Every year it’s the same thing: another year. And in that other year lives a summer, and in that summer lives the hope that Bossy will be able to lie prostrate in the deep shade and read.
This wasn’t always an elusive concept for Bossy, who passed summers at her local town pool with her young kids, situating herself within mindful proximity of the baby pool, where Bossy lounged under an umbrella and read while the small children drowned.
And while reading all of those books — sometimes as many as one per day — Bossy would often mourn the fact she wasn’t putting aside time to write.
And then Bossy became a writer, where writer equals reenacting Varicose Vein Ablation using Barbies. So naturally these days Bossy mourns the fact she’s not putting aside time to read. Unless you count watching movies on her laptop as reading. And Bossy is so out of the book game, she isn’t even sure what she would read if she found the time. If she found the time under her Netflix Instant Watch queue.
As always, Bossy has a stack of neglected New Yorkers by her bedside. But Bossy and her son decided long ago it’s not worth panicking over those issues not read, but rather picking up with the latest issue and moving forward. So Bossy will do that. She will do that in theory.
What other kinds of reading material does Bossy keep bedside you probably are not asking, but Bossy already photographed them so she will show you anyway:
Who could forget this, Bossy’s favorite self-help book? According to the bookmark, it has taken Bossy fifteen months to read up to page 118, which is odd because last summer Bossy read to page 126.
The weird part is: Bossy loves this book. It’s all about visualizing positive outcomes as a preparedness mechanism to achieve personal goals while quieting inner disbelief and dehypnotizing destructive patterns of perception in order to actualize full potential — and sister mercy is it any wonder Bossy would rather watch TV?
Next Bossy has this, which was given to Bossy by her mom and described as a short read, which is why it’s now three years later and still Bossy hasn’t cracked it open:
The problem with this book is it’s about a college kid, and Bossy would rather talk to her very own college kid, even if the college kid on that book jacket does have nice sideburns.
Next, Bossy’s bedside sports this:
Why it’s Bossy’s favorite doorstop and yours, Freedom by Jonathan Franzen! And then there’s this book by Bossy’s bedside:
And lastly by Bossy’s bedside is this unread book:
This came into Bossy life through a book swap last December, and Bossy wanted to read it because she thinks it serves as a great example of an otherwise quirky writer who came up with a good idea, and that good idea landed him on the New York Times Bestseller List.
Bossy can sum up the books already in her possession in this way: Bossy will hold out for historical fiction. That and napping.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about your summer reading list?
And please check back later today for the best summer reading lists on the web.
If you missed last week’s Ten-Word Challenge about moving, don’t! Click here! There were nearly 100 great tips and stories, in ten words of course!
I’m reading two books simultaneously, each over a thousand pages.
1.) Cien años de soledad, García Márquez. I’m going to do it. Or die trying. The latter being far more likely.
2.) Need to break a bit more into Vargas Llosa and Bolaño…
3.) La sangre derramada, by José Pablo Feinmann
4.) Middlemarch (meh)
P.S., skip A Separate Peace.
Summer Reading: Junk and Crap. With a side of Us Magazine.
Wait, that’s eleven words. Oh well, Us Magazine isn’t about getting smarter.
Speaking of Historical Fiction, I have been reading Ken Follett’s trilogy—WORLD WITHOUT END, THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH, AND I FORGOT THE TITLE (the other one that was my favorite).
All of these are lengthy and small print—but gripping
AND—if you haven’t discovered Lisa Lutz and her SPELLMAN books. Pure fun—my kind of gal.
But it is tough between watching THE WORLD CHAMPION Giants of SF and Netflix and my favorite TV shows (The Big C, Weeds, Damages, etc) there just isn’t enough time!!!!!
–>Mom shares bags of book. I read one a week.
The Lost Symbol, Dan Brown
Psychic Intelligence, Terry Jamison
Currently reading “The Mammoth Book Of Alternative Histories”. Kinda m’eh.
After too much dystopia back to slice of life fiction.
Classics Summer for me. Gatsby, Animal Farm, Huck Finn so far…
The Troubled Man, The Snowman, Borkmann’s Point, Star Island, Crime and Punishment
Last August “The Passage”. This summer bites (haha) in comparison
Firmly convinced I’ve read everything all my favorite authors wrote
Need new authors. No self-help depressing, crap. Good fiction. GOOD
Born to Run – loved it and I don’t run.
“Help” (southern culture) and lots of nature (Louv and others).
can’t conceive
of a summer not
with reading books
[or any other season either]
Whatever I can grab off the “new books” library shelf.
Vampires, lyrics, 16th Century entrepreneurs and later maybe Tina Fey.
(Must have addendum to say I originally called her Tuna Fey. Not the same at all.)
audio book version Kathryn Stockett’s The Help
moved beyond measure
My summer reading is your summer writing. Get busy Bossy.
(Said with LOVE, of course!)
Love historical fiction? Read “Last Time I Saw Paris” Sheene.
Just finished “Barefoot. Next, Firefly Lane with daughters book club…
Right-brain drawing, 20th century history, bird-by-bird, fear.
So far. . .
Facebook, O Magazine, text messages, restaurant menus, and Bossy’s blog.
Everything ever written by William Trevor.
NewYorker (as in bestseller)
Oh and getzby said skip “A seperate peace”. “sCuze me”
Middlemarch is not ‘meh.’ But I’ve already read it twice.
TheHelp, Bossypants, other ones so far. Now none til fall.
Debby #13 above, try Alice Hoffman. Excellent writer.
Will borrow nephew’s newest Kim Harrison, The Hollows series. Fun.
Martha Stewart Living Mag, Net Flix, HULU, Face Book, email.
Ha ha, notice how I made NetFlix and FaceBook into two words each? Yeah, it’s cheatin’. Nah, I don’t read much.
Hello! Reading is so 20th century! Audio books on i-pod.
Goodwill store for fiction and recipe books. Hot buys!
It says “don’t! Click here”, so I didn’t. That’s just a comment, not my 10-word answer.
Slowly working my way thru my book pile. Surprise me!
THAT was my 10-word answer. And “nevermind” should be just one word.
Lisa Lutzman Spellman series and a detour into YA fiction.
God, I should get an award for getting through Franzen’s Freedom. Blech.
Founding Fathers stuff: John Adams, 1776 – David McCullough of course!
With kids: Harry Potter. Without kids: Ian Rankin, Michael Connelly.
Outlander Series–when I pry myself from Words with Friends.
summer reading preempted by marathon training, gardening, work, & babyblanketcrocheting.
Non-traditional college student reading includes Geology & English Lit: Sci-fi
On book 5 (ten words not enough to list!)
One tearjerker about dogs — too soon after loss of mine.
Loved “The Help”; can’t wait for the movie in August!
Reading ‘the help’ before the movie comes out and ‘fast food nation’ @ work.
A suggestion for Bossy: “The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet” by David Mitchell
And a little sucking up to BossysMom, read “A Separate Peace”. It’s good and it’s short.
Life is short, I am old; book tossed after 50 pages if no good.
14 words DAMN!
The Beauty of Different! But then again, I am biased.
Oy. I read this and then that. Then 9000 Oprahs.
Anne Lamott, Osho, Natalie Goldberg-finally & Franzen’s Strong Motion.
Also: Do not skip A Seperate Peace! It means everything.
And also: Pema Chodron’s Start Where You Are. My bible.
Books sit by bed…mocking self-diagnosed attention deficit disorder.
The book from your mother will stay with you forever.
Y’all need to give me credit — Bossy’s got tough taste.
Dear Bossy, I love your Ten Word Tuesdays. Thank you.
Can Bossy say audiobook ??
I steal Oprah’s list..moon over manifest
Butter, Blood and Bones. Obsessive chef becomes best selling author.
PS. I read your self help book as “Psycho Cabernet” Do I drink wine much?
Desperately seeking my next favorite book. Help!
Fantastic suggestions. Your blog is so fantastic, Bossy. Thanks for sharing!
Books! I love ’em! This means no laundry gets done.
1. A Discovery of Witches — Deborah Harkness
2. The Children’s Book — A.S. Byatt
3. The Solace of Leaving Early — Haven Kimmel
4. Under the Dome — Stephen King
5. Checkmate — Dorothy Dunnett
6. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie — Alan Bradley
7. The Once and Future King — T.H. White
8. Stone’s Fall — Iain Pears
9. Loving the Tasmanian Devil — Maureen Bartlett
10. All eight Harry Potter books in one great big beach week gulp — so I’m pretty sure that counts as one big-assed book.
You *did* say ten books or less??
# 3 and #4 ditto, Revolution stuff every July.
New Bundy book. Vanity Fair.Lie Down with Lions. Mags.
The Grey Fox (R E Lee) New Prey by Sandford newspapers
all other entries don’t count:
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Hey all…sorry for the off-topic post. Most of my summer reading has been blogs on my iPhone. We have a little family blog over on the Cherokee site…check us out when you have a minute! (I know it sounds corporate, but it really, really is just a family blog. Honest!) Anyway, we’re giving away 10 free AAA memberships to readers and Facebook followers. Just tell us your best childhood road trip memory and what made it memorable…
Thanks for visiting!
New Jen Weiner, random fiction, LOVED Secret Lives of Dresses!
What Michelle said about Freedom. Last page yesterday. Please, don’t.
Dance with Dragons. As soon as it gets here (damn USPS)
Year of Living Biblically. Quirky, thought provoking. Read that one.
Hope to finish “The World Without Us” by Alan Weisman.
The great world spins. hunger games and book 2 of hg
The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore. Fun. Funny. Lighthearted. Zombies.
Mine starts and stops with the tv guide channel. Zzzzzz.
Sorry Bossy’s mom… really hated A Separate Peace.
And Hertzog.
July Book Club: East of Eden
Instead, I read: “Sliding into Home”
Making attempt to read every day, works best at beach!!!!!
Currently 1/2 way through The Help, and love it. Wishing I had more time to read. I had to read A Separate Peace in 9th grade (they gave us 10 we had to read, including gone w/ the wind), and A Separate Peace was my favorite book throughout high school. Still working on The Art of Racing in the Rain. Good book, but lack of reading time stopped the process.
Alexander McCall Smith – the kindest, most compassionate writer ever.
A Separate Peace, while a great book, will freak you out if you identify the characters with your son!
summer Rental, Sing You Home, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Catcher In…
Let The Great World Spin. Before I Go To Sleep.
Thanks to #14 and #29 – news books on Kindle! Yay!
A Girl Named Zippy, Belong to Me, Bel Canto, 3 Junes
(Almost stayed w/in the 10-word limit!)
Esquire Magazines that stacked up from working too many evenings.
Oh, how I hope I can find time to read!
Mac OS X – The Missing Manual as I restore iBook
Read “Separate Peace” in high school.
Don’t remember one blessed word.
Had a Larry McMurtry reinterest this month, August, and read “Walter Benjamin at the Dairy Queen” and am reading “Anything for Billy” now. I laugh so much it shakes the bed…probably giving hubby a thrill. Got a load of his books from Amazon the other day and my kids gave me a kindle for my birthday this past weekend. Oi…Going to keep it anyway. They sell a LOT of books, that I guess must be in the public domain, for $0.00. So, that sounds interesting.
Read “The Help” a good while ago and saw the movie, also for my birthday….which was actually on Wednesday.
I tried to read Faulkner’s “The Sound and The Fury”, but have decided that if the rest of it is like the first chapter, I gotta get the cliff notes for that one.
There was a really good book by a guy who is an environmentalist and gets really hacked off about people who want to use jet skis on the Brazos river. Liked it because he was very laid back and took a dachsund puppy with him on his trip down the river, had interesting adventures and the guy went on his trip at the end of November and the first of December. It got really cold before he pulled the plug on the trip. I think he was out there for 6 weeks. I read about him in Texas Parks and Wildlife, I think it was.