I need to buy a new computer. What should I get?
– BizGuy
Dear Biz,
You obviously have Bossy confused with one of those types who have a blog.
Because Bossy doesn’t know anything about technology, she buys for looks. Take her computer, please. It’s an eMac. It’s cute as a big white square-faced button. Bossy purchased this computer after her super cute and curvy apple-green iMac kept crashing and taking all her information with it. But don’t worry, only when the material Bossy was working on was really important.
The new computer came with upgraded innards, but Bossy made her husband spend two sleepless nights altering all of the newly improved systems to look and act just like the highly outdated versions.
But Bossy has exhaustively researched for you, and her informed observations boil down to this: these days desktop computers are flat and plain, mostly white but sometimes black, and occasionally require one of those thingies that looks like a very small building and lives on the floor near your desk chair.
These computers are very sleek and finally space-agey, but what the 2001 Space Odyssey photo-shoot doesn’t show you is the hideous tangle of wires emerging from its computer ass.