mile road trip, <em>alone</em>, to meet people <em>face-to-face</em> she knew only through her comment section.
If you haven’t read Bossy’s day-by-day account of her trip, <em>you really should</em>.
<a href=”https://iambossy.com/bossys-excellent-road-trip/2008/03/25/the-goofs-gather-to-see-bossy-off/”><u><strong>It begins here</strong></u></a>, and at the bottom of each daily entry is a <em>next post</em> link, which makes it easy to travel with Bossy across <em>Philadelphia, D.C., Richmond, Atlanta, Orlando, Tallahassee, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Dallas, Oklahoma, Albuquerque, Scottsdale, San Diego, Laguna Beach, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Eugene, Portland, Seattle, Boise, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Madison, Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, and Cleveland,</em> with a special shout out to <em>Rawlins Wyoming</em>.
<a title=”bossy-road-trip-map by i am bossy, on Flickr” href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/8127276@N05/3381136724/”><img src=”http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3452/3381136724_0c5a22863b_o.jpg” alt=”bossy-road-trip-map” width=”465″ height=”289″ /></a>
It’s a tale of <em>fried pickles, Birkenstock interventions, pool halls, fog, lost frown lines, husbands named Joe, support stockings, hyperventilation, lost aviators, Dr. Oz’s nose whistle, melancholy, avalanche advisories, fried green beans, carpal tunnel feet, husbands named Eddie, dehydrated Stroganoff, robot dancing, husbands named Andre, and 2 a.m. sliders with fried onions</em> — <strong>don’t miss it!</strong>
It was a gargantuan effort — driving an average of seven hours a day and then communing with dynamic people every night — and Bossy has never been <em>more exhausted</em> or <strong>more happy</strong> in her life.
Bossy could sum up her experience this way:
<strong>Truck stop bathrooms included, ’twas an experience of a lifetime.</strong>
Which is what today’s <strong>Ten-Word Challenge</strong> is all about. In exactly <strong><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>ten words</span></strong>, can you tell Bossy about something you accomplished that, <em>when looking back</em>, you can’t <strong>believe</strong> you pulled off?
<em>Just something that makes you proud.</em> It can be travel-related, job-related, school-related, fitness-related, family-related, or <em>related</em>-related.
And don’t forget to check back <em>later today</em> for the most pride-inducing accomplishments on the web.