- Just because China’s stock drops 8.8% doesn’t mean you have to do it too.
- When there’s a slow earnings growth this year, don’t come running to me!
- Just you wipe that Taliban-tried-to-kill-Dick-Cheney grin from your face, Buster!
- I brought the Durable Goods into this world and I can take them out!
- Keep crying about the NYSE Computer Glitch and I’ll give you something to cry about!
- Just wait until Alan Greenspan hears about this, Mister.
Mmmmm! My stocks are down nealry $ 2,ooo. Not a happy camper just now.
Don’t worry, Martha Stewart will ring the bell tomorrow AM or something.
It will be all better.
HA! This was really funny bossy.
Dang. Those stocks still aren’t doin’ too hot!