Please excuse Bossy’s scattered thoughts, she was up very late last night making history, where making history equals watching the House of Representatives vote on the Health Care reform bill, and then watching the House of Representatives vote on an attempt to kill the bill, and then watching them vote on a Reconciliation Bill and then vote on other votey things:
The other reason Bossy is scattered is because she has been feverishly working to pull together the last of her six-week (No) Book Tour plans and itinerary, where working feverishly equals Whiskey Sours are delicious! Especially when enjoyed with a couple of gays in Adams Morgan:
Luckily plans are coming together without much help from Bossy — in fact Bossy is working on a new road trip video announcing some very exciting sponsors! Here’s Bossy’s first (No) Book Tour video.
Other things Bossy has been working on: If you look in the right column >> you’ll find two brand new shiny links to follow Bossy on Twitter and Facebook. Bossy isn’t usually all Twitterlike and Facebookish, but Bossy will be posting up to the minute (No) Book Tour information here while she’s on the road. This includes meet-up locations and other facts.
And speaking of Bossy’s shiny new button links in her right column, as always Bossy wants to thank her two beautiful and talented web designers, Heather and Lauren. Both of them have new projects you should check out. Her new project is a cooking blog she writes with her cute boyfriend, and her new project is something Bossy likes to call a baby.
In addition, Bossy has been updating her Google map of (No) Book Tour participators. It’s very exciting because each pushpin represents many different bloggers and readers in that region and — well, Bossy should let the map speak for itself!
Bossy has also updated her list of participating blogs, which links to all the bloggers who signed up to be a part of Bossy’s (No) Book Tour. It’s a fun list, where fun equals A person could get carpal-tunnel scrolling down that thing.
While on the subject of signing up for Bossy’s (No) Book Tour, Bossy wants to thank everyone who has already done so from the bottom of her heart — and thank you for all of the sweet offers you have made along the lines of, “We don’t have a guest room but we could kick our kids out of their rooms because they enjoy sleeping in the garage and also we have wine.”
Honestly, it brings Bossy to tears. And then she calls Social Services.
If you want to sign up to be a part of Bossy’s (No) Book Tour, go here now!
Finally, Bossy has been working on another one of her Geraldo Rivera exposés, this one involving Entenmann’s cakes.
Did you know Entenmann’s Cakes are still packaged in the same box featuring fabulous photos of their thick pastries rich with frosting, except the actual cake is now only half as thick as it used to be?
What we lack in numbers, we make up for in enthusiasm.
Eagerly awaiting your arrival in the great state of New Mexico.
Mmmm. whiskey sours.
the absolute BEST Entemann’s cake is the Louisiana Crunch Cake. NOM!
I have family in North Dakota and may I say? You’re not missing much by skipping it.
A cake! For celebration on passing the Health Care Reform bill….
thats how I roll!
I don’t have room at my house unless you want to sleep with several large dogs.. BUT I have wine and Vodka and Mixers and Beer and well… an ice chest and it’s portable Hell, I’ll bring you cake too!
So if you’re in SE Tennessee I will see that you are well hydrated.
Did I mention I live very near an Entenmann’s Outlet? It will be obvious when you see the size of my ass.
I think you should also do an expose on Wise potato chips, where lately the bag equals like 10 measly chips. What up Wise?
It looked like you are going to be in the Fort Worth/Dallas area! I don’t live next to an Entenmann’s Outlet, but could probably come up with some Hot Damn Tamales.
Maybe it’s an aid to protion control.
All I can say is hooray! Tucson represents this time!
I should blog.
It’s not lack of appeal in the western states – it’s that silly MID WEST! We love Bossy in CALI! Can’t wait to meet you.
BOSSY is very popular in the west, it’s just that we spread our appeal out a lot thinner here in the west. That’s actually a big compliment to BOSSY, and BOSSY can tell because I told BOSSY it is.
I am VERY excited about seeing bossy again, though really you should have Bossy’s Son in tow. Am I going to be traveling really far again this year to see you?
Adams Morgan – how I miss thee. We recently moved to DE and i have been homesick for DC for quite some time. Love Love Love Madam’s Organ – such an ecletic little place! Oh and I would totally kill for some shopping time in Georgetown – where shopping + drooling through the window!
Also since I know you are near Philly there happens to be an Entenmann’s Outlet in Wilmington, DE. I pass it on my commute everyday. : )
Soooo…I totally want to sign myself up for the book tour, but I’m wondering what this might entail…last time I had someone over to my house for a “visit” they ended up staying for a weekend and did not pick up on my subtle “wellll it was so good of you to stop by AHEM” hints.
Would it be possible for me to get in on some kind of Bossy book tour dinner and drinks when you come to my state…without actually having you in the house and risk you not leaving?
Hey! You were in my neighborhood!
“where working feverishly equals Whiskey Sours are delicious! ”
Ahha Aahaha HHAhahah hahahha
Yes. They. Are.
We don’t have an Entemann’s Outlet, but I can bake a cake that is bigger… i have an extra room without having to kick a kid out to the garage, and I have wine.. and we can chat about Health reform. Looking forward to seeing you in D/FW (where no matter where you go, you can always find wine)
crap! you were in the DC area and I didn’t get to meet you ! crap, I say! and where,, oh where, is the restauran with the fried olives bc I NEED them! Stat! (and I do hope to meet you when the tour starts…I will wait all night on line for tickets!)
Heh. Looks like you’ll reeaaallly get to know my state. Hopefully next month. Or the next. It’s kind of cold right now.
I’m pretty sure your No Book Tour is going to be ALOT of fun!
Cheers for healthcare!
There won’t be enough cake to wash away the pain of this healthcare plan and not enough money leftover to buy one after taxation. On a happier note, I see myself pinned to your map and have more than a couple of shiney gays already, but could always a few more.
meant to say…use a few more.
If you like pastry, you MUST get a Top Pot donut when you come and visit Seattle! And I will lead the charge because I will be 80 weeks pregnant by then.