Hi. Bossy’s daughter here and this is my full update: the lip graft worked.
It’s been nearly three weeks and I spent most of that time sleeping, eating, watching T.V, watching T.V, watching T.V, knitting, watching T.V, eating, napping, watching T.V, knitting, eating, sleeping, boredom, boredom, boredom.
It used to hurt a lot, but now it’s mostly just itchy—and I’ve been out of school so long I literally just forgot how to spell itchy—and annoying. I still wear a bandage on it and am probably going to until it looks a little better. I don’t know what it’ll be like in the end, but I hope that the scars will go away without any extra procedures.
At this point, all I want is to go back to school and see my friends. That happens in only 45 hours—and I’ve been out of school so long I nearly forgot how to add 24 hours plus 21 hours—the only thing that stands in my way is my mom worrying that someone is going to randomly come up to me and start smacking me in the mouth.
There probably won’t be any more updates for a while because it is going to take about one year to figure out what is going to happen. Almost definitely there aren’t going to be any more guest posts from me unless it includes an income of a few hundred bucks from my mom.
TTFN: ta-ta-for-now. (:^} )
I guess I happened by at just the right time – coming in to see how you have gotten along since I was away for Christmas. Glad to see your guest post and hope you get lots of residuals and other cool stuff for letting us know the graft worked. Happy New year and happy going-back-to-school!
Great job, kid. Bossy used to be Bossy — now she’s The Artist Known As Bossy’s Daughter’s Mother.
YEAH!! I’m so glad you posted, Daughter of Bossy! Good to know you are mending well. A vet friend of mine lost her lip in a dog-examination accident. I think she had two surgeries and now just has a tiny scar(more like a dip) above her lip. Hang in there!
Delurking to let out a big sigh of relief. I’m amazed that I have the capacity to worry so much about other kids besides my own. Whew!
Bossy’s daughter, you are a ROCK STAR! Great to see you smiling.
My son saw your picture and now wants a Band-Aid mustache of his own. Bet you could start a new trend.
If you do end up with a scar, just tell everyone you got it in a knife fight. Be sure to add, “You should see the other guy!”
Thank you for the update. I love the second picture! I am proud of you (as any perfect stranger would be) that you were helping that little girl.
Also, I agree with Rebecca..if you have the slightest scar, change your story daily..if nothing else, it will kep us amused.
So glad to hear you are getting along fine, the lip is healing and you are missing school!
From the pictures I can see you are keeping a stiff upper lip!
Happy New Year, Bossy Daughter….don’t be a stranger, I’m sure your mom will gladly cough up the bucks to have you “guest post”.
Bossy’s daughter ROCKS!
Beautiful smile, bandage and all!!
What a sweet and brave girl you are!
I’m so glad it’s healing well!
Bossy’s Daughter, although I love my own daughter to bits, you are way cooler than she is because when she busted her lip open she only got one stitch. One. She can’t even say she got stitchES.
You make lip grafts look cool! 😉
Now I can see where bossy got all her good looks!
Bossy’s daughter, you are so cute. I’m super glad that you’re healing well.
YAY! I knew you would do great..: )
You are one cool girl, Bossy’s Daughter. So glad you’re feeling better. Itching is healing. I’m sure your friends will be thrilled to see you back at school.
Happy 2008 to you! Make your own happiness!
I am SO glad the lip graft worked. And it’s obviously not keeping you down.
So let me get this straight. You won’t guest post again unless Bossy pays you?
How cool are you, dude?
Yay, lip graft! Yay, Bossy’s Daughter! Great post. Maybe you should have your own blog. I am Itchy? 😀
Looks like your lovely smile is still lovely, Bossy’s Daughter. I hope your scar shrinks away to almost nothing – you’ll need to have a tiny one there for later so you can shock people with the story at parties.
Bossy’s daughter is made up of all kinds of awesome! and funny, too.
Good luck with the healing. Thanks for letting us know.
That’s fantastic news!
I’ve kinda been lurking here and was anxiously awaiting a positive outcome!
Get post by a great Kid. Bossy’s Daughter – you are beautiful
YAY! Very, very happy to hear this excellent news.
Hey, Bossy’s Daughter! Thanks for the update and YAY for the good news!
Think your mom would let you wear really cool bandaids to school? Like Snoopy or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or something? That would be sort of awesome.
Hello Beauty!
You’re looking great.
Thank you so much for this update – it’s great to see and hear about how you’re doing.
43 more hours!
(I hope I did the math right.)
Have fun back at school!
Wahoo! So glad to hear you’re healing & the graft is doing well.
Just to reassure you, I have a scar on my upper lip from a skin cancer surgery.(Had to restructure my lip and do a graft.) The graft looked a bit lighter for a while, but now it’s better. Dermablend makeup is the best scar-coverage makeup IMO. I’ve been using it for years. Just thought I’d share. =)
You are a very brave & special lady. God bless you!
Meaning of a mixed blessing:
Pro: Bossy’s Daughter feeling better, with more expressive smileys and talking.
Con: Bossy’s Daughter feeling better, with more expressive sass for Bossy’s Son.
And yet, ’tis a blessing nonetheless. Here’s to smiles forever.
So glad the graft worked. You look beautiful! I don’t know if this has been covered, but what ever happened to the Dog?
Hey Bossette,
Rock on with yer bad a** self, girl. What a story you will have to tell!
We are so happy to see your whole smiling face.
Happy New Year!
Good work, Bossy’s Daughter! We are very glad to hear things are going well.
Thanks for the update! Just wanted you to know I was praying for you and am very happy for the news…great to see your smile again.
(singing) Hey now, you’re a rawk star m/…
… and an awesome girl! Keep the faith. I LOVE photo #3 *smiles* back at’cha
I’m torn now. Do I like Bossy better or Bossy’s daughter?
Yay for working lip grafts!! I am so happy for you and glad you get to go back to school soon.
MiniBossy – I am so happy that it is working. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that there are NO scars. Have fun counting down your last hours until school is back in session.
Excellent news, and, Happy New Year!
Glad to see things looking up. Happy New Year to the whole Bossy family.
So glad you posted! What a great way to start the New Year with good news 🙂 You look wonderful!
Happy New Year to Boosy’s daughter, Bossy, and your whole family!
Bossy’s Daughter, I am soooo glad. Your attack made my KNEES hurt – that’s what we always say in our family when we have sympathy pain for someone.
I hope you have a rocking good New Year.
Bossy’s Daughter, everyone all over the world is SO PLEASED!! That’s the best New Year’s news.
You need your own blog.
And is this your big brother posting as The Great Getzby?? Catchy. We like it!
this has got to be the best. guest. post. ever. 😉
Yea for Bossy’s daughter who is both brilliant and beautiful!!
It’s awesome to hear from you cutie pie! You look remarkable! 🙂
PS – Tell your cool Mom that her site isn’t working in Safari. 🙁
Oh, Bossy’s daughter, you don’t me, but I’ve been thinking of you a lot. So glad to hear that you are doing well. You looked fabulous in your picture. I bet you have a ton of great friends to go back to school with. Keep up the good healing! Greetings from Massachusetts and happy new year.
You are such a good sport, girl!
Yay lip graft! Yay Bossy’s daughter! Yay adhesive bandages! Yay macaroni and cheese! (I just threw that in for good measure)
Rock on Lil Sister Bossy. I know you are itchy and ready to go, but don’t forget you can still milk a few milkshake deliveries out of this. Maybe a mani-pedi? How about you ask your family for a live musical enactment of man’s first walk on the moon? Now that you feel better, you can really ENJOY being in bed. Happy New Year!
Oh, sweet Bossy’s daughter, you are just as funny and clever as your mom! We are all so pleased that things are healing as planned! Happy New Year to you and have a great time at school!
Whew. Glad I can finally breathe again – blue is NOT my best color!
You rock, girlfriend.
Yea! Bossy’s Daughter!
You probably have no idea how many people are out here breathing a sigh of relief ! Thanks for posting.
You look great!
And you’re funny too!
I can tell where your mom gets her sense of humor.
And you’re still smiling! You are awesome! Have fun getting back to school with your friends.
As a dog lover, I’m sorry a dog was the cause of your injury. My dog says “sorry about that” too.
Happy New Year and congrats on the graft taking!
Hi bossy’s daughter, I’m glad that you are healing so beautifully. Going back to school will be challenging but a good distraction. You are a hero and an angel.
Little Bossy-so glad to hear that all went well. You did a good thing helping that little girl and I know that someone’s watching over you. You really are a hero sweetie! Happy New Year!
Hooray for you.
Oh Bossy’s daughter – you just made my day. I am glad that you are doing well and you are keeping your spirits up.
In addition —
me thinks you should draw funny mustache on bandaid. Captain hook style!!
Still such a beautiful smile!
Great post! I guess blogging talent runs in the family.
Sweetie, you look beautiful. Happy New Year!
that was good news!
And a happy 2008 to all of the Bossy family….
Thank God, little Bossy! We were all so worried! We were big fans of Mederma for scarring prevention when a dog bit my daughter’s mouth, but as with any medication, you should consult with your doctor before using it, especially if you suffer from getting too much random advice from bloggers who have no medical degrees whatsoever. 😉
THANK GOD. Bossy daughter, I can’t say how delighted i was to read your guest post. Sending continued prayers and good thoughts and all that good stuff.
So glad to hear it WILL be a happy new year for Bossy’s Daughter! Aloha from Hawaii, where I will raise a mai tai toast in your honor tonight. And then another one. And possibly a third. You know, just to make sure the first two stick.
BabyBossy, you have shown a tremendous amount of strength that has inspired us all. You adorable girl, you ROCK that bandage! Keep smiling, cutie!
Thanks for the update, dude.
I could get all serious and tell you that your positive attitude could be a lesson to those twice your age but then I would sound, like, all OLD and stuff.
Happy New Year Bossy’s Girl.
Dear Bossy’s daughter,
Everything will be fine. Thanks for the update and the happiest and healthiest of New Years.
I had a dog-related scar on my lip and you literally cannot see it now. So I hoping everything will be equally well for you.
Thank you for your good-humored post letting us know what is going on.
Hooray! What a great thing to read before year’s end. So glad the lip graft worked and that you are doing well. Happy New Year!
Thank you for the update. I’ve been wondering. Have fun back at school!!
Oh, Bossy’s daughter…I am so glad your beautiful smile will be shining again!!! Woohoo graft!!!
And, Bossy’s daughter, methinks that someday Bossy just might be guest posting for you! You funny!
Dear Bossy’s daughter,
I’m so glad to see you smiling! I know exactly how your parents are feeling because 2 days before last Christmas BOTH my kids (who are about your age…that math boxes work book looks very familiar!) got hit by a car! Broken legs, skull fractures and a million stitches later we are all healed up and ok.
Just remember, no matter how things end up…exactly the same as before or a little different…everyone’s outsides change, and no one’s body stays the exact same as it was, but the great person you are on the inside is all that matters.
Best wishes!
Oh, Bossy’s daughter…I am so glad your beautiful smile will be shining again!!! Woohoo graft!!!
And, Bossy’s daughter, methinks that someday Bossy just might be guest posting for you! You funny!
great news gal
back to school
yr beautiful and all is going to be just finr
I know it 🙂
Happy new year folks
tell yr mom she cracks me up
Hooray! That’s the best present I got all holiday season long, finding out your graft worked! Psst, don’t tell your mom I told you this but guys will dig it if you have a little scar, they’ll think it’s hot that were such a cool chick who was helping someone else when she got bit and they’ll think what a cool chick you were for putting up with all that pain and stuff during the graft. Happy new year Daughter of Bossy!
I’m coming out of the shadows to say YEAH!!!!! I’ve been waiting to see how you’re doing, and I’m so very happy that the skin graft worked!
What a marvelous attitude you have about this all, and what a sweet smile I see peeking out from under the bandage! Wishing a Wonderfully Happy New Year to the whole Bossy Fam! And greetings from sunny California!
Yay Bossy’s Daughter! We’ve all been cheering for you out here.
Happy New Year. Oh, and no kissing for a bit, eh?
Bossys Daughter you are Awesome!
I cried reading about what happened to you, Thank you for posting to let us know how you are doing.
luv n hugs xxxx
So glad your smile is making a comeback, Junior Bossy!
Hooray for you, BD! Sounds like you have been a fabulous patient. Don’t worry about having problems with spelling or addition. I am a teacher and I’ve only been off for 10 days, but I’m struggling to get those brain cells fired back up, too! I know your teachers and friends will be happy to have you back. Happy New Year!
I’m so impressed with you, Bossy’s daughter! I’ve been following your saga, and keeping you in my thoughts…sending positive energy your way. I’m a fan of your mother’s, but, I’m not a poster (at all, definitely not!)…but, for you, Bossy’s daughter, I’ll make an exception. I’ll post for you. You are exceptional! And, so many readers love you! Be positive, Bossy’s daughter! It’s going to work out!
Hi Bossy’s Daughter! You don’t know me from a bar of soap, but I’ve been regularly checking in on your Mum’s site, since I read about your accident and I’ve been sending you lots of happy healthy healing wishes- and I was SO happy to read your guest post this morning!! It made my day!! HOORAY HOORAY FOR YOU!! My 17 year old daughter has a scar on her lip from an accident when she was about your age and she loves it fiercely now because it’s HERS, and it makes her feel strong and funky and her own woman. Hooray for gorgeous girls with lives full of stories.Cheering for you here in Australia.
Dear Bossy’s Daughter,
Thank you so much for keeping us posted. I believe I may be speaking for a whole slew of people when I say I’ve been checking here for updates every day since you were hurt. And I do like your writing style – I’m sure your mother will be glad to have you guest post anytime. Anyway, great news for the new year and many many well wishes being sent your way….
Bossy, I am thinking that you should not let BD (Bossy’s Daughter) post here anymore. She’s totally one-upping you. *wink*
Yay for itchiness (itching = healing), even though it’s a PAIN!!
Hi Bossy’s Beautiful Daughter.
I’m so happy about your good news! Happy New Year.
I am so glad to hear it is going well, thanks for keeping us updated. And of course, Happy New Year! 😀
That’s great news! I hope your first day back at school is a lot of fun.
Bossy’s daughter is awesome!
Rock on, Bossy’s Daughter!
The graft! It took!
*HaPpY dAnCe! hApPy DaNcE!*
Lil’ Bossy, you rawk!!
Here’s to a great 2008 to you, your mom, brother, dad and of course, Stella
Yay for good grafts!!! I was bitten in the face when I was four.. had to be sewn up above my left eye and on my right bottom lip and I want you to know that, over time, the scaring does fade, but you hang in there, keep your sense of humor and bug that Bossy every chance you get. So glad our prayers were answered.
Good post, by the way!!
So glad to hear you’re doing better! Lots of good thoughts coming from this direction!
Happy New Year too!
Hooray! Glad to see that super-cute Bossy’s daughter is on the mend! And, BTW, it is now 32 hours and ten minutes until I put my Boy on the bus. WOOOOHOOO!!!!
You are a remarkable bossy in training.
Happy New Year!!!
Like mother like daughter. WONDERFUL writing. Thanks for the update. And why can’t all the world’s teenage girls be like you? Best wishes for a full recovery and as minimul scaring as possible!!
She is still the cutest cutie pie.
Little Bossy, scars are what make us the colourful patchwork quilts that we become when our kids check us into the home. The more scars you have, the more interesting life you’ve had. I have a scar on my ankle from falling down while chasing a bum who stole my lunch when I was a poor student and really, really needed my lunch. I have another scar on my forehead from failing an attempt on some gymnastic-torture device in middle school gym class, but hey, I tried. Yours is a much better story and you probably learned lots more from it.
Your’re a cute kid. You look a little like… dare I say it… John Cusak. It must be subliminal. Happy New Year, Wee Bossy!
BOSSY’s Daughter is BEAUTIFUL; I’m so glad to see that smile.
If you take out the words “boredom” and “knitting” from your list, you’ve just described my ideal vacation, for what it’s worth.
Your strength and beauty are inspirational.
Happy New Year!
Yay!!!!!! So very pleased to start the New Year with such good news.
Thanks for the update Bossy’s daughter.
Happy New Year from Cape Town South Africa!!
Lookin’ good, Bossy’s Daughter! Go on, post again. I’ll send you a dollar. I’m sure you can find 299 other people to do the same.
Happy new year!
Hello Bossy and Bossy’s wee daughter. I just found your site, but I feel like I have information lurking somewhere in my head that I have heard/seen you before. NaBloPoMo-fo? No? I have no idea.
Anyway, I read up on what happened, that’s bloody scary. And all for a random act of kindness. I say “down with charity!” I got bit on the face by a dog when I was about 8 or 9, an admittedly, it was partly my fault. My friend was pretending her gran’s dog was a horse and straddled it, but didn’t sit on it. I went to straddle it too and it turned on me. Vicious old dog.
I still have scars, but you can’t see them unless I stretch the skin a bit. I am glad the grafts took and it healed. I am also glad I came in on the flip side and didn’t have to sit and worry about this for a nano-blogsphere time incrament.
I’ll definitely be back.
Way to go, kiddo!
Kids and plastic surgeons can do miracles these days…ask my granddaughter…(of course Mom is part of the “team” too!).
I’d kick in some greenbacks to pay for the odd guest post from the bravest girl I don’t know.
Happy new year, Bossies.
When I was about your age, I had much the same thing happen – German Shepard at a neighboring farm bit my chin and leg.
It all worked out just fine and that was back in the day when they still hadn’t worked out the bugs on skin repair as much as they have now.
The great thing was that the Shepard in question wasn’t really at fault – she had just had a litter of puppies and was protective – I was a little too aggressive in wanting to see the pups.
The even better result was that the owner gave me one of the puppies as a present. The puppy eventually became Major – my very first dog and led to a long association with dog training in both the military and in civilian life.
I’m glad it’s all working out in a positive direction. Just remember that, in the end, it’s irresponsible owners who create these situations, not the dog.
God bless and be well – good luck.
You are brave, beautiful, smart, talented, and funny! (Like mother – like daughter)
Thanks for the post and the pictures. As you can tell, so many of us have been thinking about you and your family during all of this.
Now, could you maybe do some knitting instruction posts? I’m trying to learn and am just AWFUL.
Happy New Year!
Mini Bossy, I have tears in my eyes I’m so happy to hear from you. You look beautiful! And you are such a trooper. You’re funny like your mama through good times and bad, huh? That’s a good trait to have. If you can’t laugh, what’s the point?
Thanks for posting. You’ve been in my prayers. There are a lot of “strangers” out here who care about you. Keep up the strength and stay positive! And, of course, keep laughing. 🙂
Yay for the lip graft working!!! I know we are all relieved and happy for you. Thanks so much for updating us! And you should know: your smile is BEAUTIFUL!
What a lovely girl you are! And so funny too. 🙂
I have thought of you every day since reading about what happened and am thrilled to see your great update.
You are a brave and good hearted girl who is beautiful on the inside and out and I wish you all the best and hope you heal up beautifully.
If you’re lucky, you’ll wind up with “Tina Fey lip”.
can’t wait to kiss you again, I’m going crazy.
Bandage? What bandage? It’s hard to notice a bandage through all that beauty.
And tell your mom to stop worrying, I don’t think anyone is going to randomly smack you in the mouth. Mothers can be so paranoid. Sheesh.
What a darling! We pray that your mouth heals up without any extra treatments needed!
You clearly inherited your mom’s sense of humor, and if she asks you to post again, your writing is definitely worth a few hundred bucks!
Daughter of Bossy –
Hooray for you and your lip. What a swell way to start a new year. Is it good that all of these people are thinking good thoughts for you – or just weird?
Hooray hooray hooray.
Hold out for more money!
Bossy’s Daughter, I am so happy that the graft took. My dogbite took only 8 stitches to close and the plastic surgeon assured me that it was in a spot where the wrinkles form as you age! Truthfully, no one sees it unless I point it out. I hope it will go as well for you, in the meantime, love the band-aid!
Bossy’s Daughter is flippin’ awesome!
I hope Bossy pays her to post again someday!
Your daughter needs to start her own blog.
Seriously. 🙂
Wow it took me a long time to scroll ALL the way down so I could leave a comment. So many well wishers for you, Bossy’s daughter!
I’m so glad that everything is healing as it should be and your life can get back to normal. I hope mom ponies up that couple of hundred bucks so you can guest blog again!
Yay yay yay! I’m so glad your graft worked & you’ll get to return from the land of tv and knitting (somewhere I’d like to live — except the knitting — it’s like rocket surgery to me).
Thanks for the update. You look beautiful, bandage and all. I’m sure your friends have missed you deeply and will be glad to have you back. Guest blog anytime! I will start a petition to get your mom to pay you.
Bossy’s daughter. You are some kind of wonderful. Yay for going back to school!!
I’m so glad that the graft worked! If you do end up with fantastic scars, do take a picture before you have them corrected. I’m a sucker for a good scar.
That is SO awesome that the graft worked!
I know it can feel embarrassing, but a little scar is nothing, it can even be interesting. Now when you’re 40 and start to get wrinkles? Then you can fret a little.
In the meantime, enjoy being a beautiful young lady.
Appreciate the update and glad to see you have your mother’s spirit. I think you’re wonderfully brave!
Yay! I’m glad you posted! I’ve been waiting for an update. I’m so happy the graft worked!
Dear Bossy’s Brave Daughter,
I’m very sorry about “the incident” and am very pleased to hear about your excellent recovery.
I shared your story with my children and they have been asking about you. I’ll share with them your good news.
You’ll have fantastic stories for school. Stay strong and happy healing!
Hugs, Bossy’s Daughter! What wonderful news! Thank you for writing the post.
Forget having your mom pay you to blog. I think Bossy’s daughter should start her own blog. It’d give the rest of us great insight into that crazy, uh, amazing family of hers! PS – So glad to see you’re doing better. I, for one, will have a better 2008 because of it!
Soooooooo happy for you! And for you Mom and whole family.
Great news! I hope you liked your earrings, and keep up the good attitude!
FYI I am um… slightly accident prone and have started using scar solution silicone scar sheets while they heal. I think this has really helped to minimize my latest 4 inch long scar (yikes!)
Hey Little Bit Bossy! Way to go … that is wonderful news.
Little EnnaVic who is 4 says she is glad you are doing great. We still have a month until school restarts here (7th Feb) – long summer holidays stretch out ahead.
Daisy, you look so happy!
We are so happy to hear the good news.
Dear BD-
Glad to see that beautiful smile! Thanks for the update!
Now, go watch some TV;)
Your post gave me goose bumps. Just everything about you is inspiring.
Good luck back at school!
I was wondering how Young Bossy was healing up – thanks for the update. Best of luck heading back to school. Happy New Year!
I was wondering how Young Bossy was healing up – thanks for the update. Best of luck heading back to school. Happy New Year!
WOOHOO! thank you for the update – we were all obviously very concerned and it’s so good to hear you’re healing up nicely. have a FANTASTIC time back at school 🙂
WOOHOO! thank you for the update – we were all obviously very concerned and it’s so good to hear you’re healing up nicely. have a FANTASTIC time back at school 🙂
Excellent news! Glad to see you are smiling and are excited to go back to school.
Have a blessed New Year!
Excellent news! Glad to see you are smiling and are excited to go back to school.
Have a blessed New Year!
Good to see you are healing well! Good luck getting back into the school thing. For the record, it’s spelled: icheee. Yep, with 3 e’s. 😉
WOOHOO! thank you for the update – we were all obviously very concerned and it’s so good to hear you’re healing up nicely. have a FANTASTIC time back at school 🙂
Im so happy to hear that everything is healing properly and that you will get to see your FRIENDS again!
You are a BEAUTIFUL girl.
Im so happy to hear that everything is healing properly and that you will get to see your FRIENDS again!
You are a BEAUTIFUL girl.
You are beautiful and blessed with your mother’s wit!
Whoo-hoo! I’m so happy that you’re on the mend!
Beautiful, courageous, witty girl.
I’m getting to this post late, so you’ve probably been in school for a few hours now. Actually, you’re closer to done, I guess. Hope it wasn’t so bad, and I’m so happy to hear the good news! Love the guest post!
That’s so much better than a milk mustache any day of the week. So good to hear that you’re doing well!
And you look adorable. Only a natural beauty can rock the face bandage.
Jeez Lou-eze! Hasn’t that mother of yours made any I AM BOSSY bandaids yet? What a slacker!
You rock, kiddo. Keep it up.
Glad to hear that you are able to go back to school. It’s wonderful that you are doing so much better! To echo the others, you definitely have your moms wit!
Bossy-daughter, I can finally sleep like a log like I usually do. I swear it’s so weird to worry about people you don’t know and will never meet, but as you can see there are a lot of people here who have worried. Your spirit is intact — unquenchable, it seems — and your injuries will heal. We are all so relieved and charmed by you.
Now do your homework and be nice to your big brother, ya hear? MWAH!
— Laurie
SO glad to see that you’re doing much better! Thanks for the update!
Happy New Year to Bossy and the Fam.
What a great writer! Little Boss, thanks for letting us know how you are doing!
Glad to hear you are on the mend.
Good news! You look great, although I think you should wear a black band-aid and thick glasses and pretend to be Groucho Marx for a day just for laughs.
Sounds like your Mum is severely On The Case with the nursing and I bet it’ll heal brilliantly well. My Ma had a skin graft on her face this year and it healed with barely a scar so I’m sure that you’ll be just fine – well done for being so positive!
What a happy day!!!
I am so happy to meet you and see you smile!!!
You are very funny and clever. Seems to run in the family.
You all are just too smart!
Have a blast at school!
I think that bandaid is very Groucho Marx. Pass the girl a stogey!!!(!!)
Damn someone else said it first.
Little Bossy-
Hope school went well. You are brave + funny + have an awesome spirit. This is a good start to 2008. I agree – you should get your own blog gig!
Bossy’s daughter is beautiful and brave.
What a great smile.
Dear Bossy’s Daughter,
You are the kind of kid who will grow up to be an amazing adult, you know that, right? Just the fact that you saw a first grader alone at the bus stop and took it upon yourself to walk them home shows how much of a good person you are.
And I would love to read more guest posts, because you have great writing style, just like your Mom. Rock on!
Bossy Junior: So relieved that the graft is working! Thank you for the update and the adorable pics. Hope it stops itching soon.
Dear Bossy’s Daughter, You’ve warmed the cockles of our collective hearts with your bravery and spirit. I’m thinking positive thoughts for a teensy weensy scar. Have a great reunion with your friends and a wonderful 2008. Hope your mom forks over the cash for future posts!
I’m so relieved to hear the good news, sweet Bosslet. Keep healing.. keep smiling.. keep posting! 🙂
Honey your attitude is inspiring! You are a star! What a beauty you are, thank you for showing courage, grace and humor.
My thoughts are with you…
Dear Bossy’s Daughter,
I’m so happy to hear and see that you are doing better. About 2 years my friend Deb at http://www.debfixesamerica.blogspot.com/ received a similar injury. Actually she almost lost her nose, anyway today you can hardly tell that anything happened to her. She has almost no scar. Since you are much younger than her I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of you when a year is up. Enjoy school and your friends. Have a blessed 2008!
Bossy’s Daughter, how do you manage to look cute and adorable, even with a bandage strapped to your upper lip?
you look fantastic my dear! Hope school is wonderful and you are no longer bored!
So glad you’re doing well and looking forward to seeing your friends at school! Best wishes with the continued healing.
I’m so glad you are feeling better!! I saw you at school the other day and I was so excited. You rock!!!!!
That is such great news. I hope everything continues to heal well.
And way to not blog for free — you have learned something from your Mom!
PS, I think you should antsy for some follow-up posting cash from Her Who Shall Be Called Bossy so we can find out how your first day back at school went. Hope the itching is clearing up!
Beautiful, beautiful young lady! You are the best!
So very relieved that your graft took. You look fantastic! Your smile isn’t suffering — it’s just teasing us from behind that bandage.
I hope you’re having a blast back at school and that you have a great new year!
Best to Bossy too.
You are gorgeous, Bossy’s daughter, and smart and funny and all. Thanks for the update! We’ve all been pulling for you.
W00t woot! Could not be any happier that the surgery worked. You are such a brave kid for going through this with the style and dignity you just showed in this post.
Happy New Year and good luck going back to school.
Glad you are OK Bossy’s Daughter.
Awesome, awesome news.
There couldn’t be better news to end 2007 with… yeah!!!!
Girlfriend, you are so naturally beautiful that I wasn’t even noticing the bandage until you mentioned it. Congratulations and even though you will be staying behind the scenes, it doesn’t mean you won’t still be in my thoughts and prayers!
SO relieved to hear you’re healing well. I’ve been praying for you! You look GREAT! Keep smiling and being so darn hilarious! (Like mother like daughter!)
Kisses sweet girl, I adore your mom so I can only imagine I’d adore you.
I second what Moosh said.
Tis good news indeed. You’ve one very beautiful daughter, Bossy.
Well done.
*I* should look so good with a bandaid on my upper lip.
Please stop being so gorgeous, Little Bossy. You’re making the rest of us look bad.
Glad you are feeling better, Honey. And don’t worry, I will still be reading a year from now, so you can do your update then. Keep being strong!
What a cutie! So glad it worked! I’m praying there are no scars.
Biddy is so far behind…
but oh how glad I am bossy jr’s lip graft worked! you are beautiful inside and out! and if anyone starts slapping you in the mouth, give em a good right hook 😉
I just found out about this whole saga tonight… I feel so lucky that I didn’t have to live in suspense before finding out the good news. I could hardly stand the five minutes it took to get to the happy ending.
I’m so thrilled for you. You are such a lovely girl with a kind and gentle heart. No matter what, a true beauty like yours couldn’t have been touched by a scar.
Big hugs to you, you sweet thing.
SOOO glad to hear that graft worked! You look beeyooootiful.