Bossy can’t tell you how interesting it is to have a skylight right over her bed! Interesting! The skylight! Inches from her face! While she sleeps watches the trees rattle.
The best part about the skylight is waking up to weather. For instance sometimes Bossy wakes up to this:
And sometimes Bossy wakes up to this:
But the bestest part about the skylight is when it rains. It’s so interesting the way Bossy can hear the very beginning of rain — right over her head like that — drop drop drop dropDROPDROPDROPDROP. Neat! Neat like a 60-Hz current administered to the Frontal Lobe.
Do you know that romantic feeling when you’re sitting in the car during a storm listening to the rain pound the steel hood? Do you know why it’s so romantic? Because you’re not sleeping.
This leads Bossy to a related Question: What’s so dark about night?
Answer: Not much.
Which is probably why Bossy wakes up in 20-minute intervals because she thinks she left the overhead light on. She didn’t. It’s that fecking skylight.
So Bossy’s been mulling this whole Skylight Situation and she’s decided it’s nothing this won’t solve:
And this:
And then this:
It is official.
My daughter reads the newspaper comics and then eats breakfast. I eat breakfast and then read Bossy’s comics blog.
Thank you, sweet Cheesus. A reliable morning laugh.
Okay, and now I know that html does not work in the comment section. It is supposed to say … “Bossy’s STRIKEcomicsBACKSLASHSTRIKE blog.”
I don’t think I could do the sky light in the bedroom. I have a hard time sleeping as it is!
That’s OK, Jodi – HTML does not work in Bossy’s brain either. Anyway, thanks for the identity. I always wanted one of those.
You could put a roof over the skylight. Oh wait, that would sort of defeat the purpose of the thing.
The fact that you can ignore that splotch long enough to capture it on film proves once again just how far you will go for your art. I am, as always, impressed.
I think you might live in our old apartment…
One word: Lunesta.
Or three words: lots of taquila.
I became rather fond of the noise of rain on a skylight or tin roof. One rainy season in the Congo under a tin roof will do that to a person. I now have a nice room with one tiny window way up on the wall with bars on it and lovely padded walls. Hello doctor.
Chuckles, Chuckles, Chuckles. Bossy knows you’re just kidding! Your window isn’t THAT far up on the wall…
I feel your pain Bossy! When I moved into the hovel known as my apartment, I went searching for the darkest curtains I could possibly find for my bedroom. Blue velvet. They block out all light. Too bad my room faces a major street. So they do nothing for the traffic noise. But these days I pretend I don’t hear it any longer.
Yeah. Right.
BOSSY makes it all sound so enticing. Where do I sign?
(p.s. Flaming + Dana =…)
We were on vacation, last month, and had rented a beautiful beach house. My husband & I had the GORGEOUS master bedroom. It had a kick ass view of the Pacific Ocean & a HUGE sky light! Know what? I fricken HATED IT! Our room would be TOO fricken BRIGHT at the butt-crack of dawn! lol
I did enjoy your snow picture, though. Very cool.
My son used to make his own version of an eye mask to block out the light when we’d go visiting my parents who do not believe in curtains! Desparate he’d pull off his own sock cover his eyes and voila!
I can’t sleep because Brando snores. Where can I buy those lovely headphones?
Bossy should see if narcolepsy is contagious. Have a narcoleptic sneeze in Bossy’s face a few times.
Bossy has a very funny blog.
Problem is, narcolepsy is DAYTIME sleepiness…narcoleptics also suffer from nighttime insomnia. Married to one for nearly 17 years now…
I think they make blinds for skylights.
our skylight has a shade that you can open and close to let light in or block it out. I close it whenever a bird craps on the skylight
“because you’re NOT sleeping”, ha-ha!
I don’t have skylights in the bedroom, keyword being “light”. When I’m asleep, I want it “dark”.