For the past few days wrapped in some more days, Bossy has been helping a friend prepare to move. This means Bossy and her friend have been shifting through every single item found in every single cabinet and drawer and shelf and tabletop and nook and closet and hook.
This is a portrait of what that looks like:
As difficult as it is to look through one’s stuff and try to make sense of it — especially when that stuff is wrapped inside other stuff tucked in more stuff — it’s worth it to part with clutter.
Bossy’s mom has espoused the theory that one can’t truly accomplish this kind of stuff overhaul unless one is moving because you have no choice but to unearth every item and make decisions about it.
As an Interior Designer, Bossy’s mom often had to wage battle against the stuff her clients wouldn’t part with. Bossy’s mom entertained the idea that the most enlightening thing she could do for a client would be to pull a moving truck into the driveway, put absolutely everything in it, drive that moving truck around the block, and then pull it back into the driveway where the client would no doubt see how insane it would be to move that stuff back into its old position.
Throughout the process of helping her friend get organized, Bossy has been thinking a lot about the clutter in her own life and wishing she had the moving excuse so she could pick up her house, turn it upside down, and shake loose the contents.
Bossy can sum up her desire to be free of everything extraneous in this way: Until Bossy actually does move, she probably won’t do it.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, what do you have to say about the process of moving and going through your stuff and getting rid of things — and do you think it’s possible to organize as though you’re moving when you’re actually not?
In other news, Bossy would like to announce the winner of her iPad giveaway sponsored by Brad’s Deals: it’s Amy from Pretty Babies! Congratulations, Amy!
And thanks to the rest of you for playing along. Bossy can’t express how much she appreciates it. Or wait, maybe she just did!
The best money I ever spent was to hire movers.
total house cleanse every 5 years. touch everything you own.
Twice yearly, I pretend I am moving-everything MUST GO!!!
Last 10% of moving takes as long as first 90%
Can’t walk through office: oh, when will motivation kick in?
Uprooting and moving sucks. Periodically winnowing your life, however, doesn’t.
Lost my decluttering how-to books underneath mounds of junk.
My mother is a hoarder. I fear for my future.
–>My husband purges weekly. I’m lucky to still be around.
Not my problem. I keep only a few beautiful things.
Major flooring remodel has forced packing/organizing. Easier to move
Can’t keep house clean, would never be able to sell.
I am actually moving as we speak. Pakcers at my house today – movers tomorrow. I’ve been going through stuff for weeks trying to throw stuff out. My 10 words are this:
Oh Ma Gah – Is that my 8th grade cheerleading outfit?
Organizationally challenged myself. Came by it honestly. Cross to bear
One drawer at a time- it can be done!
Yes, it’s possible to reorganize without moving…it’s called redecorating!
Emptied house contents into garage. Couldn’t park. Stuff eliminated.
I moved my stuff didn’t. $80/month for five years.
Why are an old sweater and uncomfortable shoes so depressing?
Watch a few Hoarders episodes, motivation abounds
Join the military- forced/ paid to move every three years.
Take what’s necessary, leave all the rest to new owners.
Inherited grandmother’s cleaning gene. Closets purged every spring and fall.
Needed new roof, ordered dumpster, threw contents of attic into it. Done!
Next time I move I’m going out heels first, horizontally.
Two closets + one mini garage % forced, continual clutter control = Gleehappy.
If I ever move again, I’m buying all new stuff.
Won’t take the week off from work to do it.
City sewer backed up into basement last weekend. Decisions made.
City shit took all our good shit. uncluttered my life. Ahhhh. Things are much nicer now.
Have moved six times in five years. No clutter left.
Move frequently: new countries, new continents. Rolling stones, no moss.
Moving sucks, but getting rid of stuff feels so wonderful!
I’d cut off a finger for a personal organizer visit.
If I’m not using it, I want someone else to.
*Love* to organize, no clutter in my house or head.
A box in my office holds typewritten memos from 1988.
cleaning my closet out, found two books on anti-clutter.Hmmm.
Thank you SOOO much Bossy! I am so excited!
If it’s not moving, toss it out. Moving sucks, though.
Major organization spirals downward into throwing shit into trash bags.
Will we see you on the next edition of “Hoarders?”
sorting, packing, moving…..all of it makes my ass twitch!!!
If something isn’t held in a place of honor….let it go.
I’m doing it now! Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!
Hot water heater in second story room ready to blowup (according to the plumber and the constant leaking) filled with books, bookcases, suitcases, Xmas decorations and crap. Purged that puppy in a flash!
getting married. moving 5 homes into 2.may take years.
4 1/2 decades – 30th move this weekend.
I can walk into any house and tell you how many boxes it will take.
I’m surrounded by stuff and 4 people who won’t purge.
Although I feel successful since I cleaned the dress-up box.
Before thirty moved 10 times.after thirty once- never again!
Getting vacation place to have more storage. Will not MOVE!
Dear God I hope I die before I have to pack!
Semi Hoarder I confess. Need to MOVE. Swore would NEVER move again.
Use to have junk piles, now anal about my sparseness!
Ask daughter when she puts purse on table, I itch!
Love to purge my stuff regularly. Home stays clutter free, mind is clearer, heart is happier. Don’t wait til moving is my advice.
Just threw out notes from 8th grade. Get the picture?
I would rather go into labor than move ever again.
Moving for fourth time this year, to Brazil. Purging rules!
hey all you horders…who will move your stuff eventually.
Hi BossysMom! Thanks for rearranging our stuff so helpfully!
My 10:
Daughter of 2 pack rats, trying to break the chain.
But I might need it someday! like back in 1998.
1st Move: car
3rd Move: small truck
Last: A Match?
I try to pretend that I’m moving, but remain unmoved.
#29 Cindy from Walla Walla – that was priceless.
Fill one giveaway bag every month. Feels good. Works great.
If you didn’t know it was there, forgot you had it or haven’t used it in a year – it goes. It’s how I always lived and it’s what I did when I donated everything and moved onto an RV
It works.
moved last week, discarded taxes since 1967. might need them?
“helped” mom move. hired movers. she kept the crap
And all the crap that wasn’t ready for the movers I got to pack and schlep for the next two days, despite having been there packing for her every weekend for the last month. Advice to ALL – DO BETTER!
Just moved.How does one part with BOOKS???Dead hands.
I donate all kinds of stuff. Makes mom completely batshit.
I think the next time I move I’m just going to leave everything except one bag of clothes. Just waaaaalk away.
When I attempted to throw out “But I might need it someday” (Swedish Chemistry text book written in 1898).
I lost, it and its many companions, all in Swedish, are still there. This explains my mother’s college class notes from 1942, unmatched crockery in the basement, a car in the attic and a boat in the basement. (Well, just pieces, what would fit through the doors.) Two engines in the garage, one in the backyard and one in the basement. We might need it someday. Yeah – we need it to fill a dumpster.
Mom was a crafter. I am a crafter. Help me!
Military family. Move every couple years. Good at tossing stuff.
Try starting small, does not seem as overwhelming, I think.
Also, Ariel on offbeat home did a great piece about this. She talks about giving all of these crazy items a moment to shine and then LETTING. THEM. GO! I think it’s cleansing to let things go, so I’ve been trying it…. slowly.
Try taking a pic of each item, then organizing on your computer. Convinces you to let go of stupid stuff to itemize.
Choose one small area. Craigslist. You’ll be amazed what sells!
Empty a room to re-paint. What deserves to be returned?
Just moved to a new home in same city. Did lots of culling/sorting/pitching. I feel so liberated. It’s not something you can talk someone else into—you just gotta’ get there yourself.
the easiest move i ever made was post Katrina. the clothes on my back and starting over. now a mere 5 1/2 yrs later. CLUTTER.
Get Rid Of What You Don’t Need/Want/Love. Period!
The less I have the better I feel.
Trucking stuff around the block; little would come back inside.
Subscribe to Follow the missions and regain your peace.
Also need to turn house upside down, shake out everything!
Moving=Hell, Salvation Army=Heaven. Don’t miss it, lose it!
We just moved our family of 6. It fucking sucked.