Play A Parlor Game With Bossy! April 10, 2007Can You Find The Hidden Emails? 1. 2. 3. Read About How Congressional Investigators Have Evidence That The Current Administration Hid Emails. Share this:FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail « Previous Post: Because Bossy Gets The Most Comments Whenever She Mentions The Word Blowjob.Next Post: » Please With The Don Imus.
Adorable Girlfriend says April 10, 2007 at 9:42 am Is that an e-mail from Oliver North? Give a man a blow job, he gets impeached. Send men to get killed, while your oil profits spiral and lie under oath, you get to pick two new Supreme Court Justices. Life is grand!
Brando says April 10, 2007 at 10:16 am Lucky for us their incompetence includes not knowing how to cover their digital tracks. This is what happens when you elect your beer buddies.
suburban kamikaze says April 10, 2007 at 11:18 am I have stumped myself trying to imagine what any e-mail from this group could contain that would qualify as shocking at this point… Oh wait, I’ve got it: An e-mail urging compliance with the laws governing the preservation of presidential records.
blue girl says April 10, 2007 at 1:05 pm Ignore the “Muffy” part. It was a joke from yesterday at my place. And not a very good on either. Darnit!
GIRL'S GONE CHILD says April 10, 2007 at 11:09 pm Condi always finds a way to make me LOL and ROFLMAO. TTYL!
Is that an e-mail from Oliver North?
Give a man a blow job, he gets impeached.
Send men to get killed, while your oil profits spiral and lie under oath, you get to pick two new Supreme Court Justices.
Life is grand!
Lucky for us their incompetence includes not knowing how to cover their digital tracks. This is what happens when you elect your beer buddies.
I have stumped myself trying to imagine what any e-mail from this group could contain that would qualify as shocking at this point…
Oh wait, I’ve got it: An e-mail urging compliance with the laws governing the preservation of presidential records.
To Oh, The Joys: Heh-heh-heh.
Ignore the “Muffy” part. It was a joke from yesterday at my place. And not a very good on either. Darnit!
Condi always finds a way to make me LOL and ROFLMAO. TTYL!