Lawsy. Do they have any kids, and if so, do the kids slide down the roof a lot? Cause that’s all I could really imagine THAT MUCH roof being good for. Entertaining the masses.
hahaha… my dad gets alllllll bent out of shape when he sees something like that, because he’s all “do you know how much more a square foot of roofing costs than any other piece of the house???! there’s no need to have that much roof! AAGGNNLLLLgggppptthhh”
he’s a civil engineer. he also gets very upset when curbs are laid sloppily.
Are the residents owners of a roofing company, because I notice it’s not just good enough for the top of the house, but for the siding as well. I’ll bet the dog has a couple of cedar shakes stapled to its back.
Ok, stepping back from the roof for a minute… a PP asked if the kids slid down the roof. I’m wondering in a house that size if they even know if there are kids present.
I just adore that hyper-roofed look. We have an abundance of swell rooflines…and assorted western log kitschiness here in Crabtown (a hamlet in the [faux] wilde weste of Wyominge). And because Crabhubby is an architect, we appreciate them perhaps even more than most.
Now if they would just adorn those rooflines of yours with some elk antler chandeliers, you’d really have something.
You know, I knew the previous owner and had been in that house many times. The new people have done great things to that house but I have to agree that there are far to many roof lines for me.
Yes, they have kids. It is all one big add-on that took nearly a year to complete. I think they also wanted to spend a fortune on cedar siding…and then ran out of money when it came to landscaping because THERE IS NONE.
My house/garage has only FIVE roof elevations on it, and it was in excess of $6500 to reroof it after hail damage this year (and NOT covered by our insurance). Looking at this thing is giving me an ulcer.
Their hizzy is kind of busy, what with the copius square-footage of roofizle, fer shizzle.*
*This comment brought to you by Dr. Suess kung fu fighting Snoop Dogg.
Lawsy. Do they have any kids, and if so, do the kids slide down the roof a lot? Cause that’s all I could really imagine THAT MUCH roof being good for. Entertaining the masses.
But, I guess YOU have achieved that here 🙂
Oh, holy hell. That’d give my carpenter-husband a grand mal, fer shur!
Props to ‘Sir’ for shizzly-dizzly comment.
Wow…. I am so honored you commented on my site.
and nice use of the aforementioned photoshop burning edges technique on this photo. 😉
Can you flippin’ imagine how many leaks you could get in a house like that?
hahaha… my dad gets alllllll bent out of shape when he sees something like that, because he’s all “do you know how much more a square foot of roofing costs than any other piece of the house???! there’s no need to have that much roof! AAGGNNLLLLgggppptthhh”
he’s a civil engineer. he also gets very upset when curbs are laid sloppily.
Was this add-on after add-on or something. It is weird how the porch roof sort of rams into the windows on the right.
Yea, this one leaves me feeling a tad confused.
Now THERE’S an addition!
Imagine the Christmas lights you could do. Sigh….where is Clark Griswald when you need him?
Good Lord!
They must not live in Hell (a.k.a. hurricane/tornado alley)!
This house is for sure courting a neighborhood lynch mob, complete with torches and pitchforks. ‘Cause it looks like Frankenstein’s monster.
Are the residents owners of a roofing company, because I notice it’s not just good enough for the top of the house, but for the siding as well. I’ll bet the dog has a couple of cedar shakes stapled to its back.
All I can think about is Christmas lights. I’m not sure if the insane roof line would be GOOD or BAD… or blinding.
Busy for shizzy, Snoop. Lots of roof, lots of windows, but no garage?
Ok, stepping back from the roof for a minute… a PP asked if the kids slid down the roof. I’m wondering in a house that size if they even know if there are kids present.
I’m guessing there’s a really HUGE door too.
It looks like there is a total of 3 separate add-ons.
That is not the house AG is looking at in Bossy’s town.
I cannot wait to live near Bossy. I am thinking: Martini Nights!!
Looks like every time a kid was added to the family, a wall was added. Interesting?
/head tilt/
I just adore that hyper-roofed look. We have an abundance of swell rooflines…and assorted western log kitschiness here in Crabtown (a hamlet in the [faux] wilde weste of Wyominge). And because Crabhubby is an architect, we appreciate them perhaps even more than most.
Now if they would just adorn those rooflines of yours with some elk antler chandeliers, you’d really have something.
Mmmm … pointy.
You know, I knew the previous owner and had been in that house many times. The new people have done great things to that house but I have to agree that there are far to many roof lines for me.
Yes, they have kids. It is all one big add-on that took nearly a year to complete. I think they also wanted to spend a fortune on cedar siding…and then ran out of money when it came to landscaping because THERE IS NONE.
Somebody thinks geometry is their friend.
They are wrong.
Now, my carpenter boyfriend would probably have a heart attack as well, but I think it’s cute. And quirky. In a weird, overly-roofed way.
And WORD on the Clark W. Griswold comment, Kim. I would LOVE to see what he would do with all that roof.
ugh. this is what happens when an architect forgets to take his ritalin pill.
I think that’s madness. But I also think it’s kind of cute. I’d hate to have to maintain it though.
Nice neighborhood…!
I like it. I think it’s fun. I want it.
Say what you will, but boring it isn’t.
Dude, I love that house. I’m so into weird homes.
I’m with the sliders. That roof just screams broken bones.
A bit higgledy-piggledy. Do you think they just kept adding on bits and pieces?
I have a special gift with home disasters, were it my house you could go ahead and call that a colander.
word. And also cleaning those gutters must be a bitch.
Leaks… the flashing, all those angles… oh my!
Bossy’s kidding right? Are these Bossy’s madd photoshop skillz???
Um. Wow. Was the architect blind?
That is CRA-zy!!
Wowee that is amazing! So much opportunity for hidden passageways and secret rooms! That house could be a maze on the inside! So much fun… I want it.
A roof for every window pane!
here, here!
That’s a beautiful home! Can I be your neighbor? 😆
i think it’s purty. seriously, my hubs and i refer to houses like this as ski-jump houses. but i do think they’re purty.
I bet if we tried we could rig a waterslide up on the side of it.
It’s like the Winchester house.
This roof + my kid and his skateboard = some emergency room fun.
Good Lord. That’s not a home, that’s a monstrosity.
Maybe they’re Norwegian?
Gorgeous house, but reroofing that house would be a bitch!
Criminy, they must not have one straight ceiling in that place!
Fer chrissake, where do they hang their Christmas lights?
ummm…i kinda like it…
but actually my first reaction can be summed up in two words….
holy crap….
That could make for some slammin’ sledding (and I do mean slammin’) in the winter time!!!
childhood obsession w/ Lego + upper-income = contractor’s new boat
there’s more angles in that thing than an Altman movie
This is so the parents can say “at least YOU HAVE A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD!!!”
no matter where they are in the house.
I am humming the tune to the commercial in the 70’s. “Swiss Miss, Instant Cocoa………….yodel-ey, hee-hoo!”
My house/garage has only FIVE roof elevations on it, and it was in excess of $6500 to reroof it after hail damage this year (and NOT covered by our insurance). Looking at this thing is giving me an ulcer.
I like it. It would be fun at christmas time. I’m imagining clark griswold now…
Santa’s totally going to fall and break his neck on that thing.