Play A Parlor Game With Bossy! June 9, 2006 Match the Drag Queen to her political alter ego: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. George Bush B. Bill Clinton C. Jimmy Carter D. John Kerry E. Colin Powell Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: **NEW** Play a Parlor Game with Bossy!Next Post: » Play A Parlor Game With Bossy!
blue girl says June 10, 2006 at 7:16 am Hee-hee! You know, the more you look at them, they are all really good. I have to say my favorites though are Colin Powell and Bill Clinton. The Clinton one cracks me up! Thanks for the smile, BOSSY!
Hee-hee! You know, the more you look at them, they are all really good.
I have to say my favorites though are Colin Powell and Bill Clinton.
The Clinton one cracks me up!
Thanks for the smile, BOSSY!
Colin Powell! Which one?
Number Three looks like George Bush wearing a dress!
Number 4 looks like Ann Coulter. Kill number 4!!!