You are looking at a photo of Bossy’s first day of college. Sort of. Actually you are looking at a photo of Bossy’s first day of college give or take the following:
- Six months. This photo was taken six months prior to the beginning of college.
- One bird. This bird did not accompany Bossy to college; this wholly unnatural pose was struck at a Florida aviary.
- One boyfriend break-up. Horrible.
- One boyfriend get-back-together. Worse.
But you are definitely looking at the first day of college hair, and that is definitely the first day of college eyeliner.
More details about the first day of college hair: At some point Bossy and her mother decided that getting their hair cut wasn’t enough, they wanted to be shorn.
Bossy’s mom suggested the look was very Jean Seberg, although on Bossy the look was more Concentration Camp since directly following this photo, Bossy’s tonsils were removed—along with most of her body fat when she couldn’t eat solid foods or spicy foods or citrusy foods or food.
What this photo doesn’t show is how every decision Bossy made surrounding this time frame had to do with her boyfriend who became her ex-boyfriend who became her boyfriend again and finally, her ex-boyfriend.
Bossy’s process of selecting a college consisted of calculating the number of miles all prospective schools were situated from her boyfriend’s apartment door.
Bossy vaguely remembers receiving glossy college brochures in the mail, which she promptly tossed—unopened—onto the avalanche of similar brochures which she kept on the glass shelf of Her Unit.
Ultimately Bossy chose a college only 10.2 miles from her boyfriend’s apartment and the cat piss and wicker that filled it, and only 3.6 miles from her childhood bedroom, where Bossy continued to live while working at her high school job.
This was Bossy’s son yesterday during his first day of college orientation. He is taking full advantage of a program that devotes an entire week to introducing students to their campus, each other, and their enormous city.
Bossy’s college orientation? She can’t remember because she probably skipped it. But this is what Bossy does remember about her first day on campus:
late, unprepared, forgot campus map, purchased Whisk for boyfriend’s laundry
Which is what today’s ten-word challenge is all about: in exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy what you remember about your first day of college?
And if not college—what were you doing instead?
Nice new roommate, unexpected third roommate; go, mom, go… now!
I exited motel bathroom. Dad donning boxers. Yelling. Guilt forever.
Attended local college due to boyfriend. Big, big, big mistake.
“This is it” moment in orange grove, burst into tears.
A single parent in a sea of 18 year olds…
Completely overwhelmed, 3 girls & a guy roommate?, he’s gay!
I like how the orientation schedule emphasizes and re-emphasizes that you TELL YOUR PARENTS GOODBYE! it’s probably more a message to the parents than the kids.
I won’t be in your shoes until 2013, and it’s going to take more than a pushy orientation schedule to pry my weeping body from my son! Good luck Bossy! Be strong!
Syracuse-Orange Bar-NY drinking age 18–Raging Hangover–WooHoo
18 years old, playing drums in Baltimore Playboy Club…….FUN
“Good bye mom”..I will not cry! Sob in bathroom.
Great roommate, who has what, mother crying while making my bed*.
*Which she did every single year of college – both the crying and the making the bed.
drove myself to college, rocker girl meets bohemian hippie kids
Moving 350 miles away to Pittsburgh at 17.
local uni, cheesy orientation, refused to wear frosh t-shirt, happy.
Overwhelmed. It costs how much for books? When’s the party?
Brave face for the parents, scared shitless in my heart!
Go home mom go home mom go home mom bye!
Too old to start over, young kids will hate me.
Few miles from home. Engaged. Ditched half day to surf.
scary math test mass hysteria what am i doing here?
Wanted to change my name. No one calls me Elizabeth.
8:00 Class, attendance taken by TA, then released, professor hungover?
Mom on phone: Talk later. My daughter’s home from college.
I should clarify that I stayed at home to attend university, and this was what I always teased mom about. She couldn’t wait to say something about her daughter in college, as she called it. And this was just the first day!
Moved far away. Kept boyfriend (big mistake). Too much stuff.
Lonely in dorm, new friend across the hall, still tight.
Really should have left my high school boyfriend at home.
Goofy roommate who wanted to go “halvsies on an iron”.
Met boy en route to Giant Twister. Got high instead.
met very best friend at orientation, drank tequila, threw up.
don’t remember, didn’t go, lived at home, hated college totally!
I’m going to be living with THAT guy? Oh, God…
Dad didn’t want to crowd me. He left too fast.
Lines, overwhelmed, small town girl in the big city. HELP.
Threw up in two classes. Blamed Nerves. Wrong. The Flu.
Best man from wedding driving us to college. Running everywhere.
Picked college to be near guy I thought liked me.
A LOT of fucking stairs. And I mean A LOT.
Pancakes for dinner everyday!!! Pancakes for dinner. Everyday freakin’ day.
Kids dragging a keg into dorm, packed in a suitcase!
Middle of nowhere Maine. LOVE it. Bye Mom! Got Flannel?
The smell of fresh tar outside my dorm window. Yuck.
Sudden feeling of utter abandonment despite urge to get away.
commuter college. lines,lines,lines.too many people. hide me.
Flew 4 hours from home, knew nobody, missed family terribly
Where is first class? Ask upperclassman. Standing outside building. Humiliation.
Girl from “rival” highschool in first class – became good friends.
One drunken fiasco after another, wild excess after boarding school.
(don’t tell my kids, ok?)
Oh, and while I am not currently drunk – I originally posted my ten words in the wrong part of your blog.
Many stairs. Feeling alone. Jr College is high school revisited.
Roommate was gorgeous. Line of boys outside door. For her.
Scared. Hot. Tears. Fake smiles. Fun roommate. Never looked back.
Too scared to leave room for 2 days. Decorated instead.
cold, empty dorm room. Crazy, mean roommate. feeling totally overwhelmed
Big smarty fish in small highschool pond gets rude awakening.
Got lost going to first class, found classroom, sorta late.
had baby, got husband, was navy wife. That is all.
Fourth child attending college – made my bed and left me.
mom felt abandoned. 3 week long silent treatment. no goodbyes.
Don’t let the door hit’cha on the way out dad.
Roommate broke out a bag of pot. Best friends forever.
Bossy & I had eerily similar first days at college.
I have to actually study now? I don’t know how.
Snapped at parents, was scared, excited, nervous, cried in bathroom.
And Bossy’s son looks cooler and more self-assured than anyone at that age has any right to be.
feeling good until parents left. crying and then really happy.
Got lost, “found” by fratboys, set stage for whole year.
met roommate. dressed identically. became bffs. where’s the party at?
Drunk, high, one night stand within 8 hours of arrival.
lost lost lost lost lost lost lost lost lost crying.
President recited Little Rabbit Fu-Fu to confused, mouth-agaped Freshmen.
Work, class, homework, laundry, daycare (brother), cleaning, wash, rinse, repeat.
Disorientation, missed boyfriend. Also met
several lifelong friends that day.
Skipped college. Waitressed to make money to buy cheap cocktails.
Didn’t make the grade, Cosmetology, married soon after state boards.
gold lame shoes, don’t ask, snooty roommate, mom gone, relief!
Took Spanish placement test. Aced it, can’t remember anything now.
Hitchhiked NY to San Francisco City College, met future husband.
Dad slipped a twenty in my hand, I cried hard.
missed mom
missed dad
missed cat
hate roommate
met BFF
Eight a.m. chemistry lab only no labs first school week
Orientation party hook up, started smoking, started drinking, started living.
Smoked cigarettes in dorm room the minute parents finished unpacking.
Dragging EVERY book to EVERY class ’cause didn’t know better!
Sitting in room, lonely, when nice suitemate visits. Still friends.
Screaming, shaved head, uniforms. Yeah, Chuck went to military school.
Having kids teaches me enough. I shoulda skipped college altogether.
Gidget Goes to College in Wisconsin: books, bells, boys, beer.
Plaid shirts, camel lights, camel toe (roomate), plastic mattress and a whole new me
roomate took window view. i got bigger closet. learned compromise.
Live at home. Work as Waitress. Community College. School Sucks.
hating roommate, gagging in cafeteria, full of unrealistic expecations….blech
late, and then discovered surprisingly, it was a religious college~
Hallmark card from Mom in backpack. Bawling in poli/sci class.
pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, pregnant AGAIN .. college at last .. BOOYAW!
PS .. 5 kids, full time job, 3.65 GPA double major.
Three roommates. All best friends. Lonely. Cry. Buy books, Re-cry.
Scared, exhilarated, stick-in-ass roommate, crazy fun, no sleep
Met guy who was boyfriend for 4 years, not husband.
18th birthday in Navy boot camp, Christmas, too, cried lots.
There is a vague remembrance of going to class stoned.
Roomate bipolar. Closet small. Hair big. Beer cold.
Pushing parents out the door. Sitting in my room terrified.
couldn’t get my room key till I paid my bill
Corner room. Roomate not unpacked. Her boyfriend there, cooking bacon.
Saw size 1 jeans of roommate; wanted to go home.
Poison ivy on legs, long pants in Missouri in August.
600 students in Chem 1A! At 8:00 a.m. on Monday! Prof recapped 1 year of high school Chem. in 20 minutes. Minutes 21 – 90 I sweated profusely!
42 and on the way to fulfilling my dreams–second act.
What’s more important is how much I love Bossy’s hair!!
Columbia/Chicago Accepted – Went to community college for $100,000 Less.
Commuted to party school. Poorly dressed. Big perm. Lonely knowitall.
streptococcus – er visit – horribly sick – rash on my ass – seriously
Hot. Overwhelming. Crowded. Freedom. Roommate. Crying (mom). Closet (small). Friends.
Stay strong Bossy! 15 minutes to say goodbye?! Sheesh.
Tears. Tissues. Where’s the garbage bin? Don’t leave, Mom, please!
Thrilled to be 570 miles from parents. Never once homesick.
a white trash family vacation, and they left me there.
Goodbye L.A., hello…TEXAS?! Knew no one. Fought back tears.
High school locker partner was my dorm roommate. Party on!
Happy to be out from under the parents controlling thumb.
Got sick right away. Boys liked my raspy (sick) voice.
Only 16 years old, many hours playing video games alone.
Dorm room 304, only 17, we kids would have fun!
kid to right and left of you, one will survive.
Wandered around trying to find my classes, half asleep.
sex drugs rock and roll…the late sixties, you gettit?
Roommate: “I’m early acceptance, I DO NOT live in a triple”
Giant moving box filled with shoes. Not properly packed.
Big campus, frightened me. No, gigantic campus; terrified me.
I was 20-something, skipped orientation, bought shoes.
Love the hair, babe!
Take Muni Metro downtown.
Walk a few blocks.
Panic greatly.
weird new roomate latch hooking on the top bunk (seriously!!!)
Whatever you do, don’t date your professor. Oops – 5 years!
Small town girl big city. Met great friends, missed family.
All girls – I’m tallest. Parents, Pooh sheets, cigarettes, party!
And then when I went back there was this whole awkward mid-twenties older than EVERYONE kind of feeling. But that’s more than ten words.
newly wed, new city, college at 36, what the he77!!!!!
Grandmother taking my hand, telling me it was all ok.
Note with classroom numbers? Miles across campus in dorm. Shit.
Greyhound from Idaho to Iowa, cried to strangers, Acting 101.
early. early. traffic. traffic. traffic. park. park. walk. walk. UCLA.
Gasp: Where has my independence gone? Guys across the hallway. :o)
North Carolina Mountains. Hot . No A/C. First time sharing bedroom.
Bonding – Figuring out where to hide new roommate’s illegal TV.
I can’t participate. BOSSY’S son’s book made me cry. And I’m mad at it.
Community College, had to pay my own way, parents selfish.
What was I thinking? Waaaaaah!
Age 28, seven years of night school, graduated with honors!
Felt like a very important, very smart, very adult imposter.
Perky counselor with ukelele. Sat on bed and cried, lonely.
Being told that refusing oral presentations makes degree impossible. Horrified.
I remember my roommate looking down her nose at me because she was an engineering major and I was undeclared (so sue me, I was 17). By Christmas, she managed to get pregnant and convinced her boyfriend who was packed off in the army that the kiddo was his… I’m pretty darn sure it wasn’t. Meanwhile, I didn’t declare my major until I was a junior. I may have a decision making disorder, but at least my screw ups are mine alone.
First day of school was close to my 31st birthday.
Knew no one but stalker ex who followed and enrolled.
whore roommate with no underpants. who lives like this? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
Beautiful redheaded roommate – smarter than I am? I hope not.
No college, hated school, 4 years partying throughout East coast!
No college, hated school, 4 years partying throughout East coast!
Hippie girl planning to change sorority from inside. Huh.
Sorority improvement failed. Two years later: ex-sorority hippie architecture student.
Baptist college…roomate afriad Lionel Ritchie poster might be to provocative.
By the way, Bossy’s son is astonishing in that he allowed Bossy to photograph him IN PUBLIC in front of his college peers. Either that or he’s so used to it that he didn’t notice the camera was out. OR… Bossy used a secret spy camera, in which case what exactly was it hidden in?
Scary Roommate, Fight with Mom, Met Mormon Boy. Many tears.
Excitedly set up room, took pictures, sobbed when mom left.
Dead mother. Frightened young woman. Father did not turn up.
I was glad to be out of my mother’s house.
West Coast to West Texas. Roommate liked mums,Gregorian chants.
forgot to pack hair products. worst. ID picture. EVER!
20 minute commute + 20 minute parking search + 20 minute walk
Hometown college. Surprised with “now choose minor subject”. Bad choice.
And ladies? Stop drooling over Bossy’s son. It’s undignified.
20 minute commute + 20 minute parking search + 20 minute walk
I forgot pens and pencils. Who forgets pens and pencils?!
Bye mom..Bye Dad..Let the party begin..FAIL
Twenty years since high school graduation..I was very scared!
on a side note..I ended up with a 4.0 GPA as compared to my high school GPA of 1.97!!
sobbing ran down Dog Street barefoot looking for a phone
Hot, humid whirlwhind of box-carrying. I miss my parents.
Listened to roommate talk babytalk to boyfriend on phone. Ugh!
Mom enrolled herself with me. Took CLASSES WITH ME. No skippin school.
long drive, forcing folks to leave quickly; wished I hadn’t.
“Moving 350 miles away to Pittsburgh at 17.”
Me too! Also:
Shitty single room. Went to Carnegie Museum. Saw dinosaurs. Alone.
Two takes:
at 18; new college frosh:
why is everyone so upset? See ya mom and dad.
at 30; starting my job as professor:
why do students think it’s ok to text in class?
dorm room,friends, bacardi 151 hangover,repeat the next night
Intimidated by preppies and city kids. Afraid I’d fail miserably.
Milwaukee’s Best, chips, Milwaukees’s Best Light, pizza, Beast, beer, class?
potsmoking roommate. Academic dean thought it was mine. I’m innocent!
A long way from home. Excited. Scared. Adventurous. Homesick. Determined.
Did you just show us the bird?
So many hot bitches. What the fuck does cosmology mean?
Sooo Funny! I was working at Jungle Gardens in Sarasota Florida as an exotic bird handeler… Remember Frosy riding the bike and Elvis the bird that could paint? Yep. That was me with the clicker.. Small world… Good luck to you and yours.
Met bear-hunter roommate whose last name was pronounced “yer-bitch”.
My parents are driving away. I’ve never felt more alone.
I kissed family goodbye and went to a fraternity party.
Lost in unfamiliar cities bus system. Then lost on campus.
see you later. owf veederzane. oh rivwoi. adios. bye bye.
Arrived early for preseason soccer and drank my face off.
Dear god, please don’t let this be like high school!
Slipped down stairs, fell on face, busted three teeth – AAAARRRGGGHHHHH
Worked ass off to pay tuition. Next day school started.
thinking I was all grownup, but tears when parents left.
Early admission; LONG LONG talk about being best on island.
excited. nervous. boy crazy. three roommates. gross food. wonderful memories.
Will you be horrified if I tell you that in that first picture you look just like my mom did at that age?
Brother snuck beer to underage me in all girl dorm.
(Seriously! First day ~ my roommate didn’t know what to think but she was happy)
Psych 101 in an auditorium prof Sawyer wearing a mic?
Started week early – band camp – met 300 really nice friends! (LOVED IT!)
No College, got married instead. Should have gone to college!
Me with single mom. Roommate with huge family. Still friends.
Long drive in 1970 Cougar that only got 10 mpg
Arrived in Paris exhausted, disoriented, unable to speak any French!
My Mother’s comment as she’s driving off, leaving me in the biggest city I’d ever been in- Chicago, at DePaul University:
(here come the 10 words)
“Are you aware that your roommate is probably a lesbian?”
Which was prefectly fine, and she probably was, and all worked out perfectly well. It was just the first time I heard my mom use the word.
hated outfit, amazed by gorgeous boys, ready to conquer world
Sunny day, meeting roommate, knowing NO ONE, saying goodbye.
Hot, humid, and in way over my frizzy curly hair.
Oh, what the HELL did I eat?! Unending. Mess. Toilet.
Met Bryan, who married roommate Carolyn; friends for twelve years.
College started four days ago. Already lost key and phone.
I skipped out halfway through my orientation to meet my girlfriend who lived .8 miles from campus. Yes, I was lost on my actual first day.
Frig! I really should have attended, I totally messed up the ten word thingy. Then and again now!
assigned roommate horrible match. total freedom. whole new world. yee-haw!
Got scared and quit. Moved to LA. Joined rock band.
drank with then slept with half the US army..
SO MUCH FUN, then again not..SO much
Stench of unseen roommate’s salt-water soaked shoes signaling long year.
caught boyfriend with another girl…skipped many classes to spy!
X drove to school and wanted to beat up sorostitutes.
First day, much like high school… but that didn’t last.
Three boyfriends left behind, three dozen roses first day, oy.
Well soon after.
One big blur of new people, long lines, and excitement.
Mississippi girl, gleefully overwhelmed by those forty acres in Austin.
Air Force issued all my new belongings; SHORT hair cut.
Whoa! Share a Room! Make friends, get homesick, Adjust to it all…..
Girl’s high school – then only girl in intro-engineering class – fabulous!
Shoved parents out of dorm and lit a cigarette.
My first time out of uniform, got all dressed up.
Worked 11p-7a shift, tired drove 2 hours, Wrong day!
Don’t remember a dang thing.Stupid community college & boyfriend.
Met Emily Brown from Indy, introduced me to the 3-for-1 Colorado Bulldog at happy hour. Love That Girl! sorry, went over 10.
Freedom, no curfew, unrestrained sex awaits, escape from Tinytown, Mississippi.
After parochial school repression, SHOCKED seeing students smoke & chew gum.
(Ampersands do not count as WORDS, right?)
Crazy roommate. Nervous stomach. Incredibly hot. Glad that’s over with!
Finally, new life away from parents! Trying to be cool.
Roommate & I had on the EXACT same outfit/shoes!!
Took 18 units first semester; idiotically dropped out 2nd semester.
Cross country road trip with friends following the Greatful Dead!