1. Whn you wrte thoughtful posts t comes ot looking ike this.
2. It’s as big as Bossy’s thumbnail. After she’s bitten it to the uick. (qick) (quck) (quick)
3. It hastens Bossy’s Carpal Tunnel Synd… We interrupt this regularly scheduled complaint for A Very Important Warning from Bossy’s Orthopedist: Do not type on laptops whose individual keys are smaller than corn kernels.
4. Mouse who?
5. The pristine clarity of the 13-inch glossy widescreen display is visible from every angle. Except straight on. Or when situated slightly to the left, the right, or when accessed in a seashore rental house, or the nearby public library. Or coffeehouse.
I am using the same computer as I type this.
Luckily for me I don’t actually know how to type, so the substandard keyboard doest bother me at all.
Obviously, neither of you (Hello, Sarah) realize that the more technologically advanced things become, the more simple and convenient your lives. If you don’t understand and fully accept this as fact bordering on dogma, well then, I just feel sorry for you both.
Hey! I rarely use my laptop, but I just happen to be sitting in a coffeeshop and surfing the net right now. I rarely comment with it because I hate typing on it, especially since I use an ergonomic keyboard on my other computers. I do have a mouse though. TO23 bought me a little cordless one. It’s spiffy.
Okay, that is all the typing that I can handle. (I have backspaced more than a dozen times.)
It is good for old people to keep expanding their learning curve – gives you something to fight for.
I had difficulty getting used to the keyboard when I first purchased my laptop. Now it feels normal, but thankfully – unlike your husbands, the keys don’t stick … yet.
if you only type with one finger it doesn’t matter how big your keys are…
But you look so giddy using it.
damnit – i freakin’ hate the “mouse” on my laptop. i have a permanent indentation on my index finger. grrr.
sure does look pretty, though.
Yes, it was wee but it was still lovely. Size doesn’t matter that much, does it?
i should seriously start draining my bladder prior to reading your posts. My office is starting to smell like a nursing home…
oh, check out my blog for some freakin awesome artwork
you will be so proud
Why is it that laptops get smaller but laps only get bigger? Damn engineers.
Yip. I mwan yup. But you get used to it…. or so I’m hoping… Of course the mouse thing is what is stinkiest.
what I hate the most typing in the middle of other sentences about laptops is accidentally using the mousepad as a wrist-rest meaning that I am constantly because the cursor has moved.
Aw, I loves me some MacBook. It only took me 2.5 bazillion years to learn how to type like a big girl on it. But once I did, oh the joys of surfing eBay while wasting my life away in airports . . .
I use a wireless mouse with my laptop, it’s the only way I can survive. And the WORST place to place a laptop is one the lap!! It just doesn’t work – too jiggly …
And I thought I was the only one who was so laptop challenged. I love my little MacBook mostly b/c I can take it anywhere – Not b/c it is sooo easy as I was promised by my husband.
You’re too funny! I loves my little laptop. I loathed the mouse at first (well, I still hate it), but you can’t have it all. The picture of you is awesome; your hair is divine.
Get over yourself. Lapper snob.
Change is good, Bossy. Change is good…
You get use to the small keyboard but as for the wrists…it is terrible! LOL
It still works? Did you tell him about the beer? (At first I thought I read as big as your TOENAIL bitten down to the quick and I was so confused. bossy bites her toenails?)
You could scratch an itch on your elbow AND I WOULD STILL LAUGH. How do you DO that? Does everyone around you fall down laughing and get taken to the ER for slapped-knee dislocations?
Paula Dorf/SEVERE did me in.
A laptop is the upper side of a dog’s tongue, and an Apple IIe doesn’t need a mouse. Let’s Go Retro!
Thank god you didn’t find his Bookmarks. In other news, no one else should ever use my computer. >>
Dear Oh The Joys, Bossy’s BlogHer Roommate and Total Secret Keeper: If by “Did you tell your husband about the beer” you mean “Did you tell your husband that someone spilled an entire beer down into the dark crevices of Bossy’s husband’s computer while Bossy was off demonstrating the definition of A Soul Train Line to all the young-ass BloghHer attendees” – then the answer is ‘no’.
Also? Lucky for Bossy her husband never checks the comment section. Hi Bossy’s Husband! Nice toenail!