We all know Bossy totally goes steady with this hottie even though she is married to this doll face all the while planning her eventual union with
this beefcake — but Bossy has a new love interest — and readers reader?
Here he is:
His name has a Y and an A and an O in it but Bossy likes to call him Dr. Yo. Which is infinitely convenient because when Bossy wants to summon her new surgeon boyfriend all she has to do is holler yo, Yo!
Bossy isn’t sure if it was his frames:
The slick of his hair:
Or his way with one of these:
This is a Petrified Foot pancreas. The pancreas sits behind the stomach and secretes enzymes that help the small intestine digest fats and proteins. The pancreas also produces insulin which regulates blood sugar levels throughout the body.
Here is a diagram of a fully functioning pancreas:
And here is a diagram of Bossy’s father’s pancreas after Dr. Yo was finished with him on Friday afternoon:
Bossy’s father’s pancreas was diseased and now it is gone, and due to Dr. Yo’s meticulous hand Bossy’s father is already walking the halls of the Intensive Care Unit, and Bossy’s father is nimble and upbeat and ready to tackle the next stage of healing, and for these reasons and more Bossy decided to have Dr. Yo’s baby.
Which all things considered Bossy thinks is a pretty reasonable trade off.
One time, in Biology class in high school, the teacher asked the class what organ is used to store bile. The disruptive kid who never once got above a “C” shouted out “THE BILE CABINET!” It actually made the stoic teacher laugh, perhaps for the first time in her life. I bet your new husband would find that funny, feel free to use it in the wooing process.
Wait a minute….the doctor’s white, but the baby isn’t.
Oh, Bossy. For shame.
Glad to hear that your father’s pancreas is feeling better. Or not, since it isn’t there anymore. But glad he is doing well all the same.
PS – It was nice of him to add daisies to the digestive track. Makes it look prettier.
I am a cyborg. X too. We have external pancreas that we have to change out every three days. For real.
All praise Dr. Yo.
I think all internal organs could use a little landscaping. I hear it’s pretty messy in there. Glad your father got his cleaned up a bit – setting a good example for the rest of us.
That’s really good news about your father. I know you were worried.
Hooray! Good news presented in the a funny fashion. Have you tried out for The Daily Show? Oh, wait, they do BAD news in a funny way.
A history class last week, a medical class this week … Bossy is one edjamaketed chicklet!
Glad to hear your father is doing well =)
Whew! I know that there’s still more recovery to come– but I am so glad to hear that your dad is doing well. Thanks for letting me be your reader of the day. I am totally, completely, bloggily flattered. You make me want to blog about my fabulous dad. I should’ve done it on Father’s day….. but that would have been so predictable. One doesn’t want to be predictable. Ya know?
Glad to hear your father is recovering well. And thanks for the lovely anatomy lession. You and Dr. YO! would make lovely children…or something.
Yay for Dr. Yo! And yay for your dad. I hope he makes a speedy recovery and gets better soon, Bossy!
Yo! You know I do.
Yea for Dr. Yo. And for your dad. I got a little confused on the diagrams. The red marks and daiseys and all, but I’m happy it’s all getting better.
so glad your dad is walking around already, for that be sure to give Dr. Yo a little sugah from all of your cyber friends too..
great news. my dad had pancreatic cancer…and i wish they could have done THAT to him.
your posts are too much woman!!!
You got me started with the petrified foot (dang, pancreases are ugly), then the frickin’ daisy, and Dr. Yo’s baby. But “THE BILE CABINET!” comment by Noelle sent me over the edge and I just experienced one of those laughs where you can’t stop, your eyes tear up and your nostrils flare. Oy, that hurt so good.
Thanks, psychomom needed that!
where did you get that photo of me from my med school graduation? For all who are concerned, my head has finally grown into my suit.
I am so happy that your dad is well!
Nice daisies! I wonder if I got some when I had my gall bladder out? Good luck to your father!
Hope your dad is feeling much better! Your new man is HOT. In a geeks are hot sort of way.
Glad to hear that Dad is doing well. Worrying about parents is the pits! Best Wishes!
Criquette thinks the solution to all of Bossy’s love conundrums can be found in knitting. Consider this: cuddly cashmere scarf and mittens to keep the O’boyfriend warm on the campaign trail, a knitted hat to cover the doll face’s bald patch, a knitted beret for you to wear next time you cavort with the beefcake, and you could even knit up another love child for Dr. Yo. Although he looks like the kind of guy who would appreciate a knitted thong.
Congrats to your dad. I can only imagine he was very happy to see those daisies on the x-ray.
Am I just hungry or does that pancreas look like a skinless chicken finger? Whatever. Glad the Dad’s doing well.
That’s excellent news. I sat through pancreatic surgery once. The procedure is called a “Whipple.” It’s named after that Charmin dude.
Thanx for a good laugh once again, Bossy! I hope your Dad is doing well.
Good news all around. Except for the info on what a pancreas actually looks like.
I got nothin’ witty to add. Just that this was a hiLARious way to talk about such a thing!
Glad that all’s well! :-}
Bossy you are brilliant.
I love you for your sick, sick mind.
i know he’s your new boyfriend and all but um…
why do all MD specialists look like Mr. Rogers on cialis? you know…that “i’m a real nice guy but deep down inside? i like wearing a ball gag and spreading olive oil on my naked parts while i sprinkle oregno on my genitals?”
can someone please answer that? i know my ENT doc totally played with the bony parts he removed from my nose. god forbid i think about what naughty things he did to my nasal passages.
ok maybe i went to far….
you make beautiful kids, though.
I’ve just been letting everything wash over me. I’ve pretty much been doing nothing. I’ve just been sitting around not getting anything done.
People should be allowed to go naked in certain recreational areas only