This past weekend, Bossy’s daughter turned 13 years old and it was so much fun, here’s what happened: first she broke her arm.
She didn’t really break her arm, she sprained her wrist — or at least that’s what the emergency room doctor said a few minutes after he examined her and announced her wrist was probably broken, which was just a half hour before the x-rays didn’t reveal a break, which was one day before the x-rays were hopefully sent to a real orthopedic man for a second opinion because sister mercy Bossy can’t even breathe on her daughter’s wrist without it hurting.
Luckily the broken arm sprained wrist didn’t interfere with the pool/pizza/sleepover party her daughter had been planning for weeks. Nope, it didn’t interfere with her daughter’s plans one bit because Bossy’s daughter’s friends, one by one, had already called that morning to cancel and so there was no birthday pool/pizza/sleepover party to interfere with.
Bossy tried to cheer up the situation by suggesting the family play a board game on the back porch! In fact, a board game Bossy’s daughter had just opened for her birthday, along with a handful of other poverty presents! And so the family assembled on the back porch for the game, which was called How Many People Does It Take To Read The Instructions While Arguing The Finer Points Of The Objective On A Game Suitable For Ages Ten And Up?
And then Bossy cleared away the carnage that was Family Game Time and prepared a delicious fish dinner which she then served to her family of four plus Bossy’s friend Jim and Bossy’s mom.
Next Bossy’s daughter laid out many toppings and colored icings so the pool/pizza/sleepover guests gin-soaked adults could decorate their own mini cakes, baked earlier in the afternoon. And before you criticize Bossy for mentioning alcohol in yet another post, she’s just kidding! The adults weren’t really gin soaked! They were Merlot soaked.
Here, Bossy’s son works his way down the assembly line. He is wearing a hooded sweatshirt in July because he has Mono:
And then Bossy’s friend Jim won for best decorated cupcake, and next the family propelled themselves off the side of a cliff.
Bossy clearly remembers her thirteenth birthday: she went on a double date to the movies. Bossy can’t remember who exactly went or which movie they saw because: a boy! Who was a date!
And then Bossy went home and opened a few gifts. The following is a photo of Bossy on her thirteenth birthday opening a garlic press given to her by her father:
Bossy can sum up her thirteenth birthday in the following way: Bossy had one youthful year remaining before meeting 30-year-old boyfriend.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about your thirteenth birthday, or the year you moved into your teens?
And be sure to check back later today for the luckiest thirteenth birthday comments on the web.
If you missed the last Ten-Word Challenge, press this link to see how Bossy’s commenters analyzed their relationships, through the eyes of a relationship expert, in ten words.
13 was 30 years ago, don’t remember a thing. *sob*
Mom read diary and annotated; I promptly threw diary out.
Sleepover for unfriends who just wanted cake. Horrid until 16.
Awkward + the new kid in town = a lonely 13th year.
(symbols don’t count as words, right?)
(Here’s wishing Bossy’s Fab Daughter a speedy recovery! *smooches*)
Friday night Bat Mitzvah, laryngitis two days before, dairy sloppyjoes.
It’s all coming together now. Your life was the subject of a Rex Smith movie, right? Was it called “Sooner or Later?” A 13 year old girl gets a makeover at the mall, meets a much older rock star who falls in love with her. I soooo wanted to be her.
snaggled teeth, glasses, nerd with boobies, crushing on Donnie Osmond
Have no memory of it. Perhaps drunk? Or just boring.
fighting with mother, sent to live with grandmother, very happy
Nineteen sixty nine…There is really nothing more to say!
I honestly don’t remember, which must mean it didn’t suck.
1968. Martin. Bobby. Tet. Nixon. Chicago. Aquarius. Revolution. Students. Me.
All childhood memories have erased because of really bad hair.
Looks like everyone had a great time!
Skating at roller rink with friends in favorite Minnie mouse
Sorry Bossy’s daughters birthday was less than stellar.
Old wives tale says bad birthday day = great year .
Cranky day in Omaha shopping for dollhouse furniture. Late bloomer.
I have no memory of it, blessing in disguise perhaps.
I can’t remember 13. That was a million years ago.
Grandmother, homemade pizza, soda, grape float, black and white TV.
1973. Went out to the alley and lit one up?
Bossy’s daughter seems very nice for 13. Magic spell, perhaps?
Trip to Valleyfair with two best friends. Best birthday EVER!
(Valleyfair is a MN amusement park)
I’ve heard that saying too, about bad party= great year. I hope it’s true for Bossy’s beautiful daughter.
13th birthday spent in France (Dad’s sabbatical year). No party. : (
Dad had died 10 days before, not much of celebration.
1980 gift: brand new (white) Gloria Vanderbilt jeans …I was finally cool
Dinner with parents at fancy restaurant atop tall building downtown.
So sorry to hear about Bossy’s daughter’s arm! We have had many broken bones at our house, including a broken arm on a birthday . No fun. Our first broken arm (when my son was four) was misdiagnosed at an ER as not broken at all (when similarly to Bossy’s daughter, he would scream whenever anyone looked at his arm). The next day I took my son to an orthopedist who took one look at him and said he had a green-stick fracture, which is a common pediatric injury that does not show up on an x-ray until it begins to heal and has a fine line of scar tissue. As soon as this doctor’s office put a cast on my son’s arm, it felt much better. So, if Bossy’s daughter’s arm is still hurting, I’d definitely seek out a second opinion. I also bypass Emergency Rooms now and go directly to an orthopedist when we suspect a broken bone, even if that means waiting a day. (That’s assuming, of course, that no bones are protruding from the skin or anything.)
*This is obviously way over the ten-words I was allocated and is not meant to replace consultation with an actual doctor.
Wait a minute, 10-word thingy can wait. Bossy’s daughter’s friends all CANCELED on her?! Bossy’s daughter is too special and too much of a delight to have “friends” who do that. Humph. 13.
Surprise bedroom makeover in orange. Parents = proud, Me = fake happy
Starting off teenage angst right: I got my first period.
Does it count if I can remember my sweet sixteenth?
Got my period. Thought death was imminent. three words left.
13 on the 13th, stepped on a bee…bad luck!
Oh man, I am totally breaking the rules today and I hate it when people don’t stick to 13 words, but it’s off topic so that makes it ok, right?
That game is CRAZY! We took it to a cabin and spent more time arguing about it than we actually did playing the game. At the end we called the game “In the lake” cause that’s where we threw it.
Parents gave horse as last ditch effort. Saved my life!
Got my first period. Wanted to die of embarrassment. Cried.
Parents took me and friends on a camping trip.
Finally got my period; Lemon-up shampoo & Bonne Belle; felt grown-up.
PS – RE: the missing B-day guests – my son has a mid-July birthday and for YEARS we agonized over under/unattended b-day parties. It got easier as he got older – I guess kids stopped traveling with their parents as much. When he was younger, we found that having the parties just as soon as school was over in June, or right before school started again in August was a good time to get his friends together. Bossy’s daughter has a very nice mom. They are both lucky!
I don’t remember my 13th, probably for the same reason as Bossy’s daughter’s friends bailed on the plan… I’m a July baby too, and always hated how no one bothered to remember my birthday. I remember my 16th because my mom pulled together an awesome surprise party, but that’s it. Now that I’m on the far side of 40, I don’t care if anyone remembers, really. I’m happy to slide right under the radar.
13 on the 13th… golden birthday. Not special; no memory.
Too angst-filled back then. Can’t begin to cram into 10.
My aunt made away (summer) birthday fun. Maybe was #13?
a party with boys! mom made tacos. farts ensued. ick
Parents announced divorce. We moved to slums. I cried heavily.
dressy brunch at track. wagers placed for us. Illegal fun!
13 sucked. I hated life until I was twenty two.
ok…now that that’s out of the way.!! Oh sweet bossy’s daughter! Broken/sprained arm! Crappy friends! AAACK!
1965 Paul Revere & The Raiders-Hip hugger flowered bell bottoms
Boy-girl party–cute guy came, but not for me.
–>20 years ago and spent with slumber party of girls.
Can’t even remember my last birthday. Happy Birthday Bossy’s Daughter!
ps Please get some different friends!
My IQ dropped 50 points and never returned to normal.
4 hour long Pirate Dinner Theater, with 3 screaming toddlers……….
(No,wait that was my ‘surprise’ 50th!)
my birthday is Jan. 2nd……………try and get ANYBODY to show up to play on that day!!!!
dinner with family at the TX rotating resteraunt space needle
P.S. We have the ‘In A Pickle’ game and LOVE it! My husband & I play it with our 9 yr old. Give it another try – it’s a lot of fun!
13 sucked big donkeys and I’m glad it’s gone forever.
Let’s get her braces to help with high school transition!
1967 – dancing to top 40 songs on WFIL & WIBG AM.
PS – awww, poor bossy’s daughter…get well soon!
Naturally, I absolutely don’t remember. Stupidity? Probably. Old age? Definitely.
p.s. “Crack Mom”… heh heh heh heh heh.
Stood in line for a Bonnie Bell make over at Hutzler’s, then Chinese dinner.
don’t remember a thing, which is probably OK: teenagerdom SUCKED.
First what is it with 13 year olds and wrists anyway! see the end of this post for the prequel
for the sequel.
oh and me at 13.
Gawky, never been kissed, party gone
badbeer, still unkissed.1969. Moon Landing more memorable than stupid birthday, ’nuff said.
I will never get any tail with these fucking glasses.
Poodle perm, corrective loafers, no boobs, kill me now (1962)
Moved away – had to share room with mean 15-year-old sister.
(On another note – When I was 10 I fell and injured my wrist while visiting relatives in Texas. The ER said it was just a sprain – was not until I returned home to Oklahoma and my mom took me to the pediatrican that they diagnosed it as fractured and set it in a cast. So definitely get a second opinion!)
OMG, Deb (#6)! That was the best tv movie EVAR. You are totally right.
I totally agree with the 60th comments it’s so embarrassing how are you and would you let me know what you think of our new front page on my grammology site.
Thanks Dorothy
No boobs and parachute pants made the hayride no fun.
First kiss. Then dumped because wouldn’t do more. LAME BOY.
First boy girl party. I’m lesbian. Dancing with boys? Yuck!
To Bossy’s Daughter: Happy birthday! Summer is tough on parties. I agree with adopting an official birthday at the end of the school year, like late May or June.
Abusive step-dad moved out days before. Teens still sucked.
Pizza and sleepover. Not very exciting, but also no trauma.
13 was rough. Chubby, short hair and no boobs. Sad.
My son turned 13 in March and its freaking me out–he had a great birthday, but…puberty? So wasn’t ready for that. Bossy’s (totally adorable) daughter needs a re-do. We’re big on “birthday week” and ‘birthday month” in our house.
I think Elvis died when I turned 13….I know my dog did. It sucked. (They didn’t die on my birthday but close to it.) I hated being 13. I really didn’t like my age at all until I was about 22 and married. Then my life took a turn for the BEST! Still married after two plus decades…..and it’s still the best!!
Don’t remember birthday party, adored older brother died month later.
13? Rough. Parties? Never. Smart, skinny, nerd in KMart clothes.
I’m violating the 10-word rule because I want to reach out to Bossy’s Daughter and say that everyone canceled on my 13th birthday too! It was supposed to be a surprise, and there was a huge blizzard, and the hosts came in their 4-wheel drive to pick me up for the “sleepover” I thought it was, and on the way home they confessed to me that everyone else had called them and said they could not make it through the blizzard. It was never rescheduled, and the next birthday party I had was my 40th. Happy birthday anyway, Bossy’s Daughter, and I hope you were not sad.
Smoking Thai Stick at the Algonquin; I’m no Dorothy Parker.
Please make sure that your daughter has broken the “buckle” bone – not always obvious to ER folks but will be to an ortho. If she has broken it and doesn’t know and hurts her arm – it could be really bad.
That was supposed to say “not broken the buckle bone”.
Horse mad. Tom boy. Home from boarding school. Family only.
PS Bossy’s daughter… fret not pet… you’ve had a MEMORABLE birthday and it’s all up from here!!!

PS Bossy, why won’t your comment box remember me? I am far too lazy to type all my details in each time I want to say somethin’… ta
Condoms baked in cake. Cake mysteriously falls onto floor. Sad.
I’m in the boat with Life Is Good. My mother died ten days before my thirteenth birthday.
However, there were a lot of sympathy gifts, which were very cool at the time.
I can’t believe all her friends cancelled!!! What a bunch of losers! Ok, now for the 10 words…
Slumber party, pizza, frozen bra, parents yelling, “:Be Quiet!”
Ears pierced at the mall.
Serious 80s: wearing white polka-dotted mini skirt, received beige phone. With cord.
Treated like a queen and mom made my favorite dinner.
PS~Thanks for dropping by my site. I’m still laughing at your Cusak video I just discovered. It’s genius.
much like bossy’s daughter, no one showed. red lobster w/family
Someone said “teens best years of life.”
Wrong. Got better.
(much much better)
I think I spent the day blow drying my hair.
Boathouse slumber party. 8 girls midnight skinny-dippping. Also July 18.
experiencing too much “sneaky freedom” Lawd, puleeeese dont let my children do what I did!!!
smoked dope, drank vodka, and allowed a cute blonde boy to go to 2nd base, all in like a week!
OYYYY! the joys of the teen years.ACK..
Bossy is the most awesome crack mom I’ve ever met.
asian with home perm, glasses, no need for a bra
How reassuring not everything in Bossy’s household goes to plan. Just a dull day, it happens. BTW, Bossy’s daughter, get well soon and HOW DID YOU SPRAIN/BRAKE YOUR ARM?
I want one of those giant cupcakes. And I want to wish you luck (not that you’ll need it) on Friday. Looking forward to meeting you!
I really like your photos darling :)) you look so happy and your family too :)) everything look just perfect
EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM CANCELED? These are not real friends, my dear.
Had my bar mitzvah used the cash to buy drums
@Christina: Unless they were at the mercy of their parents. Which happens at 13.
“This year I’m getting boobs!
Any minute now………………………………………….hello??”
Acquired boyfriend, lost virginity, changed continents, cried, learned, grew up.
sad; all granny’s stuff on driveway for sale…new bike!!!!!
can’t remember. Turn 44 this coming Friday. All bets off.
Huge monster zit and first period. Worst 13th birthday ever.
My 8th birthday party was snowed out. After 6 guests would brave a storm warning to play pin the tail on the donkey, my mom bundled me up and took me to see Dr.Chivago and eat Chinese food.
I’m still not over it.
Birthday one week before Christmas; don’t remember. Family strife was going strong, though.
AND — Deb (#6) and Heather (#63) — I OWN a VHS copy of “Sooner or Later.” Have the soundtrack album too, w/ Rex Smith on the cover. Please come over. I’ll make popcorn!
10 words
Mom gave Sis own Rubik’s cube to calm jealousy fights.
more words…and 27 years later, I still bring it up.
I can sum it up in two words: Bar Mitzvah.
Kelly (#104) I bought myself the dvd for christmas a few years ago – and it was well worth it.
You couldn’t pay me enough money to be 13 again.
Forgot. Bossy Daughter, you’ll forget, too. Except the family LOVE.
A big fat hug for the girl and my heart broke a little for her, reading this. I hope other sleepovers will ensue SOON. : )