Tommy George Thompson blah blah earned a law degree blah. Blah Wisconsin State Assembly blah, blah Assembly minority leader blah.
Elected Governor of Wisconsin for four consecutive terms, blah welfare reform blah, school choice program blah, and blah blah health coverage blah.
In 2001 George Bush appointed Thompson the Health & Human Services Secretary. In that role Thompson blah (inadequately funded stem cell research), blah (stiffed the elderly on prescription drug benefits), and blah (favored state contracts with corporations he had a financial stake in.)
Also? Blah blah (Thompson is part owner of a company that manufactures glass-encapsulated microchips that get injected into your ass and contain your medical information. Little glass medical charts. In your ass.)
That’s a clever blog gimmick! I wish I’d thought of it first… Maybe it’s not too late.
You’re hysterical.
We are not giving up our hummus no matter what Thompson says…
First the liberal use of Grecian Formula, then those cartoon ears, and now he wants to stick your medical chart up your ass? Well at least this would be an easy way to remember what the US healthcare system really boils down to.
True story: I met Tommy Thompson at the Madison premiere of Episode 1. A guy I knew back then was his chief fundraiser. We played Dungeons and Dragons together. The fundraiser, not Tommy.
I don’t EVEN want to think about how said glass-encapsulated medical chart will be extracted when said chart needs to be read :OOOOONO!