Blogger Kyle MacDonald spent the last year trading up. His experiment went a little something like this:
- Take a weird red paperclip.
- Enter the paperclip in the barter section of Craig’s List along with the request to trade for something bigger or better.
- Suffer through pens, ceramic knobs, camping stoves, generators, beer kegs, snow globes, and appearances on Good Morning America.
- End the experiment when your final trade procures you a three-bedroom house in Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Bossy wants you to know she’s ready.
How come this kind of stuff never happens to me?
I was just going to say the same thing, AG!
If we all put our thinking caps on, I bet we could come up with an idea that could make us millions! And famous! And happy beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations!
I know we have it in us.
What could we do?
Simmer down girls – it is after all Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Yeah, you’re right — I’ve never imagined that I’d want to be in Kipling, Saskatchewan.
Wherever that is.
But, I still think we could think of something and become rich and famous!!!!!
How about an adventure movie starring Blue Girl and Adorable Girlfriend and Bossy – kind of like Homeward Bound when the three Shelter Animals travel across country?