For Bossy’s Grandmother Bert, her home life just grew worse. Can you believe the crazy Old Woman and her sister and Old Man Kline with St. Vitus Dance and his shady sons and a few strays and a possible boarder of ill intent—the whole works of them just moved again? Twice. Failing in every conceivable way, they bounce around from eviction to eviction.
But this is too much for 16-year-old Bert. Her footing has never been firm, but now the situation seems magnified when contrasted with the faint hope she began to squirrel away. The hope that things will be different soon, with Walt, if she can just hang on. She can’t hang on.
Meanwhile across town, Bert’s sister Jenny and her Italian husband Sam have just had a baby. A girl baby they name Bertie. And so a new plan is hatched.
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