On the third day of Christmas, Bossy’s true love gave to her: A gig.
Come on over to Alpha Mom for their newest feature Drive-thru Bossy, a virtual take-away window featuring items from the latest advertisement circulars and catalogues. Bossy isn’t sure what she just said either, but there will be lots of pictures and arrows and stuff. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Wow, Bossy’s hitting the big-time!
Now I’ll really have to become a mom.
Whoa! Cool gig, Bossy!
We can say we didn’t-know-you-when…
Whoa! Cool gig, Bossy!
We can say we didn’t-know-you-when…
Oops. I’m an idiot and hit it twice.
Whoo hoo. Congrats on the gig bossy!
Way to go, Bossy! Just letting you know that I left a comment over there, to show support. Letting you know because the big warning label came up afterwards, reading “after it has been approved” and blah blah blah. My comments do not usually make the cut in such situations. Oh well, I meant well.
— Laurie
I love Isabel. I love you. This is completely mind blowing, once again. Congratulations.
Be still my beating heart. More Bossy to read. Swoon. Thud.
Isabel knows how to pick them.
how do you get these gigs? and like, that was the most random crap ever. i’ll be addicted to that site now. thanks. ;-|
What a great job! Will you be posting more than Dooce? Did you see that your name is RIGHT NEXT TO HERS?
Are you proud?
How can I do it, too?
pictures and arrows and stuff….Oh my!
Am envious. You deserve it.
Longtime lurker, first-time commenter: congrats!
That is fabulous – congrats!
I just found your sit via Alpha Mom and I love it! I love you! Wait–that sounds pretty creepy. I don’t love you but I bet I would like you a lot and I for sure love your writing and your sense of humor. Thank you and well wishes to your daughter.